81. Escape plan...

"Can you at least untie me? I'm already beaten and wounded, I can barely walk, so there's no way I'm running away, so at least untie me so I will be comfortable." Luna complained.

She could care less of what they planned to do with her later, first thing that mattered was her aching body, and the way her hands were tied like that of a goat about to be slaughtered.

"OH, Little miss DeFalco, we can't do that. We all know you've been trained from birth by your father and that bastard, to be no less than an amazon warrior, so we can't take that risk." Lorenzo says sweetly, caressing her face in a way that she really didn't like.

"And as for you, my little Mea… it is Mea right. I was told that I was the one who got the honor of tasting the first sweetness of your flower… How delightful that must have been for you." Her skin crawled as his hands roamed her face, it felt like a thousand disgusting bugs were touching her face, and it made her cringe with disgust.

So much disgust that she had no idea when the fluids formed in her mouth, and she spat it right into his face. Much to her own shock.

"Insolent Wench…" He hissed, landing a harsh slap on her face, the force of the slap sending her head crashing into the poking edge of the wall, wounding her there, and all she could do was cry in pain.

"Stupid old men…" Luna hisses.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, just that I've heard people say that old men are stupid, but since my father is a very wise man, I thought it was a lie, but then I met you two, and now I realize, some old men are really stupid… Urgh!!!" She laughs and spits out some blood as her words earned her a hard slap on her already swollen face.

"See, you're really stupid…Urgh!," Another slap lands on her face.

"Now I know for sure that you are stupid… He told you that the amount of beating you give me, he'll give you double of it… That's two slaps from you. I got punched about ten times, and kicked like four times… all together that's sixteen hits… he's gonna double it on you… hahaha haa hahaha" She laughs. And another slap lands on her face.

"Seventeen… tsk" she spits out some blood. "You are the dumbest men I've ever seen. Just to get to Zeno, you decided to use me__ hahaha haa__ of all things you could have done, of all the things you could have messed with, you decided to pick me… hahaha haa. He's going to come looking for me, he always does. And he will find me… He always does. Always, no matter how far I go, or how well I hide, he always finds me… Always."

"Ahh!__Urgh" she winced in pain as he slapped her again, laying back down on the ground exhausted.

"talkative little witch…" He spat.

"Eighteen." she laughs were she laid, a creepy kind of laugh that made both men look themselves in the eye before walking out of the room, slamming the door close behind them.

"Keep a close watch on them" they heard Lorenzo order from behind the door.

Mea quickly scoots over to were Luna laid on the ground, helping her to sit up straight. "Are you okay?" she asks, but the question earns her a weird expression from Luna, one that clearly says ``do I look okay?.

"So… You and Marco…" Luna hints, expecting her to finish the sentence.

"OH, I don't know how, but he calls me his girlfriend…"

"What do you mean you don't know how??" Luna asked confused. I mean you're either someone's girlfriend or you're not. It's that simple, so why was this lady making it complicated.

"He likes you?" she asks, and Mea nods. "You like him?" Mea nods again. "You sleep with him?" Mea's eyes flew wide open at the question, she had no idea it was possible to still blush in this horrifying kind of situation, but Luna was making that possible. "Well? Do you?" Luna asks bluntly, and Mea shyly nods a yes.

"Then you're his girlfriend, clearly." Luna says, rolling her tongue in her mouth, and spitting out more blood.

"It's just that, I don't know how he can like someone like me. He's just too good for me. You see, the truth is that… well__ the thing is_before I met Marco__I…"

"Just stop. I don't need to know what happened in your past. Does Marco know?" Mea nods a yes. "Well, he's the only one that it concerns. No one else. And if the person it concerns is okay with it, there's no need to worry." A smile crawled up Mea's lips as Luna spoke.

"You're much more nicer than Marco described you… Let's do this over again, HI, I'm Mea, I've heard a lot about you." She tries to extend handshake, but well…

"I'm not nice and I haven't heard a single thing about you." Luna bluntly says.

"That will be because you've locked yourself inside your room since you got back from the island with Marco's boss."

"He told you that too!!" Luna scoffed. "that blabber mouth." she hissed. "Enough personal talk, let's figure out to escape from this place first." Luna says.

"Escape!" Shhhhhh… Luna hushes her.

"Are you mad? Why are you shouting?" Luna glares at her wickedly. "Don't you want to escape from here, why are you sounding surprised?"

"How do you plan on escaping from here? And besides, I thought you said Mr. Zeno is on his way, you sounded so sure that he would come find you. Shouldn't you wait till he comes?" Luna just looked at her like she was spitting out a bunch of gibberish. Really annoying rubbish.

"So you plan on staying here till your prince charming comes?" Luna wondered out loud. "Well, you can wait behind if you want to, I'm sure that Lorenzo will have a really good time fingering…" Luna smirks, but instantly regretted her choice of words, it was clear that something traumatizing had happened to this girlfriend of Marco, and it seemed to have something to do with the old man Lorenzo, so she realized she shouldn't have said those words.

"Look, I'm not going to wait around for Zeno to come here and act like my hero. He's the last person I actually want to see now." Luna hisses. She was angry that she was kidnapped because apparently, she was his lover. The fact that Frankie and Lorenzo thought this way, and that she wasn't actually his lover made her angry.

"I plan on saving myself. I really hope he doesn't come, but I know he will… He always does. I don't know how, but it's like he installed some kind of tracker inside of me, so he always knows how to find me." Luna wondered out loud. But what poor Luna didn't know was that the tracker wasn't inside her body, but on her body. She always had it on, she never went anywhere without it, or them. In fact she had three of them on her at that particular moment.

"But I'm saving myself, so keep quiet for a minute while I hatch up an escape plan."