59. Grief...

"Give me the keys!!" He yelled at the worker who was busy cleaning up one of the cars, and the young man knew better than to argue with him, and shiveringly hands over the keys to him, and he vrooms off in a fit of rage.

"GODDAMMIT!!" He punched and punched the steering wheel as he drove at full speed, cursing and screaming to himself inside the car. He wished to pour out his frustration, it was all packed up inside of him, he wanted a way to vent out his anger, his agony, he felt this suffocating ache in his chest, and he just couldn't take it, he couldn't focus on driving, so he pulls up by the roadside, and bursts out of it.

Hands akimbo, then fingers moving to his head and running in and out of his hair, then his legs just felt week, he bent to the ground, his elbows on his knees, face covered up in his palm, then he stands to his feet again, his entire system was just restless, his fingers trembled.

"WHY?!!!" He screamed, "Why the hell did you guys do this to me?! Why, Why?!!" Punching and kicking the side of the car, kicking the tires over and over again like he had a score to settle with it.

He was alone now, really alone he knew it, but he was only doing it for her sake. There was no other way to protect her from him. He'd only hurt her.

He knew he could never learn to love her the way she wanted him to, if he tried like she'd ask him to, she'd be hurt even more than this.

He knew he could never get Dan-a out of his life and head, he could never let go of Dan-a, he would never be able to pick up that broken mirror.

Before Dan-a, there had never been any one, and he was sure there could never be anyone after her.

"Why are they making me the bad guy here? Why?" he cried, squatting down again, his back resting on the car.

"They should never have done this, now look what they've done, I'm sorry Piccola, I'm sorry." He cried into his palm. He knew very well that he hurt her, but hurting her this way was better than him following his lustful desires, only for her to find out that he has no amorous feelings towards her. That would hurt her even more.


"ouch! Nanny Maria please be gentle, my face feels like it's on fire." Marco complained as the woman applied ointment to his face.

"I did warn you all that something like this would happen, so just swallow the pain Master Marco." The lady says. She had warned them that things might not just go as they planned it, and that both parties might just get hurt in the end, but no one listened to the old nanny, and things ended up like this.

"I mean, what really happened between them on that island to make him like this? How is Luna, she wouldn't let me in when I went to see her upstairs,"

"Marco, do you think this was a really bad idea?" Edoardo asks, when they both walked into the house, Zeno and Luna, he felt like someone had sucked the life out of his princess. He'd never seen her so dispirited before, she looked like her source of life had been cut, like her reason to survive had been taken away from her, apart from her face and statue, she looked nothing like his Luna.

"Maybe Zeno was right, maybe I should never have agreed to this in the first place," The man sighed deeply, looking up the stairs that led to her room.

"Some things are better left the way they are, trying to force a change on them may ruin not only them, but the other things around them. Sometimes it is better to let the change process happen naturally, that way it can blend in with the things around it, at its own pace and season." Maria says again, putting the last bandaid on the side of Marco's face, leaving both men staring at each other, pondering on her words.

Inside her room, Luna laid underneath the sheets, and all that flooded her head were the words he had said to her last night. She could hear the loud resonance of his affronting words, could see his cold gaze, and she could still feel the chill deep down her bones.

But still amidst the shivering coldness that she felt, she could still feel his lips on hers, could feel the warmth of his touch, could feel the savoring goodness of his taste, could feel his huge arms wrap around her, and then she felt it…

That ache, that deep pain in her chest, still shocked that he had said those words to her, and she cried again, hiding deep beneath the sheets, she cried, burying herself in her grief. One that she had personally thrown herself into.