28. I'm here...

Luna laid on the couch, writing out her long list of plans, on how to show the perfect woman to Zee. She really meant it, that was why they were on this island.

To take his mind off every other thing, and be forced to focus on her and her alone... But, it wasn't going to be as easy as she had envisioned it to be.

"Nothing is finer than drinking a decade old wine on an island with the cold wind of the sea hitting your body." She heard his voice, and she turned to look at him and...

"OH No!" She breathed. He had gone out alone, saying he was going to get something, specifically telling her not to go with him because it was already dark, but now he was back, and he had a cart full of expensive bottles of wine.

"Where, I mean what… how… where did you get so much wine from, on this island. I thought no one else is on this island, so where in the world did you get these from?" she questioned, her eyes dilated with disbelief. There were more than twenty bottles of wine in the cart. She had specifically told her father and Marco not to put even a single bottle among the things they packed for them, so how in the world did this happen.

"OH, these_heehee" Lords! He already had his fill. "I've got a wine cellar somewhere on the island." He says, smiling foolishly. "Be a darling and help me move them, would you?" he says, swinging another bottle out of the cart, fumbling with the wine opener, and Lords! She wished to smack some sense into him.

"Are these things not expired, I mean I heard you haven't been here in a long time, so that means these things have been here for a long time." He waves his hands dizzily at her.

"These are the finest of fine wines__ HICCUP! __ I assure you, they still have twenty more years to live if you let them__ HICCUP!" He finally opens the bottle, and takes it straight to his mouth, gulping down like he'd been thirsty for days.

"I'll burn it all down." she muttered in anger.

"Since I'm stuck on this Island, with no one else but you, I guess I will go straight to bed to Dan-a. She's been waiting, I left in a hurry this morning, so I need to make up for that. Heeheehee__ HICCUP!" He takes another long gulp, as he heads for the room.

Lords! She hated this.

She hated him for doing this, but she also knew it wasn't his fault, so she had no idea who to loath, and who to pour out her anger on, there was no point talking to a drunk man, so she just lets him slide his way into the room, and lay down in his dreams, in his perfect world. In his fantasy, where he had the one he wanted, where she waited his return...

"Zee, you're back." He turned around at the sound of her voice, and she dived into his welcoming arms, and he wrapped them around her body, feeling her fullness, feeling her curves on his body. Drinking in the scent of her body... Lords! He loved the woman.

"I'll always come back to you Dan-a." He declares, wasting no more time in taking her lips, suckling on them, entangling her tongue with his own, lovingly worshiping the glory that was her mouth. "I can never get enough of you." He says, slipping his hands underneath her dress, working his way up her thighs, finding her bum, squeezing it in his palm, pressing her breasts firmly to his chest, still madly nipping on her lips.

"Neither can I." she breathes, her hands clawing at his neck, her fingers running in and out of his hair, tenderly, he lifted her off the ground and carried her into the room, gently placing her onto the bed, laying atop her, her legs seductively straddling him. Slowly setting her lips free, and making his way to her neck, and shoulder blades, turning her to her side, and kissing her nape, alluringly sliding the strap off her shoulders, kissing her there, bringing the straps lower and lower till her breasts were in full light.

"Ahwn!" it was a cry of pleasure, she arched her back, as he kissed her there, her nipples going darker and harder from the touch of his tongue, she twisted and turned with pleasure, as he ran his sleek tongue round and round her circle, squeezing one breast in his palm, and suckling on the other, nibbling on her, causing her to cry with utter satisfaction and anticipation.

This was his dreamland, and it was perfect. He never wanted to wake up from her embrace, from her touch, from her love. He wished to swell there for eternity.

"OH! Dan-a, I love you. I just love all of you." He muttered in his sleep, clenching on to the sheets, holding it tight like the sheets were his lover.

"She's not real," Luna whispers, tears filling her eyes. "It's just a dream, she's no longer here." OH how she wished to say this to his face, and just yank him back to reality.

To pull him by his ear and tell him ``She's no longer here, but I am, she's not, but I'm here!! I'm right beside you, I've always been right beside you, so just look at me from now on, look at me and only me.

She wished he'd just realize she was right there next to him, alive and well, willing to give him everything and anything.

"It's just a dream. And like every other dream, eventually you'll hat to wake up." She lays down next to him, getting under the covers, releasing his hold on the sheets, taking his hands in hers, gently lacing their fingers together, placing a tender kiss there.

"I'm here for you, I'll always be here for you." She kissed his knuckles, "I'm right here... All you have to do is look."

It was hard... Loving someone who loved another. Especially when the other is a woman from the past. But she had faith, that she could turn things around. And she could release him from this bondage he put himself in.

The sun had risen high up in the sky, and its rays crept through the windows, mockingbirds singing a tune they'd heard from other creatures, crawling insects going about their multiple ways of getting their daily bread. And the almighty Mafia King was finally flicking his lashes open.

"Why are you chasing me out so early?" he hissed. "I already told you I don't have anywhere to go Dan-a, and yet you make me wake up." He mutters, looking up at the ceiling, he wasn't even ready to stand up from the bed. "Ugh" he breathes. "I wonder what Piccola is up to."