Recurring Dreams

Aida slammed the door shut in anger. If she needed answers, she knew she had to find them herself. She reached for her laptop on her reading table and then sat down on the bed.

"Where is Danva located?" She typed into the search bar.

Her search was interrupted by an incoming video call, it was Kehlani.

"Why do you look so glum?" Asked Kehlani.

"I got into a heated argument with my mom, this was the first time I raised my voice at her and I feel bad." Her voice was laced with sadness.

After she stormed off, it dawned on her that she had spoken rudely to her mum and had said hurtful words to her.

"What did she say when you asked her about all that happened?

"Mum said she didn't have the slightest knowledge of what I was talking about. She said I was "hallucinating" and she would take me to see a psychiatrist tomorrow."

Kehlani broke into a fit of laughter. Aida gave her a death stare, and kehlani took it as her cue to stop laughing.

"I'm sorry, but what you said is so funny. Why would your mum say such a thing?

Aida shrugged her shoulders. "Every time I bring up this topic, she comes up with one excuse or another. Deep down, I have a feeling that mum knows something but she isn't telling me."

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know." She was confused at this point. It felt as if a jigsaw puzzle had been given to her but with most of the pieces missing.

"Kehlani, if you needed information about a place where would you go to?

"Well, I'd go to the library or I'd search it up online," Kehlani answered. "The history library has tons of books about every part of the world."

"We don't have lectures on Saturdays so we will go to the library. There's this dream I had, a woman told me I was the key, only I could save Danva." Aida narrated the dream to Kehlani who was left frightened after hearing it. "Have you heard of a place called Danva?

"That name sounds familiar." Kehlani racked her brain trying to remember where she had come across it.

"I remember, A book in the library, what was it called? U...hmmm yes, Ancient kingdoms. There was a chapter about Danva, but I don't remember what it says thou."

"I have to find that book, maybe I'll find some useful information...n." Aida stifled a huge yawn. "I'm so tired, to top it off I didn't have lunch or dinner." Her stomach growled loudly. Kehlani held her plate filled with noodles close to the screen to tease Aida.


"I'm so sorry," Kehlani said in between laughs. "I wasn't the one who told you to leave the dinner table so I'll enjoy my tasty noodles while the worms feast on your intestines." She teased her.

Aida felt her hunger pangs increase as she stared at the noodles.

"Oh look at the time, it's past ten I need to go to bed." Aida faked a yawn. "I'll see you tomorrow."


Aida ended the video call. What she needed was a distraction and not a reminder that she hadn't eaten. Yawning, Aida turned off the laptop, got out of bed, and went to charge it.

Aida climbed into bed. She turned and tossed in bed, she found it hard to sleep, her stomach growled loudly and the hunger pangs increased. She lay in bed staring at the ceiling soon she fell asleep.

"Where am I? Aida stared at the ruins of the buildings around her. It seemed like a war had occurred here. The place was deserted, and it was surrounded by a thick forest that shut out sunlight.

Aida heard her name and she turned, but there was no one there. She heard it again, the voice seemed to be coming from inside the palace. She carefully walked through the vines careful not to step on the thorns as she made her way into the building. Aida carefully climbed up the stairs, it was in a bad shape. The voice became louder, it seemed to be coming from behind the silver door. Aida held the doorknob, scared. What if something popped out and killed her? But she wanted to know who it was. She summoned courage and pushed the door open.

The room was poorly illuminated by two candles. Aida saw a shadow hovering behind her, she quickly turned but there was no one there. Her attention was drawn back to the room when she heard a faint voice. A woman with snowy white hair was bound with chains.


"A...i...da." The woman called out in a faint voice. "A..ida."

"Who are you? How do you know my name? Where am I?"

"Aida, the time has come to save your people. The people of Danva need their chosen one." The mysterious lady said." You are the key, only you can save the world from impending doom."

"I don't understand, what am I protecting the world from? What key are you talking about?" Aida carefully walked into the room. She couldn't see the woman's face because her hair was in the way.

"Aida, he is coming for you."

"Who is coming for me?" Aida was frightened. Suddenly a shadow appeared on the wall. Aida froze in fear. She slowly turned and she gasped in fear. A man in a cloak was standing by the door with a sword in his hand.

"Aida Khai, you can run but you cannot hide." He walked towards her. Aida looked around, there was a vase close to her. She moved closer and held it behind her.

Aida threw the vase at him with all her might and it hit him on the head. the man yelled out in pain as blood oozed out of his head. She ran out of the room. Aida ran with all her might. She flew down the stairs in a few seconds. She saw something fly past her. Aida froze in fear. There stood the man in front of the door. His face was well hidden by his cloak.

"You'll suffer the same fate as your people and I will rule over the world." He laughed hysterically as he moved menacingly toward her.

Heart pounding in her chest, she tried to scream. It happened so fast, Aida felt the cold steel of the sword pierce through her stomach.

Aida suddenly woke up, her forehead heavily beaded with perspiration. Her heart thumped against her chest. Her eyes darted around the room. She lifted her shirt, there was no injury.

"Why do I keep having similar dreams?" She ran her hand through her head. "Why do I keep seeing this woman and why does this man want me dead?"