80. I always find her...

*Ring*Ring*Ring__ Zeno's phone rang…

"Hello, Boss… or should I say Zeno Silvestri?" Zeno instantly came to a pause at the sound of the man's voice.

"Frankie…" He seethed, he had never once left a place without making sure the job was clean and complete. And he had thought like always, he had put an end to the man for good, but it seems he had survived somehow.

"I'm touched, you recognize my voice…I'm going to cut to the chase, I don't have time to f*cking waste. You blew up my f*cking money, you set my girls free, and then you f*cking blew me up, I look like a f*cking burnt pancake. Well now it's payback f*cking time you motherf*cker… Aren't you curious as to how I got you private number… I know you are… so I'll tell you. In fact, I'll show you. Switch to video so we can video chat… that's what they call it when you talk on video, video chatting… Now, aren't they just lovely…" He turns the camera towards the other direction and…

Zeno's eyes flew wide open at the sight of her, tied on the ground. "L__Luna…" His heart stopped at the sight of her. "She's a feisty little thing, this lover of yours." Frankie laughs.

She was bruised and beating. Nanny Maria, fell back to the chair at the horrifying sight, it was had to believe that it was their precious Luna that sat there on the ground wounded.

Edoardo burned from the inside, a storm was building up inside of him. Over the twenty-three years of her life, he could not say he has never struck her before, he'd caned her occasionally as punishment, but never had he flogged her or struck her so hard that it would leave the slightest of bruise. Just seeing a single scratch on her skin would make him want to go mad, and yet, there she was wounded all over.

For someone who rarely got even a scratch on her skin, she was covered in bruises, her face swollen, and Zeno's insides burned with rage. He was going to kill them, he'll kill them all. He'll kill them over and over again, he would dismember them limb from limb with his bare hands. He'd make sure they rue the day they even made this plot.

"M__Mea," Marco stuttered as he saw her in the video too, his heart racing with both fear and relief, that at least for now she was okay, unlike Luna who seemed to have taken the beaten of three people.

"Frankie, you don't mess with family…" Zeno deadpans, trying his best to sound calm and reasonable. "Send them both back home."

"Sorry boss, but these two are going anywhere but home."

"FRANKIE!!!" Zeno roared, his eyes had quickly turned a darker shade of blue, the white in them now burned red, as red as glowing hot coal. "Frankie, send her home, or I swear to God I'll find you, and when I do, I will give you a slow and painful decapitation process as I burn each part of your body one piece at a time… Let her go."

"Hahaha haa… Oh, boss… You almost got me there. You will never find us. And even if you do, before you get here, they would have been long gone. They are both gonna cost a good amount of money. Hahaha haa" he laughs harder.

"I'm coming for you Frankie, and for every pain and scratch, every bruise, every cut, I'm going to make you feel double the pain, I swear it."

"You won't find me, Boss… And Marco, you have a special message…" Frankie says, and passes the phone…

"Lorenzo…" Marco breathed as he saw the man on screen. "I'll kill you, I swear this time I'll kill you if you f*cking touch her."

"Oh, but I'm touching her right now…" and he could see her trying her very best to hold in her tears, biting hard on her lips to not scream out loud, he could see her trembling with fear and disgust as Lorenzo's hands ran up and down her face and hands. "Marco…" she whispered in a sharp breath.

"Get your f*cking hands off of her!!! I swear to God I'll kill you, You f*cking old man, leave her the f*ck alone… Mea, Mea it's okay, I'm coming for you… You f*cking bastard, get your filthy hands off of her!!!" If only he could just… just… just reach into the phone and just grab onto the neck of the man, and wring it, and just squeeze it till his eyes pops out.

"You know, you might have rendered me impotent, but you should have cut off my hands too… So between now and the next five hours when our buyers will come for them, I'll do a little bit of __ehh__ what is it they call it? Uhh__ ahh, Fingering… hahaha haa… I'll make a video if you want me to. I'll finger her pretty good."

"You bastard, don't you dare touch her, don't you dare lay your filthy hands on her, I'll kill you Lorenzo, I'll cut off your f*ckimg hands and feed you to your own dogs, I'll rip your skin off your living body, I'll f*cking kill you if you touch her, you bastard!!!... MEA!... MEA!!" But the line already went dead.


"Z__Zeno, what do we do? He has Luna, he beat her up so much. And that bastard, what is he going to do to poor Mea??" Edoardo panicked.

"We don't have time to waste Zeno, let's go see Anna Marie."

"There's no need to go to Anna Marie anymore."

"What do you mean by that? We can't find them ourselves because we don't have a lead to follow, and you just heard him say in five hours time, they are gonna sell them… those f*cking bastards…"

"We don't need to go to Anna Marie anymore, now that we know that they have Luna too."

"I still don't understand how you…"

"I always find Luna. No matter where she is, trust me Marco. We'll go get them both back."

"Papa, we're gonna need some weapons…"