33. Wake up... She's gone...

She just had to do this, they had about five more days to stay here, but she felt like he'd drop dead before Marco came. She'd arranged for this so they could get away from the city and all the booze, and wine, and all the women it had to offer to him, and yet here they were, and he's drinking became even worse as he had nothing else to do. And although she managed to successfully curb the problem of a different woman every night, he had an imaginary woman in his bed every night instead.

Since the wine is what helps him fantasize and stay in his dream world, and it is also the wine that would most definitely be the cause of his death, "I'll just blow up the whole damn thing." She muttered to herself, standing in front of the wine cellar, with a grenade in her hand.

"He'd probably eat me alive, but at least he'll be alive to do that." She took some steps back, and made sure there was a safe distance between her and the cellar. And with a simple flick, the ring of the grenade was out, and with nothing but determination in her heart and head, she threw the grenade and…


"Piccola!" He bolted up from his little nap, both sleep and alcohol had completely washed off, the sound of the explosion brought a shivering fear to his entire system. "Piccola!" He called out her name, bolting out of the house in fear, but the fear was soon turning to anger as he could see the smoke going up into the now dark sky, and he saw the direction the fire was coming from, and he just hoped it wasn't what he was imagining.

"Piccola!" He called out again, now in a more warning tone as he walked to the back of the house, and was heading into the woods when she popped out. She even had the ring on her finger, proudly twirling it in front of him.

"What did you do?"

"What does it look like I did? I helped you. I blew up your wines. Don't you just love the way the fire lights up the night?"

"sei pazzo?! Huh?" He drags her by her arm, pulling her up, forcing her to stand on her toes to meet his flaming gaze. "Are you out of your freaking mind? What the hell did you do that for?"

"Yes! I'm crazy. I'm out of my mind! And you're sane? You think you're sane? Talking to a woman who is long gone to heaven, sleeping and yearning for her, calling her name in your sleep, drinking yourself to stupor just so you could live a stupid fantasy that only exists in your head, You think you are sane?" she tried yanking her hand but to no avail.

" No Zee, you're not sane at all. You're out of your mind. You're crazy, and this craziness is gonna kill you."

"Shut the hell up, or I swear I'll slap some sense into you."

"Slap me! Do it! You haven't done it before, there's no harm in starting now! Go on Zeno Silvestri, slap me. Because I'm trying to save you?"

"I don't f*cking, need your worthless saving. I didn't ask you to save me. Those were like the finest wines in there, and you just blew them all up, are you crazy? What is it to you about how I live my life huh? Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Let me go you idiotic moron!" She hissed, finally breaking free from his hold and walking past him, but he wasn't done yet. And neither was she.

"Wake up Zeno, wake the f*ck up. Dan-a is gone forever, she's not coming back. She's not real. Wake up from this goddamn illusion that you have created. Dan-a is gone!"

He reaches her and yanks her arm again.

"Luna, you f*cking say her name again, and I swear it, you might not like what I'll do to you." He warned, and she yanked her hand out of his again, Lords!, why did he have to be so strong.

She walks into the house screaming, "What are you gonna do? Feed me to the sharks? Beat me up? Drown me? Tell me, oh mighty man of the underworld, what are you gonna do to me? You're insane, you're just being stupid. She is gone, the wine will not help you, it can never help you, and neither can the women that you always spend your time with back at home. Sleeping with every woman will not give you the satisfaction you want, it will only deepen the scar. They are not her. Dan-a is gone. She's not real anymore. The woman in your dreams is not Dan-a, she's just a figment of your imagination. Dan-a left, and it's time for you to f*cking move on!!"

" I warned you, didn't I?" He grabs her by her wrist. His eyes shimmered like the rarest of blue sapphires.

" Let me go. Stop you're hurting me. Let me be DK!" She yelled, and he finally let her go, but only after he mercilessly shoved her out of the house.

"What the hell are you doing?"

" Stay out there and think about what you've done." He simply says, and then slams the door right in her face, and she could hear the locks tighten.

"God damn you DK, You're just an idiot. You can't leave me out here all by myself at night. DK, open up this door this instant. It's f*cking cold out here. "

"And I hope you shiver and die."

"DK! Let me in!" She banged the door hard with her hand.

"DK! Let me back in. It's really cold out here!" She cried.

"Well, it shouldn't be, you already made a big fire, go warm up there!"

"DK!" She banged the door even harder, but he angrily went and picked up the bottle he had fallen asleep with. "Empty" he hissed, tossing the bottle angrily to the wall. She flinched as she heard the sound, and she instantly stopped knocking.

"Crazy girl!"