70. To erase her from heart, mind, and head...

He needed help. The almighty Zeno needed help to get himself up from that seat and away from her side. He needed someone to come pull him out of there… and then...

"Excuse me sir," he heard a voice sound next to him, and he turned to look at the lady who stood there looking at him. "If you don't mind my insolence, I was wondering if you would like another dance. And if yes, would you do me the honor of making me your partner?"

Not too tall, just some inches taller than his dear Luna who sat adjacent to him, dark hair, she probably uses a d-cup size bra, her hips were perfectly rounded. She was nothing like Dan-a, and neither was she like his Luna. Maybe this was exactly what he needed.

Since his preference suddenly changed, he'd try out new stuff.

"I don't plan on dancing here again tonight." He says, looking straight at Luna, and the ladies face dropped at his words, but he wasn't concerned about her expression, he wanted to see Luna's own expression, but there was nothing. Nothing at all.

But what he didn't know was that even though her face didn't show it, and even though she tried to deny it, her heart leapt at his words. She felt some kind of relief as he turned down the lady…

But he wasn't turning her down.

"I don't plan on dancing here again tonight, but I would like to dance with you someplace else." He was talking to the lady, but his attention was on Luna, only Luna.

And as Joanna beamed with excitement and nodded to his words, Luna's heart ached. She wasn't going to show it, she wasn't going to hold onto him and tell him not to go anywhere with another woman.

She wasn't going to care at all. But her heart ached, she knew he was doing this to taunt her, but she would just ignore him.

And she did a perfect job, for his anger grew inside, his face could not hide his displeasure, "Diavoletto," he hissed and cursed underneath his breath as he stood up abruptly, holding on to the ladies hand, much to her delight, her dream was coming true… she thought.

But he was just using her, using her to escape, using her to satisfy himself, using her to make his Luna look at him, but it was a failure. A hundred percent failure.

"Let's go." He simply states, all the while still hoping to get a certain reaction from her, still hoping that at least she could look at him.

But even as he greeted Duke and Love as he walked out, she didn't turn, she didn't look. Not even once. And he walked the lady Joanna, out of the hall, and into his car, standing by the door, still looking out to see if she'd come out, if she'd run to him and complain to him or scold him.

But nothing. She didn't come, and he got into the car and told the driver to vroom off.

"Stop the car…" He suddenly deadpans, the car had been moving for about ten minutes, and all through that annoyingly long distance, the lady whose name he didn't even know, was stuck to him like the skin on his back.

All the while he couldn't stop thinking about his Piccola, couldn't get her out of his mind, wondering why she didn't say a single word to him, wondering if this was how she planned to treat him now, wondering if he could take her being like this for too long.

Even her being angry with him for some minutes was a heartache for him. He hadn't thought of this properly.

He knew their relationship was broken after that island, he knew it would hurt him, but now that it was actually happening, he had told her not to call his name, and now that she refused to say a single word to him, he just couldn't take it.

Why the hell did she have so much power over him. She always did. She was so small, and yet she was always the one who could make him say the word sorry about a hundred times.

``how come I've given her so much authority over me. But this has to end tonight. I'm just over thinking everything.

He was going to end this madness tonight. He was going to erase that island from his entire mind, erase her sweet taste from his lips, erase her soft touch from his head, erase her intoxicating scent.

He was going to override his entire system with something new so he could move on...

"Get out," he simply says, releasing himself from her clutches.

"W_what?" she stutters, shocked at the sudden change in the tone of his voice, and the darkness that had covered his eyes, the lady leaned backward, suddenly trembling next to him.

"Get out now, or the next stop will be my apartment where I plan on having sex with you till I'm satisfied." His words sounded scary, terrifying to some extent, and she knew she was supposed to bolt out of the door right this minute, as her legs trembled where she sat, her heart's rhythm had taken a faster pace.

He was giving her a chance to escape now, but…

"I'm guessing your apartment is not far from here…" She wanted to be able to tell her fellow ladies that she slept with Zeno Silvestri.

That for one night, she'd made him her lover, and he had loved and worshiped her body, and maybe…, just maybe after this one night, she might get lucky and one night might turn to two, and two would undulate to three, and then she might even become Mrs. Silvestri and have control of all his fortune… No one knows what a one night stand can lead to.

"I'd love to know what Zeno Silvestri is like in bed. So let's start now if you can't wait till we reach the apartment. I promise you will enjoy having sex with me."

And he got the answer he wanted, but why was he feeling this way, like he was hoping she would walk out of the car. What in the world did he actually want???

"Fine." He sticks his hand to the side of the car and pulls out a bottle of spirit, turning the cover open and gulping straight from the bottle, cringing in satisfaction as the hot, harsh liquid trailed into his system. "To the apartment." He simply orders the driver, and the car engine starts again, and they zoom off.