Leave me alone

"Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot!" The clubbers yelled continuously. Kehlani picked up the glasses one by one and emptied all six of them in 10 seconds.

She pulled off her heels and threw them to the floor and she climbed onto the table and began dancing alongside the pole dancers, moving her waist sensually to the rhythm of the beat.

"Kehlani!" Aida yelled, rushing towards her. She had spotted Kehlani dancing while on her way to the bathroom to look for her.

"Aida, where have you been." She twirled around the pole.

"Kehlani, I've been looking for you." Aida responded and continued "It's getting late, let's go home." She got ahold of Kehlani's wrist to stop her from twirling.

"Aida, leave me alone." She yanked her hand from her grip. She touched her chest. "I want to dance, dance away all my sorrows, and ease the pain in my heart."

"Kehlani, we can talk about whatever is bothering you at home, but first of all let's go home please."

"Are you deaf or haven't you heard her repeatedly say she doesn't want to go home?" One of the men who was seated there hissed.

Aida turned around to have a look at who was speaking. She felt the urge to land a hot and resounding slap across his face for uttering such a dumb sentence but she kept herself in check. She had encountered enough problems already this night and was not ready for another one.

"She is my best friend and I'm responsible for her safety. Do you expect me to leave her by herself in this state?" Not waiting for an answer, she turned her attention back to Kehlani.

"Kehlani, get down before you fall and hurt yourself."

Kehlani began to use her hands to fan herself. "Is it me or is it getting extremely hot in here?" She started lifting her dress and Aida quickly drew it back down. She could hear hisses from behind her but she just ignored them all.

"If you don't get down this minute, You leave me no choice but to phone your mum and tell her that you got heavily drunk again and ill have her come to pick you up you know what that means right?." Aida threatened.

"No! No! No! Don't call her, I'll get down." She responded. She held onto the pole for support and she slowly sat down on the table. All of a sudden, Kehlani began to cry, confusing Aida and all those who were watching them.

"Why are you crying?"

"How am I supposed to get down from here? The table is very high and there isn't any ladder that I can use." She said between sobs.

Kehlani's utterance made Aida burst into a fit of laughter.

"I'll help you. Just place your two hands on my shoulders and I'll help you down." Aida said.

Aida placed Kehlani's arms on her shoulder and then held onto her waist and she helped her get down from the table.

"Where are your purse and shoes?" Aida asked.

Kehlani pointed at the ceiling. "Th...ey are. Over there."

Aida took in a deep breath to calm herself down. "Kehlani, please tell me where your heels and purse are."

"O..hh right I remember the..y..." she staggered back and Aida held her just in time before she fell to the floor. A lady picked up the purse and heels and handed them to Aida who expressed her gratitude.

Aida hung the purse on her shoulder and held the heels in her left arm. She then placed kehlani's left arm around her neck and her right arm around her waist and she led her out of the club to the underground parking lot. They walked to the car that was parked at the far end of the garage.

Aida unlocked the door, opened it, assisted Kehlani in sitting down, and then helped her in fastening her seatbelt. She placed the heels and purses on the seat before shutting the door. As she prepared to close the door after settling into the driver's seat, a hand appeared from nowhere and grabbed hold of the door. Standing In front of her was a man wearing a crimson tuxedo.

"Who are you and why are you holding my door?"

The man in the crimson tuxedo chuckled."You are just like your mum, always spicy." He stretched forth his hand for a handshake. "My name is Justin, Alex Justin, the owner of Hue, one of the biggest business enterprises in silver hills."

Aida looked at him from head to toe and hissed. "I don't want to know your name and I don't give a fuck about what you do for a living so please, get your filthy hands off my door and let me be on my way home."

Justin's smile dropped and was replaced with a frown.

"Why are you angry?" She asked. "A minute ago you said 'i love women who have attitude, are blunt, and also hard to get so why the sudden change of expression?"

"I thought we could do things the easy way, but now you leave me no choice but to do things the hard way." He threatened.

He yanked her forcefully out of the car before she had time to process what was happening. The moment she spotted the bodyguards who had first approached her, everything started to make sense—Justin was their boss.

"Aida Khai, as ravishing and beautiful as her mother Lupita." He blew her a kiss and she contorted her face in disgust.

"What do you want from me? Why is it so hard for scumbags like you to take no for answer? Must every woman you desire be yours?"

"Yes." He grinned. "I and your mother Lupita were once business partners, I fell in love with her and I expressed my feelings to her but guess what she did?

Aida rolled her eyes at him. " Turn you down, which woman in her right senses would want a man like you? I will not warn you again, let me go or you'll regret what will happen next." She threatened and attempted to enter the car but he pulled her back by her hair, causing her to yelp in pain.

Justin held her two arms behind her back in a firm grip. He pulled her head backward and whispered into her ears. "And what makes you think I'll let you go so easily?" He chuckled. "I have always wanted your mother, to have her in my bed but since I can't have her, I might as well make do with her beloved daughter." He bit her earlobe. "Don't worry, we'll have so much this night that'll you'll come back begging for more."

He gave a signal to a bodyguard and the bodyguard lifted Aida and placed her on his shoulders and they began walking back to the car.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Aida protested. She lifted her head and looked around, there was no one there to assist her.

They finally arrived at the car and he brought her down.

"Leave me alone! Leave me alone!" She struggled to free herself from the bodyguard's grip as he tried to force her into the car.

"Let her go!" A voice from behind them yelled.

That voice, the smell of the cologne, even in her sleep she knew who that significant smell belonged to. She turned her head and her guess was correct, it was Kieran.