79. They got Mea...

"I mean why in the world do you suddenly want to see Luna, let's first settle the case with this Rape thing and then you can go and see her." Marco chirped, he just didn't know how to tell the man that Luna had already seen the video, and had gone on a revenge mission, and that he had personally given her the address to the place.

"Marco, would you give it a rest, we're already here." Zeno says as he drove into the land mass. Not wasting a single minute as soon as he packed the car, he bolted into the house.

"Master Zeno, you finally pay us a visit." Nanny Maria greets him as he walks into the house.

"Nanny Maria, where is Piccola… Never mind, she must be in her room, I'll go get her myself."

"I wonder why you would want to see something disgusting and cheap…" Maria says, causing him to turn back and look at her, a warm smile crawling up his face.

"I didn't mean that nanny Maria, you know better than anyone how highly I think of that little devil." He nudges her by the shoulder.

"I know, but still, those words were too harsh for someone who did nothing but love you sincerely." she stomps her walking stick on his feet as punishment, causing him to wince like a puppy in pain.

"Ah, I thought I heard a weird voice in the house."

"Papa" Zeno calls out, still holding onto his hurting feet.

"If it isn't the prodigal son who left the house, who's also the trending man, the man who has risen more in fame for his great nudes, and also for rape... He has returned."

"Technically papa, I'm totally different from the prodigal son, unlike him, I didn't go away with your money. I didn't even go, I just didn't come here. That's all. I've been around, just that I didn't come here. And also, I'm always a hot topic, naked or clothed, I'm always trending, and that stupid woman is being dealt with as we speak… Right Marco?"

"mm-hmm" Marco nods, not able to say a word in response.

"Why are you here? I thought you decided not to see me again,"

"Let's be factual, you all did lie to me. You tricked me and made me panic for no reason, so I deserve to at least be mad at you. And I'm not here to see you in particular, I'm here to see Piccola."

"Mouthy brat." Edoardo hisses. "After what you did, you think I'll just let you see her?"

"It's none of your business papa, it's between me and Piccola." He simply says, causing the man to mutter some curse words, as he knew he had no way to win against him with words.

"Foolish child, how did you let that video get out of hand, you really care so little of what Luna thinks that you don't mind her seeing that video?" Zeno's eyes flew wide open, his face cringed as he felt disgusted with his own self.

"Don't tell me she already saw the video…"

"The whole world has seen it, what makes you think that Luna will be an exception. And guess where she is right now?" Edoardo asks with a creepy smile, turning his attention to Marco who stood behind Zeno, fidgeting the entire time, trying to make signs and signals to Edoardo, telling him not to talk, and telling him not to say where Luna had gone…

"Don't tell me…" Zeno looks turns with lasers in his eyes shooting at Marco.

"What was I supposed to do, she called me and told me to give her the address of the lady in the video, and you know when Luna asks for something, no one can say no." He quickly confessed, taking careful steps backwards, far away from Zeno's arms length.

"Are you out of your mind? Why the hell will you send Luna there?"

"To be fair, you did order me to send one of our girls to go deal with her later…"

"So you sent Luna?"

"Luna is one of our girls too, so in a way I was just following your orders." Marco looks at Edoardo and Nanny Maria as if to ask if he was right, and they both gave him a nod.

"Come here," Zeno tries to lay his hands on him, but Marco instantly bolted from where he stood, and ran behind Edoardo, but Zeno still didn't stop he went after him… "How could you let her go there on her own?"

"Why are you blaming me, you should never had done that in the first place," Marco retorted.

"Master Marco, these men say they are here to see you." A maid says and the two men walk into the house.

"B_Boss…" The word barely left their lips, as they stood there, terrified of what would become of them in the next minutes, and Marco's eyes fell on the things in their hands, and his heart skipped with fear, the smile on his face had quickly withered. That was her bag, and her phone, and his knees went weak, and he staggered, holding on the the head of a chair to keep him from falling. And all he could think in his head right now is… ``I should never had left her on her own.

"How the hell did this even happen??!!" Marco seethed, as they explained the whole thing to him. "Okay, okay… fine, just tell me, just tell me in details, the kind of car, the plate number, anything, anything at all…" He tried calming himself down. But then they both had nothing to say as they knelt down in front of him, and his entire system burned with rage, the pores in his skin emitted smokes of anger, he wanted to do nothing but smash their heads, with his feet, just pin them both down and stomp on their heads till it became one with the floor.

"Ghrgh ahhhh!! F"CK… F*CK, You f*cking God forsaken imbeciles." He screamed, instantly picking up the thing closest to him that was a flower vase, to smash it into their heads, and end them there and then.

"Calm down Marco…" Zeno quickly collects the vase from him, causing him to be the new center of Marco's fury.

"Calm down?? You're telling me to f*cking calm down, Zeno you know better than anyone that I can't calm down in this kind of a f*cking situation… So don't f*cking tell me to calm down!!!" He retorted, turning around and landing a hard fist on the face of one of his men.

"You have to calm down Marco, that way we can figure out how to find her…"

"Stop F*cking telling me to calm down Zeno… if it was Luna who was kidnapped, will you be calm???" That was a real question, and Zeno knew the answer to it. Hell f*cking No.

If it was Luna in the place of Mea, and him in Marco's place, then all hell will break loose. He knew it. He'd have killed the incompetent bastards before even asking questions. And he'd have been on the road to go get her back because no matter where she went, he'd always find her. Always…

"We'll find her, Marco…"

"How Zee, how? We have no clue as to who took her, she's not with her phone, so we can't track her, it could have been her ex-bosses, it could have been our own enemies, hell, it could even be that disgusting old bastard Lorenzo DeLuca…" his eyes widened with realization and panic. "It could be Lorenzo… Zee, she's terrified of that bastard, she'd be so scared, all alone. I swear to God if he's the one who took her, I'm going to give him a slow and painful death."

"Anna Marie, She can find anything, anywhere, go to Anna Marie first." Edoardo tells him.

"Why didn't I think of that…" Marco thought out loud. "Get the f*ck out of my way you idiots. Just wait till I get back, then I'll deal with you." He hissed and bolted past then, with Zee following behind him.

*Ring*Ring*Ring__ Zeno's phone rang…