31. Marilyn Monroe...

Bathing in the sea didn't go as she had planned it, and when she saw him staring at her, she thought he was finally seeing her womanly charms, but all he was seeing were crabs. But she was not going to give up, she was determined to make Zeno Silvestri see and acknowledge the woman in her. She'd searched the topic online before coming on the island, and even had a detailed written list of how to seduce a man...

And one by one she was unleashing everything she had seen in movies, and read online.

"Okay, DK... Let's see how you resist my charm this time." she smirks, standing in the middle of the sitting room in only her black bathing robe, and a towel tied around her head.

She plops one feet on the edge of a couch, seductively letting her sexy thigh out for viewing, as she slowly and alluringly began to massage her cream into her skin.

He sat right there, and she was doing it exactly how she'd see it online. Applying the cream while sexily twisting her waist and hips. She was sure of what she was doing.

The evaluation online showed that this method had a seventy percent chance of working, and she could tell now, by the look on his face that it was working on him too.

"Are you alright?" He suddenly asks, with all seriousness. She stretches her leg on the couch even more, applying the cream on her skin like she had butterfly wings for fingers.

"Yes, why?" she smirks, she could tell he was smitten by her. So smitten that he was wondering if she was alright. He's probably wondering when and how I became such a sexy woman... Was what she was thinking.

"Why??? You're asking why?? Why, is because you're turning and twisting like pasta on a plastic spoon. Are you sure you're okay? You're not aching anywhere?" He was sincerely concerned, he was watching her since, and it definitely seemed like she had a waist ache or back pain.

The smug on her face had quickly faded into a glum look, he had killed all the high morale that she had, and here she was thinking she understood his look, here she was thinking she was making him fall for her...

"I'm just creaming my body, what's it to you?!" and suddenly started rubbing her legs vigorously. She was filled with both embarrassment and fury.

"Why are you shouting? I just asked if you're alright." He retorted, and she just ran into the room annoyingly. Leaving Zeno flustered and confused, as he wondered... "was it something I said?"

The next day, her next seduction method was another tip she'd gotten from the internet… She wasn't going to give up, just because she already failed twice. She'd try a third and forth, and fifth time. She'd continue trying till he saw her as a woman.

"DK, can you help me cream and massage my back, I'm feeling a little dry, and I think you were right yesterday. I'm having back ache." She had come to him with the sweetest and most gentle voice she could fake just like the instructions she saw, a lotion in hand, dressed in a short black gown that exposed every bit of her back from her neck down to the top of the curves of her hips.

She was definitely a pretty little seductress. But her charms were far from working.

"I knew it. I was right. You know, I know you better than anyone else. I can tell when you're in pain when even you don't know it." He says with a gleam on his face.

"I know right... I should have listened to you yesterday, I think it's gotten worse." She exhales dramatically.

"But wait a minute, Why are you suddenly sounding like that, like you're acting a 1950 drama... Do you have something in your throat? Are you feeling pain there too? You're suddenly sounding like Marilyn Monroe?"

"Or... Maybe Marilyn Monroe sounds like me."

"Cosa?!" He laughed, bewildered by her reply. "What!!... Marilyn was way before your time, Marilyn Monroe came way before Papa and your mamma even got married, and decided to have you, so how can she sound like you? Are you sure you don't have a sore throat?" What was wrong with her??

"I don't have a sore throat, I've always sounded like this."

"Since when??? Since when did you sound like that?" He was trying not to laugh, but she was just too much of a clown for him to hold it in.

"Are you sure you did not eat something bad?" He was just worried, she was suddenly sounding super sweet, and that was a bad sign. He knew his Piccola was everything but sweet.

"Just apply the lotion!__ I mean, just apply the lotion" she quickly switched back to her Marilyn Monroe voice and lay down face flat for him to help her.

"I'm just saying... I mean you're sounding weird, and acting weird, I'm just wondering if you're gonna die soon or something... They say if you start sounding differently all of a sudden, you might just die."

How in the world could he say something like that to her???

She jerked up instantly, with lasers shooting from her eyes, her body heaving up and down with anger.

"How the hell can you say something like that to me???" She had lost her sweet voice. Now it was just pure Luna, no faking. "how can yoh talk about me dying... I'm just twenty-three years old, I still got a whole lot of years ahead of me, and you open that big mouth of yours and say I'm gonna die... All I asked is that you help me put lotion on my body, why did my death come up in the conversation, you brainless shrimp. I'm not gonna die, I'm gonna live a very long life, and torment and torture you for as long as I live! Yoh hear me... As long as I Live!!!"

Now this is his Luna, his pretty little fire, his Piccola. A grin rose up his lips as he watched her. And oh, how he loved watching her.

" I guess you're not gonna die anytime soon... You're still the same old Piccola." He taps her nose with his finger, and she just creases her nose as he touched her.

"Alright, come here... Let this Dark Knight, give you a soothing massage." He says and lays her down flat, as he started the work on her back.

Why did he always manage to ruin everything she tried to do? He always found a way to make her angry. And nothing ever went her way.

But at least, she got him to still massage her back... She thought in her head...

And only when she screamed out as he pressed down on some place near her spine, did she regret asking him for a massage, as it wasn't as she had expected. He grumbled and grunted, and applied the lotion like he was trying to wash a stain of her skin. He didn't hurt her, but he wasn't gentle either.

He was determined to massage away all her pain.