85. Into smaller ladies

"Let go of me you idiot!" Lorenzo seethes, pushing him off his body. "We're on this side of the third floor, they are on the other side, we'll get out of here before they get to us." Lorenzo deadpans.

Marco and Zeno on the other hand already successfully made it up to the second floor without even a scratch. Now they had to just find the girls, but it was almost like Luna was purposely running in the other direction from them." Marco you go that way, I'll go this way." He orders, and they split up again.

About to climb down the stairs, and about five more men where coming up, and Luna and Mea were forced to turn back, and run through rooms. "AHHH!," Mea screams and shoots nonstop… At least this time she didn't scream for nothing. She effectively guns down a woman, but she was still shooting and screaming…

"She's dead! Enough, she's dead!" Luna yells, but she Mea wasn't hearing a thing, so…*PAW* A hot slap to the face restored her factory settings. "OH my gosh, it's a lady" she shrieks, now that she stopped screaming and shooting. "It's a bad lady. A very bad lady." Luna says, patting her on the shoulder for a job well done, picking up the ladies gun and exchanging with for the one in Mea's hand. Wondering if a gun in her hand was the best idea. She was a loose Canon.

"Hey…" With not so much thought in her head, she turns around and Shoots again like a maniac, screaming like a mad woman… "Hey, Hey!! HEY! Mea, it's me…" Marco says, trying to dodge her bullets, but she was still screaming and Luna just sighs tiredly, and without warning, Luna lands another factory reset slap on her face, causing Marco to flinch in shock.

Seeing the expression on his face, Luna just shakes her head in a way that said ``it's alright, it's okay, that's how we roll. And the slap was effective again, as she now saw who stood in front of her, instantly diving into his arms. "I think we should take this for now. I don't want you shooting off the wrong head." He says, and she just smiles sweetly, making Luna feel like puking.

"Hate to be a spoiler,... Who am I kidding? I love to spoil this rubbish, whatever it is, because we're in the middle of a gunfight here." Luna says, walking ahead of them.

Zeno was about to turn a corner when he got hit by something, making him stagger to steps back, only to raise his head to see the person who stood before him.

Tall, very tall, a lot more taller than him. Huge, just one thigh looked like two of his own put together. And hell the huge thing was a woman, his face cringed, as he wondered were he was supposed to shoot on this mass of flesh.

"Just one quick question… how the hell did you climb up the stairs without breaking them?"

"AHHH!" They all heard Zeno's Scream, and all three of them who were passing through rooms before run out to the open terrace, and their eyes flew wide open in shock. Luna on the other hand stood there thanking God that she didn't run into that.

"Listen, I think you should learn to use your…" A punch to the face sent him crashing into the wall. "I was gonna say words… but fist is fine too." He shrieks.

"I didn't think watching him get beat up will be this fun." Luna laughs out loud like a maniac, also shooting down two idiots that were running their way, making Marco and Mea move a step away from her. She didn't seem normal at the moment.

"A little help isn't bad sometimes…" He Yells as he sees them watching him get beat up, but Marco just does a no thank you with his head and hands.

"Wait!!" Zeno says, trying to catch his breath as the huge muscular lady lifted her mighty hand to pound him again. "I'm going to tell you a secret." He breathes, and the lady raises her hand high up again. "WAIT!" He Yells again.

"You're so impatient… I think, your chest is too big." The lady tilts her head confused as to what in the world he was talking about. "And you're way too tall… I think I'm into the kind of lady who is a lot shorter than me, slimmer, with big black eyes, and has a really small chest. You know, like that one." He points over to Luna, and the lady turns to look at what he was talking about and he instantly runs and picks up his rifle.

And as soon as she turns and faces him… "It's supposed to be a secret." and *BANG* a bullet straight to her head, and… "No! No! No! No!!!" He Yells as she was falling forward, and he quickly scurries away before she hits the ground next to him.

Taking a little breather, he lays down there next to the lady only to have a man pop out of nowhere, and swiftly he picks up the rifle and opens fire on him. "Just ten freaking seconds!" He hisses, they wouldn't even let him breath for ten seconds. Then lifts himself off the ground. Looking at her on the other side, slowly, he starts walking over to her…

"How many of you are there?" he hisses angrily as two idiots walk out with guns pointed at him, but before they could even breath a second time, he had gunned them both down.

All the while, his eyes were on her, only her. Her and her alone. And now he was standing face to face with her. This was the first time he'd stand face to face with her in over a month… he was excluding their encounter at the Love and Duke party last night.

This was the first time he was officially standing in front of her, and she was looking like this. He could still see the hurt in her eyes, like she was holding back that vicious tongue of hers. Like she wanted to swear and curse at him.

He wanted to touch her, and just sooth the pain, he wished to hold her and somehow make her pain go away. Both physical and emotional pain. He wished to take them all away. His hands reached to touch her face, but she took two steps backwards. Two steps away from him.

"Why are you here? The almighty Zeno shouldn't be trying to touch something disgusting and cheap… I don't want to make you sick." She says, quoting his words back to him. And his hand that was stretched out folded into a fist, and dropped to his side.

"Luna I…" *Bang*Bang*Bang* the sounds of more gunshots made them all bend down low.

"Are they regenerating or what?" Marco hissed. "Where the hell do they keep coming from."

It was like the more they killed, the more they multiplied. It was just crazy.

"Okay, let's do this. Marco, go with Mea, I'll take Luna."

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Luna, now is not the time for this, alright. Let me save you first."

Luna scoffs, rolling her eyes like a little witch, Mea and Marco just bent down there watching the both of them. "Save me? Don't you think your words are laughable? Suddenly coming here and trying to act like a hero, now you want to save me? You made it clear that you never wanted to see me again, that I made you sick, and that you hated me, why the hell will you want to save something you hate?!!!" She yells, fuming, her chest heaving up and down with anger.

"I don't need you Zeno…, not anymore."