24. Sleep with me...

"They're gone." Edoardo breathes

"They're gone!" Marco nods.

"Phew! Urgh!!" the man breathes out with relief. "I thought he was going to catch on. It's not easy to lie to that man."

"I thought so too. See, my hands were shaking since, he wasn't completely in his right mind, or else he would have noticed how nervous I was." Marco trembles, as he placed a hand on his beating heart, trying to calm himself down.

"Why did you open that wide mouth of yours and tell him to relax and take it as a vacation? What if he suspected something then huh?" Edoardo slaps him on the back.

"uhn, old man, you're the one who said they should both take care of themselves, you know you sounded like you were sending them on their honeymoon?" Marco retorted, and it earned him another slap on the head. "Why are you hitting me?"

"You don't know how to respect your elders." Edoardo hissed, and took one last look at the yacht in the far distance… "Now it's all up to you Luna, I hope it works out the way you want it to."

They could only pray and hope that things went the way she planned.

He hadn't been to that island since Dan-a passed, and he had not expected to be going there anytime soon. But now here he was stirring a boat to the island.

"I already said I'm sorry." He suddenly says. He'd been trying not to think about the fact that she'd been awfully quiet the whole time, he'd tried to ignore her, but he couldn't stand her silence anymore. He didn't like the fact that they were both on the same yacht, and yet it felt cold and lonely, like he was riding alone. He hated the feeling.

"Are you really going to stay mad at me, I mean it's partly your fault, I already told you when you moved in not to wake me up, but you still did." He had no idea what he was saying. He was supposed to be begging her, not blaming her.

"I mean, I know that you woke me up for something important, so I'm sorry, you know I will never hurt you, I didn't mean to…"

"but you did" it was a whisper. A very low whisper that shouldn't have been heard above the smashing waves and ripples, but he heard it, and it made something in his chest twitch, because she was right, he didn't mean to, but he did.

"You know, the Island we're going to, it's not that bad. It'll just be me and you on the whole island but, I guess we can manage. I promise I'll get you out of this trouble." He didn't even what to say anymore. He just wanted to say something, anything just so he could get her spirit high again, but she clearly wasn't going to listen to anything he had to say, nor was she ready to say anything to him in return.


*CLICK-CLOSED* She heard the door open and close, and she instantly bolts up from her seat and runs to him.

"You're back already, I just finished reading the last of the novels you gave me, it was wonderful." Mea bubbled as he walked in.

"Don't you sleep at night, how did you read all ten novels in less than a week?" Marco wondered out loud.

"Of course I sleep, but you're out all day, and I keep myself busy with the books. I have nothing else to do, and I'm a fast reader. Anyway, Author Heather Graham is just awesome."

"Is she?" He asks in an amazed tone as she practically led him by his arm, to take his seat so she could tell him more, and he was much obliged to listen.

"OH yes! She is. Every novel has a different story to tell, and every story is just so hooking, and the way she explains the love making scenes are really mind-blowing, it's like something is stirring up inside of you as you read it. It's like I could feel every touch and stroke, every kiss, every caress."

He didn't know it, but seeing her bubbly like this brought a smile to his face, and he liked the fact that within the few days she'd been with him, she'd somehow gotten rid of her fears, not completely, but at least it wasn't as worse as the first night she was here.

"So what have you learned from Heather Graham?" he asks.

"OH, it's like you said, a kiss can be tender or harsh, but not to the point where it hurts anybody. Like in that novel Bride of the Wind, or A Damsel in Distress, there were a lot of harsh kisses, but not once was there a record of anybody being hurt, instead it turned sensational. And it was clear that love was there. The man might seem violent at first, but his touch on her skin would not hurt at all, it was all nice." she explains in one long breath, and he could see the glint in her eyes as she spoke, and he adored it.

"So when are we going to do the practical part?" she suddenly asks.

"What?" flustered, he raised a questioning brow at her, wondering if she was actually asking him what he was thinking she was asking him.

"I told you to teach me how to do it tender, so I expected you to actually sleep with me, but instead you gave me books to read, and now I've read them all. So when are we going to practice what I read? When are you going to sleep with me?" Sometimes he wondered if she had personality disorder, because she could be shy and quiet sometimes, and other times__ other times she was devious and daring.

"Are you seriously telling me to have sex with you?" he asks, not really surprised, just amused and mystified. Amazed at what a wonder of creation she was.

"I mean it's like you don't want to sleep with me. I don't get it, other people who paid for me, usually don't waste any time in forcing their parts into me, but with you, it's all just different. First you paid for me," she suddenly starts listing, "then you brought me to your house, and then you fed me, and then you kissed me, and then when I thought you'd sleep with me, you gave me books to read. And now you even let me stay here, and you've been feeding me every single day, and yet you haven't even done as much as a kiss since that night, let alone sleep with me. Why don't you want to sleep with me? Do you plan on doing something much more horrible to me? Why haven't you slept with me yet?"

"Do you want me to kiss you again?"