57. A sexy mess...

"A chance to save yourself" He chuckles as he picks up a long spikey whip, and turns to face Lorenzo once again, and the Old man breathed with fear just by looking at the whip.

He drags a steel chair closer to Lorenzo, and sits down with one leg crossed over the other, and his arms crossed over his chest, the whip loosely touching the ground.

"If you can successfully tell me the name of the girl who you're getting punished for, just tell me her name, and I promise you, I'll let you walk out of here untouched. But you only have ten chances to guess her name, and every single time you miss it, this Russian beauty will fall upon you with so much finesse, and if you still don't get the right name at the count of ten, then that…"

Y_You can't do this to me." He stutters, trying to rise to his knees, but he falls face flat again to the ground. "I'm Lorenzo… Lorenzo DeLuca. The boss hasn't ordered you to touch me, so you can't do this. The boss will terminate you when he finds out about this."

"Oh, don't worry. If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that the boss will not mind if I put down a filthy dog like yourself, and besides, the boss is big on family. And you just happened to touch my own." He hissed, setting both his legs down and resting his hands on his knees, leaning in closer to him, dangling the intimidating whip in front of him.

"So you better start thinking of a name, and pray to all the demons you can think of that you get it right, because if you don't, that rod is getting hotter, and guess where it's going to end up…" Lorenzo followed the direction that Marco's eyes went, down below his chest, below his stomach, and lower and even lower till Marco's eyes rested right upon his crotch…

"Huhhh!!..." the man gasped with terror, his whole body now tremoring in a whole new, different kind of way, while Marco just smiled at him from beneath the mask.

"So… Give me a name from nine years ago." Marco orders, sitting up straight once again, legs crossed, and hands loosely placed on his laps.

Lorenzo had never felt more threatened in his entire life, he'd never felt this much turmoil before… He'd slept with dozens of underaged girls, and not even once in his lifetime did he deem it fit to find out what name they were called.

But then he thought of a smart idea… it was better to say nothing at all, than to say wrong names and get whipped, with that ghastly thing. Just looking at it alone drove him mad, and the constant crackling sound of the embers obviously heating up made him short of breath…

"I_I won't say…" *WOO-PAW!!* came the cracking sound of the harsh whip on his back, causing the man to jolt from the ground, and wiggle and stumble, all the while trying to touch that spot on his back with his hands, but he was bound in chains, so that proved impossible. All he could do was hiss and wriggle in pain.

"If you don't say anything, I'll still whip you, so for your sake, try." Just one whip, and his skin was already torn, there was no way he was going to survive all ten whips, he had no choice but to try… Even though he knew how this would end.

"Now, let's try this again… What is the name of the young girl you raped?" Lorenzo could swear that he saw something spark inside the man's eyes, he could tell that there was no escaping this…

All he did was stutter out the name that came to his head "A_Anna" Very popular name, there were at least a million Annas in Italy, but he could see it in the man's eyes, although a thousand people were given this name, it wasn't the one for tonight…

"OH! this is going to be a wonderful night" Marco lifts himself up from the chair and kicks it backward. "Try not to scream too loud. My girlfriend is asleep upstairs, I don't want you waking her up." *WOO-PAW!!*

"Hello__What?!! They're back already?__Why?__Okay, I'm on my way." Marco ended the call from Edoardo, standing in front of the window, his hands folded over his chest as he pondered on why they'd arrived earlier.

"Did something happen?" he mutters to himself, but then the ruffling sounds of the sheets disturbed his thoughts, and he turned to look at her, a warming smile instantly embedded on his face as he watched her squint her eyes because of the reflection of the sun on her face.

"Good morning" He greets, moving from the window side and climbing atop the bed next to her, instantly kissing her lips, and then her cheek, and her nose, and the center of her head.

"Good morning" she says, biting on her lower lips, trying not to show how embarrassed she was feeling. She could still remember it, could still feel his strokes and caress, could feel his firm legs, his sturdy arms that wrapped around her while he thrust.

And she could still hear herself gasping with pleasure. The amount of times she called his name last night, supercedes the previous times she'd said his name. And she had called him in the most sinful way ever, just thinking of it now, and her cheeks flushed again.

"Did I ever tell you, you look sexiest in the morning." He pulled her up with the blanket around her, and sat her down on his lap, and she flushed even more because of his words.

"Don't tease me so early, I know I'm a mess in the morning."

"A sexy mess" He strokes some strands of hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear, and then kissing her again, taking in all the goodness of the morning…