39. Naked...

"I'm not going to give up, I won't give up. I still have some days left, you will love me." She hissed as she walked out of the shower, standing in front of the bathroom mirror, completely butt-naked.

"What more do I need to do to make him see my love for him? Should I open up my chest and rip out my heart so he can see it? That stupid man!" She was standing there, but she was completely lost in her head, thinking of what and how she could make him fall in love with her.

Zeno on the outside, needed to quickly… squeeze a lemon.

*Knock*Knock* He didn't get a reply, so naturally he slips the doorknob open and…

Like a movie suddenly set on pause, he stood there, awestruck, frozen to the spot, as his eyes fell on her in full naked magnificence. A sudden rush filled his system, like some kind of hot reptile crawled throughout his body, his eyes dilated and his lashes fluttered nonstop.

And subconsciously he thought... Lords! She is beautiful...

"Damn!..." the word had left his lips before he realized where he stood. "I_ I_ I mean... Y_You, I_ I_ I didn't…" For the first time in a long time, words failed him.

Maybe she was starting to have raunchy dreams when it was so early in the morning, but she felt like she heard his voice inside the bathroom. And then she turned, and he was there, looking at her, eyes wide open.

"My imaginations are going too far," she said in her head.

"S_Sorry" He finally said, and rushed back out, slamming the door close behind him.

And that was when her head started solving the math, "he said sorry, he slammed the door close," then she turned back to the mirror, and looked at herself. "It wasn't just my imagination?!" Her eyes widened with realization, her breath went up and down, and up and down, and up and down again…


He too stood there by the door, still flustered and shocked about what just happened. He needed to explain himself, so he turned the doorknob open again.

"I didn't mean to walk in, I swear, I knocked on the…

" AHHH!!! GET OUT!!!"

" Oh I'm so sorry." He ran out again, wondering what in the world was wrong with him.

"Calm down, you didn't mean to walk in, you knocked on the door, she didn't say anything." He tried telling himself over and over again, sitting himself down on the head of one of the couches, hands resting there too, legs crossed out in front of him. Trying to have the best calming pose he could do.

But his trembling legs failed him. His racing heart could not deny the fact that he was shaken up by what he just saw.

All wrapped up in her black robe, she storms out of the bathroom, looking like she was about to kill somebody.

"I'm sorry, but I really knocked... I swear. You were the one who didn't say a single word." He instantly tried defending himself.

"You__" oh Lords! She was red with embarrassment that she didn't have a single thing to say to the man. He'd seen her completely naked. Well it's not the first time, when they were children, she used to run around naked, but then she didn't have boobs... I'm not a child anymore. She winced in her heart as she ran off into the room and slammed the door close.

"Phew!" He breathed down. That could have gone worse.

After dressing up for hours, she finally stepped out of the bedroom, and Lords! He wasn't supposed to laugh in a situation like this, but the girl just knew how to crack him up no matter the situation. What was she wearing??

She had matched out in his trousers and shirt, sleeves two times the length of her arms, and the trousers she had to fold up, so as not to trip. She was insane, this little Luna of his. Completely insane.

Without any form of eye contact, she scurried over to the dining table where he had set their breakfast, and sat herself down. Without any further delay, she started digging into the food. Her plan was to eat, without saying a single word to him, and then run back into the room, locking herself up in there with embarrassment, forever and ever.

As if that was possible…

"OH please, just say it… Laugh out loud for all I care." she finally blurts out, raising her head up and meeting his amused gaze.

"Hahahah__ I'm sorry, I really tried to hold it in, but why are you in my clothes? What happened to yours?" he let out a boisterous laugh, holding onto his head as if to stop it from falling off.

"Because you've seen me naked, I feel so naked in all my clothes now. And yours are bigger, so they cover up everything."

"But let's be honest, you have literally been walking around naked all throughout our stay here, so what's the difference."

"Are you mad?! What do you mean by what's the difference? There's a big difference between when a person wears a bikini, or a short gown, or a skimpy top, and when a person is completely skyclad. You just saw me completely naked. And the whole front view for that matter."

"To be honest, I saw the whole back too." He jests.

"DK!!!" She threw some food at him, and he just laughed.

"I'm sorry, okay, but to be fair, I did knock on the door, but you didn't answer. But I'm sorry." He says again.

"Sorry is not going to take away the fact that you've had your eyes completely filled. I'm sure now you're itching to say my breasts are way smaller than you imagined." She clasped her arms around her chest.

"You really want me to comment on them?" he asks.

"No, just…"

"Because they are actually way bigger than I expected." He suddenly says, and stands up and disappears into the room, leaving her stunned, flustered and red all over. Maybe it was another imagination, but she felt like he was just flirting with her, and the weird thing about it is, he didn't even seem to know that he was flirting with her.

"She's just a child, She's just a child, she's just a child." He kept on telling himself inside the room. "She's like your blood sister, nothing more but your little sister." He assures himself again.

"Yeah, you've seen her naked a dozen times before when she was much, much, much, more younger. You even dressed her up sometimes. So it's nothing new. Who cares if she has breasts now? Why the hell did I go and rant about it being bigger? She's just a child. She's a little girl. Just see her as a little girl, and everything will be fine." He told himself.

He had no idea when it started, but he was starting to think of her as a woman, and that was wrong. She's nothing more than his baby sister.

Throughout the whole morning, they kept a reasonable distance apart from each other, there was no clinging, no hugging, no form of skinship at all. She was feeling like maybe she was starting to change him and change the way he saw her and she was happy that she seemed to have an effect on him.

Buy he felt like he was changing, and that was bad.