38. Give me You...

Every fish in the sea was already up and swimming, the sun shone brighter than ever, the smashing sound of the tides was loud and the wind whistled beautifully, and he still slept. Head on her lap, body tucked into the blanket, he slept, and she watched him sleep.

"It still works." she whispered, gently playing with his hair, stroking his brows with her index finger over and over again. Lords! She loved his face.

"It still works." She flinched as he suddenly flicked his eyes open, looking directly at her, his lips posed in a lovely smile, the kind that was causing her whole flesh to flush. "My sleeping pill still works." He says, taking her hand that is laid on the side of his face, and placing a soft kiss inside her palm.

"Luna, did you know that Dan-a was part korean?" he suddenly asks.

"Really?"... "Yeah. Her mother was korean, so she was given a korean name." He explains. "Wow, I had no idea."

"What did you think Dan-a meant, then?" he looks up at her and asks. "I just thought it was the normal Dana, which I don't even know the meaning of either."

"tsk, tsk tsk… should I tell you what her name means?" She nods a big yes. "it means Morning child." He says, a smile curling up his lips as he gazed at the sea, and the sky above it. It was a fine morning.

"Thank you." He says as he slowly shifts his gaze back to her. "You were the most effective sleeping pill, and clearly you still are." He kissed her hand again.

"I_I__I told you, I'll work." she stutters, praying and begging in her heart that he let go of her hand. He was looking at her with so much love in his eyes, and he was making her expect something from him, and she knew she wasn't going to get it.

So if he wasn't going to kiss her lips right now, then he could at least be kind enough to stop fiddling with her fingers, and set her free.

"Indeed, and you worked. So tell me my love, what should I give you for being such an effective medicine? I had a good night's sleep, accompanied with a fantastic dream, so you deserve something, so tell me. This big guy will do anything for his Piccola."


"Even if it's the head of someone." He reassures her. "I'm just kidding, I can't get you, someone's head. Well, except the person has done something really wrong to you, then for sure, heads will roll, and those heads will roll at your feet, so yes, literally anything."

"Anything at all?" she asks again. There wasn't a doubt in her heart, she knew what she wanted most in her life.

"Anything for my Luna."

"Then give me you."

"uhn? W_What did you say?" She knew it, that was an impossible request. Seeing how his entire facial expression changed made it clear to her. He said he'd give her anything, but he didn't mean everything.

There was something he still couldn't give her. The one thing she actually wanted. The one thing she really craved for... He had no plans of giving to her.

"What? You can't give me something that simple?" she instantly put on a huge smile. "Give me you throughout today, I get to boss you around as much as I please, I get to make you do anything I want, I get to treat you anyway I see fit... I get to order you around... In all, I get to be your master today." She could see the questioning gaze, could see the cringe on his forehead straighten out.

"I think that can be arranged." He simply says, giving her a little smile. But deep down, he felt like she meant something else. No, not felt like. He knew she meant something else. But he could never give her what she wanted.

He wasn't just bad for her, he was wrong for her... He was everything wrong for her. She deserved better, she was too precious to be with a loser like him.

"Well then Mr. Silvestri, I think you should take your head off of this pillow, and go inside and cook us some breakfast... And Lords! You're heavy!"

"But you promised that you'll cook throughout our stay on this island." He grumbled, still turning on her lap.

"But you also just promised me A_NY_THING." She dramatically pronounced. "And, that anything starts now… So up up, come on, get up... You're really heavy." She forcefully lifts his head up from her leg. "OH, Lords! Ahh! My legs have gone numb.." She says stretching her entire body as she stands.

"Well, what are you waiting for, chop-chop, make us something to eat." She orders, as she catwalks back into the house.

"Diavoletto, That little vixen." He chuckled, as he upped and went after her.