18. Sad and Broken...

"Papa, aren't you guys through with the stupid meeting? How much longer are you people going to keep my DK?" Luna called, she'd been waiting and waiting for hours and Zeno just wasn't back yet.

"Luna... my love, you call me up in the middle of the night while I'm having my beauty sleep, and you're not even asking about me, but your DK? You live in the same house with him now, and you're still calling me to ask about him?? Don't you have his number? It's not like he's a baby or anything, the meeting ended ages ago. If you want to know his whereabouts, call him and ask him_tsk" he irritably clicks his tongue and ends the call instantly. He had raised a disloyal and unfilial child.

"This man is getting more and more unsupportive and disloyal the older he gets." she hissed.

It wasn't like she had anything she needed to say to him in particular, she just felt like waiting up for him. The past two days in his mansion, and she'd noticed he never slept sober. Both times he was completely drunk, she just wanted to see if he'd come back home drunk tonight again.

"He wouldn't... He'd be too tired from the meeting with the Hoard, so he wouldn't have the strength to even take a sip." She tried telling herself. But she couldn't help but doubt her own thoughts. Like her father just told her, the meeting had ended long ago, so he should have reached home since, so where was he??

"Maybe I should just call Marco." The thought was still fresh in her head when she heard the rumbling sound of his car, and a smile lit up in her face, and she instantly slips on her jacket, running like Cinderella running from the prince, only that Luna wasn't running from her prince, she was running to him.

Staggering a bit, he steps out of the car, Marco comes to help him stand straight, but he waves the man away and walks in on his own.

"DK!" she runs up to him all bubbly and happy, but her smile instantly fades, the light that was lit inside her instantly dies as she sniffs the mixture of alcohol and... a woman from his body. It was so strong.

"Who's this? Piccola, my one and only Piccola, why aren't you in bed, you should be asleep by this time." He moves to place a hand over her shoulder, but she moves a step backwards, her eyes filled with tears and heartbreak.

He didn't have any commitment to her, so he was right to do whatever he pleased, but it still hurt her. It still broke her heart to know he was with a woman.

"OH, I'm sorry. I reek of alcohol, don't I? I'm really sorry about that. I didn't know my love would be awake till this time." He says and strides away from her side.

"Dan-a I'm home!" He Yells and instantly locates the mini bar, taking out a bottle, not worrying for a glass, he just gulps it right from the bottle. "Dan-a honey I'm home." He says again and staggers his way into his bedroom.

"So he's really always like this?" she wipes the tears from her eyes as she watches him walk away. "I'm afraid so." Marco nods.

Nothing hurt more than seeing the one you love become a complete wreck, Luna had never felt more helpless in her life. The DK she knew was strong and brave and cool and sophisticated, but this person now was not even worthy of being called Zeno's shadow. He was not Zeno Silvestri.

The bottle of spirit in hand, he laid back flat on his enormous bed, flipping around, laying with his chest, he buried his head deep into the pillow, drawing in a long and strong breath, and he could smell the fragrance in the air, like that cool calm morning breeze in a meadow.

Another long and deep breath, and he could feel the straws of the leaves and flowers in his hands, could see her standing in the middle of the flowers, her back turned to him, her long blonde hair swaying slowly and fine with the wind. Taking in one last strong breath, "Darling" he called her, and sweetly she turned, her eyes bold and brilliant, her smile bright and beautiful, the wind paused at the light of her smile, and as she waved at him, and the wind swayed once again.

And he ran to her, enveloping her in his arms, stroking her long beautiful hair, caressing her smooth alluring face, taking her lips and sealing it with his own, drowning in the suavity of her love.

And just like that, he was fully transported into his fantasy world. His perfect home, where she was always there, waiting for him to always come back.

With tears filled in her eyes and pain in her heart, Luna sat next to him on the bed, watching how he groaned and muttered Dan-a's name over and over in his sleep, his face cringed like he was in pain, like he could cry, but he didn't wake up. He still slept.

"Are you having a good time with her there?" she places a finger over his cringed forehead, trying to iron out the frown from his head, and slowly, slowly the cringed expression straightens out.

"If you're so happy in there, then why do you look so heartbroken out here" she wipes a tear that squeezed its way out of his eye in his sleep. "Why are you crying here, when you're having a good time there?" She lays down next to him, holding his hand in hers, resting her head upon his chest, feeling the rhythm of his broken heart that played like silent bongo drums, feeling the rise and fall of his breath.

" Can you not stop being sad and broken? It breaks me to see you broken."