Until we see each other again

"Where have you been, my little angel?" Mrs. Ruth said with a worried voice as she walked up to Clara.

"Where on earth did you go to? I called your line, but you didn't pick up. You made us scared." Mr. Wyatt scolded her.

Clara began sobbing as tears trickled down her cheeks. Her mom stood before her and attempted to pull her closer and embrace her, but she shunned her mom. 

"Let me be, please," she smirked and turned around to leave for her room, but her mom held her back.

"Do you know how worried we have been? Do you know how long this young man has been in this house? Huh?" Mrs. Ruth quarreled as she threw a series of questions.

Romeo, on the other hand, was lost on what to do as he stood speechless with his arms wrapped over his chest. 

He couldn't tell what had come over Clara to start behaving strangely without a reason. No, these behaviors aren't because he asked her to marry him. That can't be the reason.