78. Accident...

Back to the present…

"She passed out too early… tsk" Luna hissed as she had beaten the lady to a pulp. Of course poor Joanna had tried to fake passing out a few times, but a harsh kick from Luna would bring her back to her senses, and so the beating continued, until eventually she passed out… For real this time.

"Say Chitarra." Luna says as she clicks a picture of the unconscious woman. "It's nice how I feel so much better after beating up someone." She giggles as she puts on her jacket. "Bye-bye," She playfully says and hops out of the house.

She got into her car and drove off, "Stupid Zeno…" She hissed. "What? Me__ disgusting, Cheap… Puttana, hahaha_haa. What a joke… So I'm disgusting and that filthy thing is you ideal type of woman… hahaha_haa?" She laughed out loud as she drove. "That witch is what you call Puttana, she is the cheapest of the cheap, and she most definitely is disgusting… She can't even be compared to me at all." She began praising herself.

"I'm beautiful, I know I am. Even way more beautiful than her. I'm strong, so I can look after myself. What I lack in height, I make up for in brains. I don't lie like that stupid witch because I bigger than lies…"

But then she remembers she practically lied to him to make him go away to that island. "okay, maybe I lie sometimes, but it's for a good cause. And I might not have big boobs and a big butt, but at the very least my small boobs and butt are a perfect match for my body. Unlike her, her breasts are bigger than her entire body, she looks like a freaking chicken drumstick, big up small down. And also, I'm a perfectly skilled driver… I bet that idiot doesn't even own a car… Ahh! Yes, I'm also filthy rich. Even without papa's money, I have my own investments." She chortles.

"I'm the perfect woman you idiot…" *VROOM*BANG* Her car was brutally hit from the side, her hands on the wheel flew backwards, her head hit the back of her seat with much force, and she was propelled forward with the same force, hitting her head hard on the wheel, and then the side window as the car spun mid-air, violently crashing back as it toppled over, leaving her upside down, her blue hair was quickly changing color as blood dripped from her head nonstop.

"urgh…" she winced in pain, she could barely feel her face, her head ached and there was a loud piercing sound of a whistle resonating loud and clear in ear.

But somewhere in between head and body ache, and the loud whistling in her ear, she could here him tell her… ``if ever you get into a car accident, the first thing you should do is forget your pain, no matter how hurting it is, put it behind you and struggle your way out of the car, crawl out as fast as you can, and go as far away as possible and then you can start feeling the body aches. Because the car might just blow up.'

She had asked him where he would possibly be when she was busy getting into an accident, claiming that the teaching was unnecessary because she was never going to get into an accident, one she was a skilled driver, and two she had him to protect her, and he had told her… ``what if you're not the one driving, you can't trust no one. And also, you can't always be around me. What if you run away from me because you're mad about something, and I can't find you? What happens then? You'd already be a burnt marshmallow by the time I find you.'

"Put the pain behind me__Urgh…" She tells herself. "That bastard, he says it like it's so damn easy… It all hurts. But there's no way I'm turning into a burnt marshmallow." She tells herself and fights with the seat belt for a while, but it was jammed. So with no other option, and truly thanking heaven and earth that she had a small statue, she wiggled and wriggled and twisted and turned, hissing and breathing, trying her best not to scream in pain.

Until finally, she crawled out of the broken window, still trying to make sure she didn't add more injuries to her body by crawling on broken glasses.

"AHHHHHH!!!" She screamed it all out at once, instantly holding on to her head as the whistling sound intensified as she yelled out in pain, but then now she could see the other jeep that had crashed into her, the car was stopped a bit far from her, but she could see four men stepping out of it. "How long as it been… Four against a bruised one… urghh" she cried in pain, but then maybe her eyes were now seeing double, but it seemed like the men had doubled. There were eight of them… How the hell did eight men fit into that one jeep??

"Why does it have to be in this part of the road where cars barely pass?? Always take the main road, you never listen." she scolds herself.

Staggering to her feet, she held onto her bleeding head, slapping herself to stay focus. "I wonder whose enemies sent you this time__ Papa, or that block-head… or both? Either way, you think you can take me that easily, well think again… You're all dead meat."

With no mercy whatsoever, they all charged at her, each and everyone of them trying to either land a blow on her, or grab her, but she was slithery as she was small.

Always slipping out of their hands the moment they touched her, or twisting their arm and flipping them over, landing a huge smackdown on their backs.

"uh-uhn," She nods a no as one of them tried to punch her in the stomach, but she was quick enough to slide backwards, grab unto his hand that was stretched forward, pull him forcefully towards her, and knee him right in his special place, bringing him down to his knees in front of her. And she finished him off with a spinning kick, extending the kick to another one who was beside her, hitting his stomach, and using the other guy as a stepping stone she leapt above the ground and spinned another kick directly to his face.

"Four down, four more to go…" She coughs and spits out blood from her mouth, setting her fists in from of her, mortal kombat style. She was barely standing straight, but she wasn't going to let them take her, never.

Charging at her again, they kicked and punched, and she cleverly dodged most of them, but still got hit by some, but she was a real fighter, as she threw her little hands and punched them too. Her hands didn't pack a really big punch, especially now when she was not at a hundred percent, but she knew her legs were her strength, so she used them well, and even though she didn't pack a mighty punch, she knew how to cleverly flip them over.

She fought and fought until it was just two of them standing, she was exhausted. Her entire body ached, and she fought inwardly with all her might to stay awake and stand up straight. All she had to do was knockout these two… "You can do this…" She mutters to herself, shaking her head to stay awake and focused as they charge at her again.

She had become slower than when the fight started, she didn't see his leg coming, and he kicked her ribs, and the other threw a punch at her, but she slid backwards, holding on to her aching side and as they charged towards her again, she shifted her focus on one, thinking in her head ``get rid of one as quickly as possible, and face the other.

And it was effective, or so she thought, for she was suddenly feeling dizzy, the world was starting to spin around her, her legs had become lighter than feathers, was she standing was she walking she had no idea, and then she realized it, she felt it, the stinging pain at her neck, then she saw the syringe in one of their hands, but there was nothing she could do then again "T_that is chea__cheating…ugh." She groaned as she fell flat to the ground, taking one last look at the two men who stood in front of her, and her eyes shut close.