22. Exposed...

Two weeks had passed since Luna moved in with Zeno, and it felt like she was in a repetitive circle. It felt like her days were just going round and round without any changes. Every day was the same, she'd watch him leave for work, sometimes she'd even go with him to his office, claiming she'd be of help to him, and she was. She helped brighten up his days, but the nights were never changing.

The nights were all the same.

The nights he didn't come home drunk, he'd go straight to the mini bar and get himself wasted. She'd watch him walk around the house in his drunken state, till he eventually finds his way to his room, there, he'd lay and fall asleep, and she'd watch him mumbling and muttering the name of the one he longed for.

She could always fill his days, she could always try and help him take his mind off Dan-a when the sun is high up in the sky, but when the night comes, it is always a completely different story.

No matter how much she tried, she could never help his isolated nights.

She could not fill the loneliness in his bed, neither could she reach deep into his chest and fill the void in his heart. She was not the one he craved.

Not the one he dreamt of while he slept. His nights were filled with her and her alone...


"That's not how you hold it, how many times do I have to show you?" He says. He'd been teaching her for ages, but she still doesn't know how to hold the pistol correctly.

"If you keep holding it like this Dan-a, you'll end up shooting your leg instead of the bad guy." He grumbles. He was a Mafia boss, it was crazy that his wife didn't know how to handle a gun. She was useless with the thing.

"Yes Daddy" she salutes, causing him to laugh as he watches her. "You're crazy." He takes the pistol from her and places it on the stand, spinning her into his arms, firmly wrapping her up there.

"You know what... I don't think you'll ever learn how to really use a gun. And if you don't know how to use a gun, it means I'll always have to protect you, and if I always have to protect you, it means I'll always have to keep you close to me..." She had no idea how in the world he cane to this crazy conclusion, but she liked it. She liked it very much.

" How close will we be taped together?" She asks temptingly. Running her fingers on his chest, stretching up on her toes and kissing the side of his neck... "This close?" she asks, and oh! She was nefariously seductive. But he was even crazier...

"I was thinking, we could get even closer than that." He places a hand on her thigh, and pulls one of her leg up to his waist, pressing her harder onto his body... "I was thinking we could be joined at the hip." He says, and instantly claims her lips, kissing and tasting, his hand squeezing and caressing her thigh firmly, the other holding on to her waist as he devoured her mouth.

"I'm hungry," she purrs into his lips. "but I think someone is calling you." She says, looking up to the sky as if the person calling was calling from heaven.

"I don't hear any…" and suddenly he could hear it. He could hear her voice...


"Wake up, Wake up DK, DK!! DK wake up!!" He could hear her shouting his name. But he was not ready to leave his fairytale land yet, not ready to say goodbye. He was yet to watch her eat, oh! how he loved the sight of her eating.

"Go," Dan-a simply says. And he nods a no. "Go Zee, you know you have to wake up." she says again, but still he just held her tightly in his arms, hugging her with all his might, never wanting to part from her.

"DK WAKE UP!!!" Luna yanked and pulled with all her might, trying to wake the man up. There was trouble, and he was sound asleep. "Wake…" before she could call out again completely, abruptly he jerks up, grabs her, and yanks her viciously, pinning her down to the bed, angrily pressing her hands tightly together.

"Don't you ever! Ever wake me up when I'm asleep!! Never wake me up again, Never!! You get that?" Never in her entire life, not even once, had she seen him with so much anger in his eyes towards her. He almost looked like he was restraining himself from viciously slapping her on the face, or worse strangling the life out of her. Unconsciously she trembled, not with fear, but heartbreak. All she did was wake him up.

"Do you understand me Luna?" he thundered again, and all she could do was nod, as she tried to fight back the pain that pricked her heart. And not until the tears ran down her face did he really wake up from his madness, and it was then he realized what he was doing, he was hurting her.

The place on her wrist where he clenched had quickly formed a bruise, and he instantly lets her go.

He could never hurt her... He never meant to, it was just reflexes.

"Piccola I didn't…"

"I'm sorry for waking you up from your perfect, fairytale world, but your world out here is in trouble." was all she said before running out in tears.

"urgh! What the hell is wrong with you?" he groaned, "You idiot!" He scolded himself, slapping himself on the head, tiredly running his fingers through his hair.

If he'd seen such a bruise on her hand, he'd have destroyed whoever caused it, he could kill for that little thing of his, and yet he was the one who hurt her with his own hands.

"urgh! Damn" he hissed, as some kind of bell was now ringing loudly inside his head, causing his head to bang with headache as he stood up from the bed.

"Piccola! Luna!" He called, going after her. He knew he had to appease her right now, or she'd be like that for a long long time. "Luna, I'm sorry, okay, I didn't mean to shout at you, but you also shouldn't wake me up, I told… P_Papa" he called out, he didn't realize the man was there, but why was he here so early in the morning. It wasn't even six yet.

"Stupid boy!" Edoardo hissed, eyeing the man from head to toe, causing Zeno to unconsciously straighten up his wrinkled shirt, also trying his best to contain his banging headache. "You little…" He wanted to yank her and just… why would she go around crying when papa was in the house, it would only put him in trouble.

"Zeno, you have to leave." He didn't realize it, but Marco too was in the building. But it was Saturday, and Marco never comes in on a Saturday unless he is called.

"While you were busy having your beauty sleep, your whole identity has been delivered to the authorities, I don't know how, I don't know who, but someone seems to have found out about your identity, and leaked your secrets to the authorities, they are probably issuing an arrest warrant for you right now as we speak."