Horrible night

Aida looked around the dimly lit room trying to find a place to seat. These heels were killing her and all she wanted was to sit her ass down somewhere. She finally spotted an empty sofa at the far end of the club. She pushed her way through the crowd of people on the dance floor. An arm caught hold of hers. "Let's dance baby girl." The man smiled sheepishly, she yanked her hand from his grip and hurried away.

The DJ changed the slow jam to a popular hit song. The dance floor went crazy, hips swayed to the rhythm of the beat. Aida felt like a ball being passed around as she got shoved severally, spilling her drinks on some people. They didn't seem to care, they were too drunk to even notice.

She finally made it through, with a little cocktail left in her glass.

"Could my night get any worse?" She hissed and took a seat. She reached into her purse for her phone. She dialed Kehlani's number. It rang repeatedly but there was no answer.

"Where could she be?" She dialed the number again but she didn't pick up the phone.

Well, she had no option but to sit and enjoy the party while she waited for Kehlani to show up.

A man and a woman that she had seen earlier on her dance floor decided to take a break. They were kissing each other hungrily, the man lifted the lady while groping her derriere. It appeared to be a normal occurrence in the club because no one seemed to be concerned about the couples neither did they spare them a look.

Aida looked flabbergasted. What was she expecting to see at a nightclub? A bunch of adults dancing childishly to nursery rhymes. She could barely talk to a guy she liked without turning red out of embarrassment but here they were making out in public. She tore her gaze away from them to the strippers who were seductively dancing in front of some men. From their dress, one could easily tell they were rich and they gave off Mafia vibes. One of the men met her gaze and he winked at her and blew her a kiss.

Aida averted her gaze not before giving him a disgusted look. The couples made their way to the sofa. The man put the lady down not breaking their kiss. He had his hand underneath the lady's dress. She could hear the lady moan loudly. As much as she tried to distract herself, her eyes still wandered back to them.

Two men dressed in black tuxedos walked up to her. One of them roughly tapped the man on his shoulder. " Get a room and stop making this beautiful young lady uncomfortable."

The man let go of the woman. He stood up to face the two men. "Who are you to tell me what to do? He barked at them. "The young lady has a mouth, so why are you complaining on her behalf?"

The other man grabbed him by his collar and pulled him to a corner.

"Let go of me." The man struggled to free himself but the other man's grip on his collar was tight.

The man in the black tuxedo lifted his blazer to reveal a 22-caliber shotgun. The man froze in fear and hot piss ran down his legs.

"Please don't kill me." He shivered in fear.

"What happened? A minute ago, you were all bold and aggressive so why are you begging? He grinned.

" It was the alcohol speaking, not me." Said the man

The man in the black tuxedo chuckled. He let go of the man and he arranged his shirt that had squeezed from being gripped tightly. "I don't plan on killing you, as it is you are miserable so killing you will only put an end to your misery. All I want is for you to take your woman elsewhere to have fun. Are we clear?" He asked and the man nodded.

"Very good, now off you go." He pushed him.

The man hurried back to the lady, grabbed her arm, and pulled her away.

The man in the black tuxedo returned. He took a seat on her right and the other man on her left. This made her slightly uncomfortable.

You are so ravishing and sexy. A woman like you is what our boss needs to warm his bed at night." One of the men licked his upper lip while staring at her thighs that were in full view.

Aida drew her dress but it was of no use, the dress was short and it barely covered her thighs.

"You are beautiful, and this beauty of yours has caught the attention of our boss." The other man spoke up. "Our boss wants you."

Aida looked down at him from head to toe. "Who is this boss of yours?"

The man pointed in a direction. Aida turned to look, it was the man who had blown her a kiss earlier.

"Tell your boss that I am not interested in him." She retorted. She picked up her purse, got up, and attempted to leave but the men stood in her way.

"If our boss wants something, he'll have it no matter what."

"Tell your boss that I am not one of those girls who are easily swayed by his money and are ready to bow down to his feet. I am Aida Khai, the daughter of Lupita, one of the most famous multi-billionaires in silver hills. I don't need to break it down to you that money isn't and will never be a problem for me." She remarked. "So if you would excuse me, I have better things to do with my life." She hissed and walked away.