58. Ruined.

Still wondering what could have caused them to return early, Marco drove to the DeFalco 's mansion. ``Did the plan work? Are they a couple now? Or did it fail? Is that why they are back already or has he found out that we tricked him…

All these thoughts, and unanswered questions were what filled his head as he drove. But he had no idea the kind of rage that awaited him at the DeFalco 's mansion.


"I can't believe this papa, so it was all a lie? How could you even agree to something this insane huh!!!" Zeno's voice echoed round the house, reaching even the deepest corners of the house, every single person in the place could feel the anger in the man's voice.

Even Edoardo at this point had a certain kind of fear for the man in front of him, Luna on the other hand had nothing to say, neither was she in the right state of mind to say anything, she had gone up to her room in silence.

"Z_Zee my boy, calm down for a second, just…"

"What the hell do you mean calm down papa huh?!!" He retorted, his fingers running through his hair frustratedly.

"Why would you agree to this kind of nonsense? I can't believe it was a lie from the very beginning. The hit on her was orchestrated by all of you just so she could move in with me, and then you lie about my identity being leaked, and you lie that she was somehow roped in my mess, and you made me believe all that shit, and made us go away just so she could do what? Seduce me??"

He was bursting with anger, he'd never thought of the possibility of his own family tricking him like this.

He could still remember what it had felt like when Marco gave him the news of her being attacked, he could still remember the heart wrenching feeling, and to think that it was all a lie, and that they had organized the whole thing, it just made him mighty mad.

"Zee, calm down, we didn't mean to lie to you…" Marco's voice sounded from behind him, and he turned, and he moved his feet, and strode towards him, his palms clenched in tight fists, and…

*PAW* The hard and strong punch sent Marco staggering backwards, and crashing into the door, but Zeno wasn't done yet.

He reached for him again, and another jaw-shifting punch landed on his face. Marco tried saying something, but Zee had no intentions of letting him breathe, more or less talk, for he rained down heavy punches on the man, causing Marco to shrink down, and Zeno filled him with more punches.

The man's face was bruised, battered and bloody, and Zeno kept punching, pouring out his frustration and anger on the man, angered at the fact that he knew that after what happened on the island, he and her could never go back to how they were before.

Because she had kissed him, and he had craved for her taste, angered at the fact that he had actually said those cruel words to her last night, words which deep down he knew he didn't mean.

But they had left his lips, angered at the fact that now he really had no one to call his own anymore, angered that because of their useless plotting he just lost the only person that still brought laughter into his life, the only person who still made him feel sane.

And he hated them all for doing this to him, for making him do this to her, and he poured out his hate and anger and misery on Marco nonstop, until…

"That's enough!" Edoardo grabbed his hand, stopping him from landing another fatal blow on the man's face.

"You think we did all this just to have her seduce you huh?? Is that how little you think of Luna!!" *PAW* Edoardo lands a fully packed punch on Zee's face, and the man staggers to the floor next to Marco who just laid there spitting out blood.

"We did this because we were tired of seeing you walk around like a goddammed Zombie. We did it because everyone of us cares about you. Because we love you and we want that love in your life. We've tried every other means to help you before, and nothing worked! So the three of us thought that having someone new in your life would help you out of your misery, help you step back into the goddam light. And who better to do that than someone you feel comfortable with, someone you've known all your life, someone who genuinely loves you… What the hell was wrong with what we did, Zeno?!! All we did was try and help you!!... "

"Did I ask for your help! Did I ever ask any of you to help me?" He retorted, staggering back to his feet like a drunkard.

"I didn't ask for your help. I never needed it. You tried to help me, and now see what you've done… You, frigging ruined everything… You've ruined my relationship with Luna, what the hell are you gonna do about that now huh!! What?!!"

He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to gather himself, just trying to take it all in, trying not to scream out his pain but… "AHHHH!!!" He yelled with anger, cursing and swearing out loud like it would help him ease the pain…

"You should have just left me the way I was." He finally says. "You shouldn't have agreed to this, papa. Now you just ruined us both… Me and Luna." He hissed, kicking and cursing, for he had nothing else to say at that point, he just walked out swearing and slamming his fists and legs into anything that stood in his way.