32. Despair...

Just like that, a whole week had gone by, and there were still no changes as she had expected there to be. She'd go around the house, trying her tricks, hoping he'd look at her and see the woman in her, but his eyes were never on her, and anytime they actually were, he always had something negative to say.

She had practically been walking around the island with the shortest and skimpiest attires she had, but he still wasn't taking her seriously, instead, he was starting to imagine she needed a change of wardrobe. It seemed to him like she had no clothes to wear in the place. "always going around naked" according to him.

And when night came, it was the same old story. He'd drink himself to stupor, and go to bed muttering her name, and saying the sweetest things about her. While Luna just sat beside him, holding his hands in hers till she woke up the next morning. It was becoming an annoying repetitive cycle. She felt the urge to do away with all his alcohol so he'd be himself. But she knew she couldn't do that.

"Let me help you with that." He suddenly offers.

"Don't worry, I'm just clipping my nails." she says, but he already sat down next to her, and lifted her legs and set them on his lap.

"Let me do it, it's not like I have anything to do." He breathed as he collected the nail clipper from her, and held her right feet so gently in his hands.

All he did was hold her feet, and it felt like she was going to die. A rush of warmth filled her entire system, it tickled her in a weird way, Lords! He had no idea the kind of storm he was raking up inside of her, her palms held onto the chair, clenching on tight, trying her best not to let out any form of lewd gasp, her insides were screaming and begging him to just let go, his touch was too soft on her skin, and it made her tremble.

"I know I say this all the time, but you are really small. Look at your feet." He chortled, sizing her little feet against his huge palm.

But then he looked at her, and it seemed like she was having trouble breathing. "Hey, are you okay? Are you alright? Why are you so red?" he slid closer to her, leaning into her face, oh Lords! He was just checking up on her, but he had no idea he was making matters worse. Placing his hand on her head, her cheeks, trying to feel her temperature.

" W_What are you doing?" she finally snaps back to her senses, instantly shoving his hand away from her head.

"You're not burning up, so why are you red?" he asks, carefully studying her like he was a doctor.

"I_I am fine, it's_ it's just the sun." She lies, trying not to look at him as she speaks. "How come there's a TV here?" She abruptly asks, wanting to quickly get her mind off of him, and his eyes off her.

" It's not like there's any signal, so what's the use of the TV? And why isn't there any single book in this place that someone can read?" she grumbled.

"There's a CD player somewhere for the TV, and I think Dan-a has…" his grip on her feet tightened as he mentioned her name, she could feel the tension coming from him. He never said her name, not unless he was drunk and wasted, but today it had slipped out of his lips, and she could see him grit his teeth, trying to hold in the anguish.

"Dan-a has some books somewhere inside the room." He swallowed hard after mentioning her name. Lords! It hurt, it hurt so bad to think of her, there was nothing for him to do in this place to take his mind off her, instead the whole place reminded him of her.

" You can search for the CDs and watch something. I'll just step out for a bit."

She holds onto his wrist in haste "Where are you going?"

"I'm just gonna walk round the island for a bit, I'll be back soon." He gently pushed her hand off his wrist, and she watched him walk out the door.

She wished to hold onto him longer, wished to tell him not to go, and tell him not to go get wasted again, but all she could do was watch him walk away.

Patiently, or impatiently, she waited for him, roaming up and down the house like she always did whenever he was out. Hoping and praying for the same thing each time, ``that he'd return to her sober.

But like every other day, the sun was starting to sink away into the sea, and the moon could be seen on one corner, patiently waiting for the sun to completely go out of sight so it could take its place, and he walked in, more like staggered in.

And Lords! It pained her. It pained her so much, and she wanted to explain that to him.

"Drunk? Again?!!" She moved in front of him.

"tipsy,__not drunk"

"DK, how long are you gonna continue like this? stai cercando di ucciderti? What the hell is wrong with you?! You wanna lose all your organs? This thing will kill you!!"

"Don't get__HICCUP!__worked up. And besides, dying isn't such a bad idea. If she could do it, why can't I do it too?" he takes another swig at the wine as he intensely stares at Dan-a's picture on the wall.

"Is that it huh? That's what you want right? To die? You wanna die and leave me here? Non te lo permettero!! I won't let you ruin yourself!" She yelled and stormed into the bedroom, dug through some ammo and…

"Piccola, just relax, okay? It's not like it's the first time you've seen me like this, you've seen me at my lowest points, so what's your problem?"

"My problem!! My problem is I'm afraid you'll go even lower than this. So low that you'll be six feet under!" She yelled, and stormed out of the house.

"Piccola! Piccola, come back here! Don't go wandering about all by yourself!!!" He yelled, but he could barely stand on his feet, more or less chase after her. He just fell back on the couch grunting and hissing, and soon even his eyes could not stay open, his lashes fell close, and his body gave in to sleep.