23. Accomplice...

Zeno just stood there trying to grab everything they were saying. "Now you are all over the news. The whole world knows that Zeno Silvestri is the Mafia Boss, and they are coming for you, you have to run." Marco says.

They were just shoving the news up his face, his head was still banging, and now their news was adding to the headache.

"W_What, I mean how? When?" he didn't even know what to say.

"Just take a look at the news." Edoardo says, and Luna switches the television on.

"Popular businessman and President of the Vino Rosato Zeno Silvestri has been identified as the infamous crime boss, the authorities are yet to give us full details on how this news reached them, but an arrest warrant has been issued for his capture. It has also been stated that Luna DeFalco , daughter of electoral candidate Edoardo DeFalco who has in multiple times been sighted with the businessman, is his accomplice, according to the authorities, clear and factual evidence has been given to prove that she has been working with the crime boss for years, an arrest warrant has also been issued for… " Luna turns off the news.

Zeno just stood there, running his fingers through his hair confused, his eyes dilated…

"What the hell are they saying? How the hell_ how is Piccola involved in all this? This is crazy." He wasn't even thinking about the fact that he was involved too, but her. She had nothing to do with his life of crime, so why…

"Marc, get in touch with our people at the station. Who the hell gave them this useless incorrect information!!"

"I've tried getting in touch with them, but there's nothing any of them can do at the moment. So first thing first, you both need to get away for some time." Marco explains.

"I can't just run, I mean even if I run, Piccola can't be on the run with me. She has nothing to do with all this shit."

"It's not like you have a choice right now. Your name is on the lips of every person in Italy, and so is hers. You've both been banned from airports, so you'll have to leave in a boat. You have that safe house right. The one you said was on an island somewhere… Go there with her for now." Edoardo says.

"Papa, but this isn't right. Why the hell should she run with me? Just give me a few minutes, and I'll figure this out. I'm sure this is the work of Frankie and Lorenzo. He's trying to get back at me, and I swear on Dan-a, I'll destroy them both, I'll suck the life out of their f*cking systems." He hissed, holding onto his head with one hand.

"You strong-headed moron, you crazy buffoon, this is not the time to get even with anybody. You don't even have any time at all. They are on their way here, and they are coming for the both of you, so you both need to go right now. You need to leave for now. We can figure out the rest later, but for now just get out of town."

"He's right Zee, you both need to get out of here now. You don't have much time. The authorities are on their way here as we speak." Marco added.

The whole thing was a mess. He looks at Luna who had been silent the whole time, she hadn't said a single word since. How in the world did she get roped in this…

"I swear I will Kill Frankie and Lorenzo." He hissed. If it was just him they were after, he'd never run. He'd find a way to work something out, but now somehow, she was involved too. He would never let her be dragged away with cuffs round her wrists.

"Fine, I'll take Piccola and go on my yacht" He says. "But how the hell am I supposed to communicate with you there? There's no signal on that island, so how am I supposed to know what's happening here?"

"We've already thought about that, and it's only natural that they will keep a close watch on all the people around you, so we won't be able to do much for the first weeks, but don't worry, I will find a way, and Marco will come to you in about two weeks time."

"There's no more time Zeno, you have to leave now." Marco says.

"I get it Marco," he hisses, almost shouting at Marco. "Piccola get your things, we're leaving." He orders, as he hurriedly walks into the kitchen to get a drink of water, being forced out of his sleep really did a number on him. He never had headaches in the morning, and now this unpleasant news made the headache even worse.

IN a minute, he had changed into something different, Luna was all packed. And as soon as they were all set, all four of them drove off to the port, and even though they kept on telling him not to stick his head out the window for fear of him being seen, he could not help it. The fanning wind made his head lighter, but left his heart heavier.

"Just stay there, you say it's a safe house, so you should have all the necessary things there, but in case you don't, your yacht has already been filled with whatever you might need. Food, clothes, and guns. Stay safe my boy, and watch over your Piccola like your life depends on it." Edoardo says, pulling him in a hug and patting him on the back.

"And don't make this situation unbearable for him, alright Luna, I know how troubling you can be. It will just be the two of you, so please don't drive him nuts." He pulled her into a hug, she was still as silent as a ghost.

"I'll bring you news in two weeks' time, you can take this time and relax too. Don't just think about things here. Put your mind to rest and relax. Just take it as a vacation " Marco says.

"Sure, an unpleasant vacation. Marc, find out how they got the information, and why the hell did our guys at the police station and news station didn't inform us about it beforehand. And who the hell is trying to frame Piccola."

"I will, now get going."

"Take good care of each other." Edoardo says as they both get on the yacht, Zeno didn't know why, but he had this feeling, like it felt like they seemed rather calm, both Edoardo and Marco. It was almost like they were sending them on a long trip to see the world, not run for their lives.

"I'll come and visit…" Marco says, waving with a creepy smile on his face. "I mean I'll come and deliver some information." He corrects himself as he sees the questioning gaze of Zeno.

"Bye now." Both men continued waving goodbye to the duo, closely watching as Zeno took control of the yacht and with another last questioning look in his eyes, he Vroomed off.