69. Her scent...

Seeing her out of the blue, he was overwhelmed with various confusing emotions. He was angry, a little bit joyful, a bit scared, a bit nervous, and a bit relieved. He was a galaxy of emotions tonight, but most of all, he wanted to stay away from her, as far away as possible.

She had the power to stir up all this emotions in him, but it was wrong, so even though at the moment, he wished to talk to her, and ask her how she's been doing, and ask her why the hell she hasn't been eating properly, and ask her why she didn't pick him as her dance partner, and force her to look at him face to face, and talk to him too.

And tell her he missed her annoying voice... No, it wasn't annoying... He loved her voice, it was soothing for him, he loved the sound of it, and he wished to tell her that, and that he missed her bubbly presence around him…

Even though he wished to do all this, he wasn't going to say a single word to her, even though he was dying to know why she refused to acknowledge his presence there. Instead__ instead, he'd look for a perfect lady here tonight, and just get himself laid. He needed it...

The lack of sex was the major cause of all this... He blamed it for the lust he was feeling towards her, so he was definitely going to make it happen tonight.

He wasn't going to let her get into his head tonight. He'd make sure he gets the perfect sex partner here tonight, and take her to the apartment, and sex her till the name, scent and picture of this diavoletto leaves his head. This was his plan, and he was going to stick to it.


"What? You're going to approach Zeno Silvestri? Are you out of your mind?" somewhere in the party, some young ladies gathered discussing all about the men in the place, and about who was the best man among them all.

"Yeah, he definitely comes first among all the men, but Joanna, I think you should think before you act. Haven't you heard what people say about him, that he's a Brute, and some even say he's involved in the Mafia world."

"They say that about every rich man." The lady named Joanna says.

"Stop saying nonsense, he's unapproachable. The only person who he's close to is that Luna DeFalco. No one else." Another lady tries to discourage her.

"Exactly, she's the only one he's close to, and as long as she's present in an occasion, he dances with only her, but didn't you see what happened just now. They both danced with different partners. Something seems off. I think they're not on good terms, so it is my time to work my magic on him."

"Just because they seemed to have had a little lovers quarrel doesn't mean he's going to give you a chance tonight. It's better you keep your boundaries than to get shunned by him." Another lady advises.

"What makes you think they are lovers? From what I've heard, he treats her like a little sister because Edoardo DeFalco is his guardian. Stop looking at the negative sides ladies… Just think what it would be like to be placed under such a hunk of a man…" all the ladies gasped at her words.

"Uhh! Joanna, I can't believe you're already thinking about that."

"Oh please, I know all of you have lewd dreams of stuff like that all the time." They just coughed and cleared their throats at her words. She was right, who hadn't at one time fantasized about being Pinned down by that muscled man, picturing him in nothing but his own skin. Each and everyone of them were guilty of the charge.

" Enough talking now, wish me luck ladies" and before they could try and hold her back or try talk her out of it again, she already walked away from them and was headed towards the man called Zeno.

The silence between them was suffocating, and even though he wished to stand up that instant and walk away from the coldness that she exuded, he wished to stay with her longer, even though just in silence, he just couldn't help wanting to spend a minute longer next to her.

For even where he sat, he could smell her sweet candy scent, and before, it didn't do anything to him, he was too used to it, but things were different now...

Now, maybe because she's been away from him for too long, but that same old sweet candy scent was intoxicating him, subconsciously, he drew in longer breaths, letting the scent reach the deepest part of his stomach, he hadn't had a single drop of wine since he stepped into the place, and yet he was drunk... From her scent.

His eyes closed as he drowned in that sweet, sweet candy scent... "I'm mad" he mutters to himself as he turns his head slightly, and gazed at her.

He needed help. The almighty Zeno needed help to get himself up from that seat and away from her side. He needed someone to come pull him out of there… and then...