60. Maybe...

"You brainless fool! Can't you be more gentle?" Lorenzo barked at the doctor who cleaned his wounds.

"I swear I will get them back for this. I will bring down the whole organization, or… Ahh! I said, Do it gently, you miserable buffoon!!" He yelped in pain, not even being able to turn and vent his anger on the man, he just laid there on the bed naked, his entire back covered in a bloody mess, he had lived a very long life, and never had he been treated this way.

He swore and hissed, it was all he could do in his current state.

"He rendered me impotent… That bastard!!" He screamed… "And for a girl… I will destroy them all. I will destroy them all or my name is not Lorenzo DeLuca"


Finally in the comfort of his mansion, surrounded by all the wine and spirit he could get, he started all over again, drowning himself in his drinks, he needed a way to get her out of his head, a way to take the guilt off his shoulder, a way to not be reminded that he now had no one special by his side anymore.

He needed a way to escape his scary reality again, so he was back, with his old friends in hand, he drank, and drank, and drank…

But it was as if the more he drank, the clearer he could see her eyes that were filled with water last night.

Usually, the wine helped him block out the sounds he didn't wish to hear, but now it seemed it only amplified her voice in his head.

He could hear her call his name, could hear the cracking and aching pain in her voice as she said his name. He wished to fall asleep, and take a break from this feeling of guilt and loneliness, but it just wasn't working.

"Just let me be!!" He screamed, tossing the bottle of brandy in his hand straight into the wall, he was angry, at all of them for tricking him, at himself for falling for such a trick, and his hands came down on the mini bar counter, and he shoved every single bottle and glass off the counter in a rage, screaming with vexation as he did so.

The glasses crashed to the ground, some pieces bouncing back up, tearing the side of his face, and wrist.

Heaving with exhaustion, he picked up another bottle of whiskey and walked away into his room. And he laid there upon the bed, the bottle of whiskey still in his hand, and hours passed by, the sun soon shut its gleaming eyes, and the moon took over, and he was still wide awake, his head aching from all the screaming, and yet he still drank, hoping at one point in time, he would fall asleep, and just forget everything.

And then a thought came to his head…

Maybe he could just get into an accident, maybe he could find a way to hurt himself badly in the head, maybe he would be hospitalized, maybe he would fall into a coma for a very long time, and just dream of Dan-a, and Piccola, all three of them laughing together.

Then maybe, just maybe, he would wake up after being in a coma for months, and then he'd wake up with amnesia, he'd forget every single thing that happened on that island, forget about her kiss, her lips, forget the warmth that flowed between their tongues, and the sweetness, the feel of her small breasts on his palm, he'd forget all that.

And would only remember the good times he had with her. This could work, him hitting his head real hard could work… But how? By car accident like in the movies, or maybe he could just throw himself down the stairs, or what other method could he use to get amnesia?...

These were the thoughts that filled his head, and slowly, as he laid there, he had no idea when the bottle of whisky slipped out of his hand, he didn't realize that his lashes were starting to flutter close, didn't realize that at some point, he had fallen asleep.

But when that alluring fragrance began to fill the air around him, his aching heart began to feel less heavy, he could suddenly feel that softness, and warmth that the empty bed could never give, the kind that calmed his entire system, he knew it, he had fallen asleep. He had landed in his big fantasy.

Head rested on her lap, those pleasant locks of gold fell to the side of his face, creating a familiar tingle in his body. And he flicked his lashes open, and he could see those bright green eyes looking down at him, her sweet smile telling him he was safe in her arms, telling him he could leave every worry behind while she held him.

He takes her hand in his own, and gently kisses her knuckles, and her fingers, and the inside of her palm, " This is a dream, isn't it?" he asks, and she nods with a smile. "I miss you." He kissed her there again, and she caressed his head with her other hand,

"All this would not have happened if you were really here with me," he cried, tears trailed down his eyes as he spoke, and she lowered her face to his own, and she kissed his tears, and his lips.

"Do you think she will forgive me? I said really harsh words to her, Dan-a, I called her disgusting, you know I didn't mean those words, I love her, and I don't want to hurt her, but I just can't love her the way she wants me to. Because I still Love you. I always will, I just don't want to see her suffer because of me, now I don't know anymore… I don't think we can ever go back to how we were after what I said to her, I hate it when she cries, and yet I made her cry…" He covers his eyes with her palm, trying to hide the tears, trying to hide his anger with himself.

"Hurting her now so you won't hurt her later, does that make sense?"