17. Authority...

"Yes, you can go ahead." was all they heard the man say on the phone.

*RING*RING* Lorenzo's phone broke the unpleasant silence.

"How many times would I tell you not to call me when I'm in the meeting?..." No one had any idea what he heard from the other line, but the Old man suddenly trembled with terror, his eyes flew wide open with shock, his lips quivered as he tried to make up some words. His phone slipped from the palm of his hands, but before it could even hit the ground, another call came in.

Anna was closest to him, so she does him the generous favor of picking up and answering the call, even extending a more nice gesture by putting it on speaker.

"B_Boss! Boss!! T_T_The ships, the ships with your goods, it was almost here, it almost got here, but… but… it's Sinking sir… all three ships sir!!... Sir!..." Anna, being a darling at the moment, helps the man end the call, but another call comes in again…

"STOP!!!" The old man screams louder than he'd ever done before, staggering, leaping and running. He found his way to the Boss's feet, cleaning his shoes with palm. "Just stop! Please, those buildings are my life, don't touch them please, I'll call them right now to let the girls go, and the women before them too. I'll let them all go." Pulling and tugging at the hem of the boss's trousers, the man fervently rubbed his fingers together begging for mercy. All the while, his phone kept on ringing.

" And deliver my message to Frankie_" the boss states, there wasn't even a shift in his previous position, legs still crossed, hands still placed on both sides of the seat, his right elbow plopped up, and his head rested on his fist. He was flawlessly an embodiment of power and authority.

"I'll tell him, I swear I'll tell him without missing a single word." the man assured, the desperation in his eyes and voice.

He looks at Marco, and the man simply brings out his phone and makes another call. Edoardo just had a proud smug on his face. No one knew how to handle these people better than his God-Son. Charlie, I bet you're super proud of how your boy is handling matters with so much firmness and precision, he thought in his head.

"You do know what would happen if you go against your words right, Old Man?" With those words said, he shoves the man off his leg and rises up to his feet. Even the way he stood matched the stance of a Greek god.

Everything chic.

"That ends today's meeting." was all he said before stepping out, with Marco following behind him like his shadow. Gregor and Matteo didn't waste anymore second in the place, they both had more important things to deal with.

"That piece of trash, that little rat, he thinks he can take me on? I'm Lorenzo _Lorenzo DeLuca," The man finally yelled when he was sure that The boss had gone really far from the meeting room.

"I invest in whatever business I want. Who the hell does he think he is to tell me what to do? And he had the audacity to mess with my money? My f*Cking money!! I will destroy that young rat and put him in his place!!"

"Boss you're back!" Anna calls, and the Old man flips with terror, scurrying away from his previous position like a rat, but then everyone starts laughing, and he realizes the young lady just pranked him…

"Why, you little…" He raised his hand high to strike her, but his hand never came down because Enzo, tall and strong, with long arms held Lorenzo's arm high up in the air. "Behave old man, don't make me come after you before the Boss does." He viciously hauls the man back on a seat, and Jacob and Philip tried their best to hold in the titters, but eventually burst out laughing out loud as they walked out of the room.

"I didn't need your help, I'd have slit his throat seconds before his palm reached me." Anna says, as she dramatically twirls her hair over her shoulder, pocketing her little pocket knife that she had drawn out, and catwalks out of the room, causing a sweet smug to remain on Enzo's face as he followed behind her.

He was soft, too soft, and she was hard. Hard-Cold. And maybe that was what he saw, maybe that was what kept pulling him to her, the fact that she never looked at him, or anyone else for that matter was sexy. He had a weird taste, but what could he do?

"You better do as he's said, you don't want to risk losing everything, including your own life." Edoardo advises, and he takes one last sip of his drink and stands up from his seat, Abraham who still sat there too now stands up, taking a look at Lorenzo on the chair, pure disgust in his eyes.

"Hmm" he grunts, and walks out with Edoardo, leaving Lorenzo to have the room all to himself.

"I'll get you all, I swear I'll get you all for this humiliation."


"You set up everything?" Staring out the car window as usual, it had become a habit, sitting in the car, and he will always instantly lower the glass and just gaze out.

"Yeah. She's already at the apartment."

"She fits?"

Marco's hands tightened on the wheel. Yes, he had found the kind of lady that fit Zeno's criteria completely, long blonde hair, long legs, perfectly rounded hips and chest, sexy, and beautiful all around… but… but…

"Not really, everything fits, but her hair is shoulder length." He'd brought in someone else. And for the lady he'd first found, well… for the lady he'd paid for… for that lady… Lords! What in the world was he supposed to do with her?

"I guess I'll have to drown myself in more drinks today then." Zeno simply says.

"Should I drive you straight to the apartment?" Marco asks, "Nah, head to the bar, you know I can't stand their faces when I'm sober." Marco nods, and heads for the bar.