Romeo vs Kate

"I will drop the gun, Romeo if only you agree to go with me. In fact, you should be grateful that someone like me is interested in a low and classless person like you. Anyway, I'm giving you two options, Romeo. You either follow me, or I will shoot you and still ask my boys to kill her."

Romeo was dumbfounded as he listened to Clara crying out for help from the recorder. After motivation that his attention was drawn to the recorder, Kate switched it off.

He frowned and dropped his hands, his gaze buried on Kate, who appeared eager to leave before her cousin brothers arrived.

"I don't have enough time, Romeo. Are you coming with me or not? Your decision will determine if Clara will get killed or spared. So, choose wisely." Kate let out, still pointing the gun at him.

"How am I even sure if you haven't killed her?" Romeo spoke through gritted teeth, clenching his fist.