7. To fill the space in his heart...

"You like it?" he asks sweetly. And she turns to him, wondering if that was even a question. Even in the dark night, the necklace was lovely, the moon shaped pendant dazzled just like how the moon in the sky brightened up the night. Whenever he got her a present for her birthday, it would always have something to do with the moon. She already had a dozen moon-shaped necklace which she got from him, and yet she always anticipated the next moon, and was ever happy to receive one. "Thank you." She simply says. "help me with it." She says, trying not to let the tears fall from her eyes.

He pushes himself off the ground, and pulls her by her leg, dragging her closer to him causing her heart to race faster than it was already going, she felt her heart banging in her chest, threatening to jump out and fall into the laps of the one it longed for.

He collects the necklace from her, and leans in closer to her neck, her entire insides tingling as she felt his breath on that spot on her neck, hot and calm the air from his lips and nose touched her. Oh how she longed for him to actually touch her.

"There." He clasped it, his fingers falling on her neck, causing her breath to cease for that second, her eyes swept over his face, pausing on his lips. They called her, she could hear them whispering her name, she longed to touch him there, not just with her fingers, but also with her lips. She wished to…

"I was worried you'd make the pendant ugly," his words snapped her out of her head, pulling her back to reality. The reality where her love was never going to happen. "but you didn't ruin it completely." He shrugs.

"Just say I'm beautiful, and I make the pendant even prettier." she boasts.

"There's no need to tell you what you already know." He simply says, laying back on the grass.

"So you agree that I'm beautiful." her grin grew wide. "Ehn" He shrugs, placing both his palms under his head as a pillow. "Come on, just say it. Just tell me." She shakes him, but he doesn't give her another response, and she continues shaking and asking nonstop.

"Miss Luna, your father and some guests are asking for you." A maid walked up to her and said, she just flashes a death glare at the maid. "Tell them I'm not coming." she hissed, and then turned back to her main person, still urging him to tell her what she wanted to hear.

"Go and answer papa, and I will say it." He proposed, and in a flash, she was up on her feet, dusting the dirt off her clothes, causing him to laugh at how crazy she was. "I'll be back in a sec. Don't you dare go back on your words." she warns, and he just shakes his head as he watches her sprint off into the house.

Slowly, he sat up, his fingers tracing the wedding ring on his finger, pulling out his necklace from inside his shirt. At the end of the necklace was her own ring."You were right, my love, that girl can never change." He was laughing all the while, but she was on his mind. She was always on his mind. "I just wish you were here too." He whispered. "I miss you." Warm, heart aching tears slowly trailed down his eyes again. "Why did you have to leave me?" Slow and silent choking sobs escaped his lips. No matter what he tried to do, she was always there, when he laughed, he could hear her laughter in his head, when he spoke he could hear her whisper in his ear, everything. She was in every single thing he did.

"You're still in so much pain." Looking at him from a distance, she could tell he was crying again. It was always like this. In front of her he was always smiling, but the moment she turned her back from him, she'd always catch him crying all alone in a corner.

"Dan-a, I'm sorry but I don't think I can watch him like this anymore." Luna whispered to herself. She always wished to console him, but she could never do so in the way she wanted to. She always thought of Dan-a, but now… now she was scared of him being depressed and wasted for the rest of his life. He deserved better.

"I can't watch him suffer anymore Dan-a." she cried, it hurt her to see him like this. She stood behind him, but she could see his shoulders tremble in pain, she could hear his silent sobs. "I want to comfort him, I want to dry his tears Dan-a. I want… I want to fill up the empty space you left in his heart."



Chapter 4-7 Epilogue...

"DAN-A!" a voice sounded from amidst the crowd.

All eyes turned towards where the voice came from, people clearing from the way, until there was a clear path between her and the just-wedded couple.

"Luna, I think you should calm down for a minute." Marco quickly moved in front of her, but then…

"OOH!!" Everyone gasped with a cringed expression on their faces in pity as it felt like they could all feel the pain when a swift and direct knee landed right in Marco's special place, causing the man to lose his voice for that second, both his hands landing on his aching crotch. He went down on his knees in pain, looking at Luna with tears in his eyes, wondering if he had previously offended her.

Even Zeno felt for the man, he could not imagine being kicked with so much strength in that place. He wondered if it would function well after such a hit.

"Piccola, calm down okay." He said, moving closer to her, but not too close so he would not suffer the same fate as his friend.

"Shut up!! I'm not talking to you." She roared, she never needed a mic, it was like there was a speaker inside her lungs. A very high pitched speaker. "I'm talking to her." She points at Dan-a, and the lady in question quietly steps forward with a smile on her face.

Luna could never understand how anyone could be so sweet. If she wasn't her rival, she would really have loved the lady as a big sister. She always had that cute bright smile on her face. And damn she was beautiful. Looking at her now, she could see why he fell for her. She's good for him, she thought in her head.

"Luna," Zeno stepped forward again, but Dan-a held his hand, signaling him to step back. He breathes a weary sigh, but steps back anyway.

"You… You…" There were so many things she wanted to say to this lady right now, but she just couldn't bring herself to say a single word. Looking from her Dark Knight, and then to his golden Damsel, they were perfect. It hurt her to admit it, but she could see the love in both their eyes. It hurt her, but she could not deny the fact that he loved this woman, and painfully the love in Dan-a's eyes matched his.

"You_ You love him don't you?" were the words that left her mouth as tears left her eyes. "hm. More than anything." Dan-a nods. "You really love him." she asks again. "I really, really do." Dan-a replies again.

"He's a big brute you know." she says. "Yeah, I know." Dan-a replies. "He can be really inconsiderate too." she adds. "and a bit stiff" Dan-a added to the list, and Zeno looked at her with his eyes wide open, wondering why she too was bad-mouthing him.

"But he can also be really funny." Luna cries. "And loving too." Dan-a, who at this point was finding it hard to control the tears that threatened to fall down her face, added again.

"He loves you a lot too." Luna cried, and Zeno just watched them both. They were both dear to him, he loved them both differently. Luna, he loved as you would love a little sister, and his dear Dan-a he loved with everything he had. With her, he wished to do everything lewd and unspeakable. It was her he wished to hold every night and wake up with every morning.

"You'll make him happy, always." she states, grabbing Dan-a's hands in hers. Dan-a had small palms, but Luna's was even smaller, making it easy for Dan-a to wrap her palm around Luna's, entwining their fingers together. "I will." Dan-a assures her.


"I promise." Dan-a says, the happy tears now trailing down her cheeks as she locked their pinkies together in a promise.

"What should I do to you if you ever stop making him happy? What if you run away from him and break his heart? What should I do to you then?" she sniffled.

Her question made everyone laugh. Eduardo on the other hand was just grateful that the whole thing didn't turn into somebody's funeral.

" If that ever happens, then take over from me and make him happy instead. That's the best revenge. Make me go crazy with jealousy, since I failed to keep my promise, you should fill up the empty space I left in his heart and make him happy in my stead."