27. A Woman

"You're so beautiful" he croons into her neck, kissing her there again, causing her to shudder, her breath quavers, she wanted to ask him if he knew what he was doing, if he was in his right mind, but at the same time, she wanted him to hold onto her longer, she didn't wish to know if he knew who he held in his arms. It would break her heart. It was a confusing feeling.

So all that left her mouth were breathless trembling gasps, her eyes closed tight as she drowned in the firmness of his embrace, her stomach tingled with fear and need.

"you're so beautiful... Dan-a," and she was instantly pulled back into reality, he wasn't holding her, he was holding his wife. And it crushed her heart.

"DK, stop! I'm not Dan-a" she cried, hurt that for that small minute, she had hopelessly thought and wished he was actually seeing her, and holding her, and telling her she was beautiful, but it wasn't her, it was Dan-a, it was always Dan-a.

"DK!" She cried out again, trying to wrench free from his torturous embrace. "Hell! The sun is still so high up in the sky, did you fall asleep standing?" she hissed, why the hell was he so strong, there was no way to break free unless he sets you free. "DK!"

"Huh?!" He snapped back to his senses, waking up from the trance he had fallen into. "OH!" it was a shocking gasp as he flinched, realizing who he was caressing. "What the…" His eyes widened with confusion, his face cringe with embarrassment. "W_ Why the hell did you let me hold you from behind?"

"As if I want you to hold me!" She lied. "You just hugged me from behind, and started saying funny things, and__ and calling me Dan-a." She was hurting, but she wasn't going to show it.

His hand fell atop his head with realization, tossing some strands of hair back.

"We shouldn't have come to this island." He hissed. It reminded him too much of her. He'd bought it as a vacation spot for the two of them, the place was crawling with memories of her.

"Sorry." He says, then walks out of the kitchen.

She watched him walk out of the house, her eyes slowly becoming teary, but she wasn't going to let it fall. She tilts her head backwards, looking up to the ceiling, waiting for the tears to go back to where they came from. "I won't cry, I can do this." the tears had quickly disappeared, and she looked out the window, he looked so restless. "I will make you see me as a woman, I'll make you love me, and I'll bring you out of this misery."

After lunch, they rested for some time, leaving the unpacking for later.

And later when their strengths were fully replenished, they went on to unpack their things…

"There's just one room in the whole place, and one bed." she muttered, a blush of pink quickly rose up to her cheek. Thinking of them sharing one bed was rather interesting, things seemed to be working in her favor.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm okay with us sharing the bed." He simply says, as he unpacks more stuff. And for some reason, his statement annoyed her.



"Why are you okay with sharing the same bed with me? You're a fully grown man, and I'm a fully grown woman, so why are you okay with us sharing the same bed?"

"What nonsense are you spitting this time?" he scoffs. "I mean, it's not like it's the first time we'll be sleeping on the same bed, so what's new about it? You'll sleep on your side and I'll sleep on mine. Besides, to you I'm not a fully grown man, I'm Zeno, and you are just Piccola."

"So you're looking down on me?!"


"You still don't think I'm a woman, you don't think I could do something to you in the middle of the night?"

"What will you do? Rape me? Hahaha" he laughs at his own words.

"Are you laughing right now?... You think I can't rape you?"

He really couldn't hold it in, she was so funny, and he burst out laughing again, thinking of her small petite figure over his, trying to dominate and coerce him, he couldn't even draw the picture in his head.

It was just too funny...

But he was the only one laughing, she clearly wasn't happy about this.

"I'm sorry," he says, but still laughs... "I'm sorry, but Piccola, I don't see you as a woman… sorry" he clasps a hand over his mouth, as he sees her eyes and mouth open with fury.

"That's not what I meant, that's definitely not what I wanted to say. I mean, you're twenty-three so you're obviously a__ a woman_ hahaha" He laughed again...

"I'm sorry. You're obviously a woman, but to me, you're just my pretty little Luna, my Piccola." Carefully and slowly, he took a few steps backwards, he needed to get close to the door in case she tried to pounce on him.

She was red all over, steams coming out of her head and nose, she wanted to plunge at the man, she was suddenly hating the stupid Nickname Piccola. She did not want to be just his Piccola, she wanted him to see her as a woman capable of his love, a woman who would be able to stand with him through thick and thin. Not just his little girl.

But a woman who could do mischievous things to him.

"I'll show you."


"I'll show you just how womanly I can be."

"No, you don't need to." He shakes his head and hands vigorously.

"I'll show you... I'll show you how much of a sophisticated woman I've grown to be, and I'll make you choke back on those words."

"but I don't want to know." He mumbles to himself. But instantly zips his lips as she glared at him wickedly before turning back to her cooking dinner, chopping vegetables like she was butchering some kind of thick meat.

"I wonder what she plans on doing. How would she show?" he whispers to himself with a chortle.

Oh, but she had a lot of activities planned out, she had lots and lots of things to do that would show her womanly charms. But for now, she wasn't going to stress him out. She had at least two weeks to carry out her wonderful plans. So today_ today I'll just let you rest, but as soon as the day breaks, you're in for a whole new thing.

A whole new, hot, sexy, and sophisticated Luna.