6. Her gift...

"My gift DK, give it to me." She stretches her hand forward. Saying Dark Knight as she grew older sounded a little funny, but she didn't want to stop it either. She felt like if she did, she would feel distant from him, so she had shortened it to DK. That sounded more fancy.

"OH!!" He pretends to just remember. "yeah!!" she plays along with his nonsense, hands on both her elbows waiting for his response, eyes squinted and lips pushed forward in a pout. "Of course I brought it." He smiled, and she heaved with joy. "where is it?" She happily stretches her hands forward.

Edoardo just sat there like the statue in the room, they didn't even acknowledge his presence there. It was always like this. When these two were in a room together, they forget everyone else and just argue, or fight, or have fun with just themselves. Everyone is excluded. Just like now, her party was going on outside this room, but here she was with her favorite person in the world.

"Your gift is… TA-DA!!!" He said tada, but she wasn't seeing anything. All she saw was him pointing at… at… at,

"Don't tell me that… It's not what I'm thinking right?" She gave her best smile. The kind she always gave before she went completely insane. He saw this, and he knew it was time he ran, but she was standing on the road to the door, so…

"If you're thinking that I'm your birthday gift, then you're totally right…" Her white fair skin was starting to turn red, he could see the smoke crawling out of her head, her hands were clenched in a fiery fist, her knuckles had turned white.

"Girl, all you need is me, I just wanna lift your spirits," he says, still holding that smile on his face. "come on, who sang that one?" he asks. They always did this, he'd say a line from a song, and she'd say the name and singer of the song. But not tonight, tonight she didn't look like she was about to play that game with him.

"I think you should run." Edoardo whispered. "hmm" He wisely agreed. Slowly standing up to his feet, "piccola, my love, my dark princess, you know what I always say about you calming yourself down right, I think right now is the time to use those words of wisdom I gave you." He says, slowly moving past her, "Think about it, having me here is the biggest gift you could get. The president of Vino Rosato, at your birthday party, right?"

"YOU EVIL…" He instantly took off, bolting past her and running straight to the back of the house, with her hot on his chase, spitting abuses like she was born out of them.

"You remotely irrational Pezzo di merda. I swear to God I'm going to kill you when I lay my hands on you. You freaking bag of rotten shrimps. Just let me get my hands on you, you oversized lump of flesh. I will gut your insides out when I… Ahh!" she yelped in pain as she fell down to the ground, hands and knees on the wet grass.

"Don't you think that trick has gotten old? I'm not coming to you." He assures her. He knew more than anyone else that she loved to use this trick. Fall to the floor, and he'll run up to help her, only for her to catch him with those tiny palms of hers.

"It really hurts." She winced in pain as she tried to pick herself up, only to crash back painfully onto the ground. "Are you really hurt?" he asks, moving closer to her as he notices that she is crying now, but this was no new thing. She would bawl and yelp like the world was coming to an end, only for it to be a trap.

"Ah! I can't stand up." she cried, tears trailing down her face. Why was she always on mascara when she knew she loved crying? She always ended up with a map of some weird country on her face.

"Let me see." He carefully walks up to her, still watching to see if she was just putting up an act or if she was really hurt. But seeing the tears, he could almost tell that she was faking it, but he could not help but play along. Reaching for her 'hurt leg', he took her little feet in his hand, Lords! Everything about her was small.

"Got you." She victoriously says as she pulled on his collar, dragging his huge figure over hers, with a swift turn, she flipped him under her, sitting on his abs, pinning both his hands above his head on the damp grass, leaning into his face. " You know it's funny that you always fall for this." she chortles.

"Who would believe that I actually Pinned down the almighty King of the underworld hmm? Those who fear you will laugh if they see this." she bragged. "Piccola, It's funny how you think that you've Pinned me down, when you can't even wrap your tiny palms around my wrists completely." He smirked, and with a swift turn of his hands, he released himself from her hold, and reached for her waist, tickling her there, causing her to laugh out madly, twisting and turning till she voluntarily slipped off his body, and rolled on the grass as he didn't stop his attack on her tiny figure.

"how come you're so tiny, and yet you have so many laugh buttons. Every part of you that I touch makes you giggle."

"S_T_heehee_S_T_O_P. Hahaha… hehehe hahaha." She laughed hard. She could barely breathe as she twisted and turned on the ground. "P_ hehehe_P_Please. Hahaha. You win… Please stop." she begged, and there it was, his own victory. He was the only one who could make her really beg for anything, he knew all her crazy buttons. He knew exactly what made her crack.

"Good girl." He says, as he finally sets her free, crashing down back flat next to her, both of them staring up at the moon, trying to catch their breaths, their heartbeats syncing into each other. "Here" He hands over a little box to her. "Happy birthday Piccola," he says as he places it on her flat belly. Almost instantly, she bolts up, a rush of excitement fills her system as she picks up the little black box. Slowly and carefully, she opens up her birthday present, and the glint of tears in her eyes could not be missed.

"You like it?"