26. I'll cook...

Cleaning was fun, especially when you are not the one doing anything. It's fun when you just sit down and watch someone else do the job.

"I think you missed a spot, right up there." she points to a corner on the little chandelier that hung from the ceiling.

"What?" His voice was stressed and clearly not amused.

"Cobwebs, there's cobwebs over there." Smartly, she takes two steps backwards away from him. As the way he glared at her clearly read, ``If I get my hands on you, I'll rip you limb from limb.

He doesn't give her a response, and just dusts off the cobwebs she pointed at, and then continued with his cleaning, while she sat there like the spoilt princess she was.

"When you're done with the cleaning, you're going to make us lunch, right?" Oops!!! She jumped, for he turned and plunged at her, his eyes shooting lasers, with the cobweb brush pointed at her.

"Come here, I'll use you as the meat for the soup." He runs after her, and she takes to her heels, bolting out of the house with him hot on her chase.

"Just wait till I get my hands on you." He'd been doing all the cleaning, all she did was boss him around and complain about the long trip, saying it was the reason she couldn't assist him, because she was tired.

Hell! He was the one who stirred the damn yacht. All she did was sit and watch like an evil princess that she was.

"What did I do?" she laughed, as she ran like crazy, taking him running round the house, feeling the sand tickle her feet, the clear breeze blowing through her hair.

"You should learn to use your words." she laughed out loud, running as fast as she could, but then she could feel he wasn't chasing her again, so she turns. He just stood there on the beach, gazing out into the sea, like he could see something beyond that line where the sky touched the sea.

"It's beautiful." she says from where she stood, slowly making her way up to him.

"The sea is like a whole planet on its own, a beautiful planet with lots of secrets to explore," he mutters, words he'd once heard from the luscious lips of his wife.

"What did you say?" she asks, and he turns, and a smile plays on his face as he looks at her next to him, but the smile quickly grows into a smug grin, a brow raised high up.

"Gottcha" her eyes dilated, her hands flew up in the air, and her feet turned, to make a run for it, but his huge arms were already around her tiny frame.

"No!" she yelled, as she was well aware of what was about to come. "Please no" was a low whisper this time, but she had really overstepped her limits, and now she had to pay the price…

"Hahaha_heehee_please_ I'm _heheehee_sorry" she laughed hard, going down to the ground, wiggling and twisting like a slithering snake trying to get away from his tickling grip.

"I'm sorry,_ hahaha_hah haha_ I was just tired, hahahaha"

"Were you, now?" he asks mockingly, making sure to touch all her trigger buttons, and he loved the boisterous laughter.

"hahaha_ DK, I swear,_heeheehee_ I promise you, I was really just hahaha_ tired. DK, Zee, Hahaha_ I'm going to burst, please__" she begged, still twisting and wriggling, tears even coming out of her eyes because of how hard she was laughing.

"Since you can't cook, nor clean, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't burst." He says, clearly not ready to set her free.

"Yes, I do the cooking, Yes I do the cleaning" She managed to recite one line from a famous song, and he laughs

"oh, but I can't just sit back and eat food made by the Queen's special hands, can I?"

"Oh you totally can. Haha ha! Hahaha. I'll make lunch, I promise."

"And dinner too?"

"and till we_ hahaha_ till we get off this island, I promise__ I swear... hahaha" she declares. All she needed was for him to set her free first, and he did, and she laid down flat on the sand, trying to catch her breath, "I think I broke my ribs from laughing too much," he raised his hands up in the air, ready to descend on her again…

"But! I'll still cook. I think I can manage." she quickly states, if he handles her again, she might really crack with laughter.

"Now that's a good little girl." He ruffled her hair with his huge palm. "Come on, let's go inside." He stretches a hand to her, and she slips her hand in his, and he holds onto her palm, weighing it in his own, and... "Lords! You are so small." He exclaims as he pulls her up.

As he did the rest of the cleaning, she worked in the kitchen, trying to cook up something for them both. He glanced her way from where he stood, and he laughed at the sight.

But then, at some point, something had changed. She wasn't the one standing there, NO, at some point, he was seeing someone else, the waist-long blond, those perfect curves, that entrancing smile, he could see her clearly, Dan-a, standing in the kitchen, could see her move up and down the place, he could see her hips sway left and right, and the wavy movement of her hair.

He could see her smile at him when she turned, and she was beautiful. And he wanted to let her know.

"huhh!" it was a surprised gasp, her entire system jerked in shock as his arms came around her waist from behind, her back firmly pressed to his chest, his head rested on her shoulder, she could feel his breath on the side of her face, could feel his skin on her neck, and it burned her where he rested, she burned with desire and sinful need, her breath ragged and unstable as she felt his arms tighten around her body.

"DK," she called, but it was just a silent purr, like the sound of a woman being loved by her lover.

And he kissed her nape... "You are beautiful,"