86. I need my sleeping pill...

It was annoying enough that they just kept on coming, but the fact that he was taking her kills was much more aggravating.

Every time she turned to shoot someone, he'd beat her to it, every time she tried to kick someone, she'd end up kicking air because he'd have thrown a knife at them. She was so mad… "Stop taking my kills." It was almost like playing real life ‹Call of duty›

Anyone would think that in such a situation, no one would have the time to keep scores, but she was doing exactly that. And the fact that Zeno was getting more kills than her made her mad. "It's not a competition, Piccola, I'm only here to get you out." He simply says. Standing back to back with her.

Marco does an outstanding job protecting himself and his girlfriend. Sometimes using her as an extra leg to kick down someone, or taking seconds amidst all the calamity to show her how to properly hold a rifle.

Much to her delight. She had never been more thrilled than she was at the moment. She didn't realize that she had a hint of psychopathy in her till today.

"I was doing a perfect job getting myself and that extra baggage out of here before you showed up."

"Hey, who are you calling, extra baggage?" Marco hisses, quickly spinning Mea and shooting another man down. But Mea didn't seem to mind being called a baggage, it was the truth. So what was there to be offended about?

"Oh, I'm sure you were doing more than perfect, my pretty little devil." He smirked, making Luna wonder what in the world was wrong with him?. "Stop walking side by side with something as filthy and dirty as me. You're so feeble that you might get sick!" She smashes the stock of her rifle into the face of one guy that suddenly grabbed her leg.

He knew her, she was going to dwell on those words forever. But he couldn't blame her... He deserved every hate she threw at him.

"You know, you can be a real pain in the neck sometimes."... "Then why the hell did you come for me!" She shoots down a guy in anger. "I'm a pain in the neck, I'm childish, I'm disgusting, I'm everything wrong to you, so Why did you waste your time and come for someone like me."

"Because!!!..." He suddenly pulls her arm, drawing her closer to his body, his blue eyes getting lost in her dark ones. Gosh! He missed these eyes. He missed them so badly.

His voice went lower "Because…, I lost my sleep again, and the drinks don't work anymore. I need my sleeping pill." Lords! She was gonna let it all go. Her hurt, her anger, her pain. Everything… she wanted to let it all go and just give in to her desires and hug him tight__ but NO! Not like this. Not so easily. Not after all the pain he caused her.

"and because it feels so right with you around." He closes the little space between them, his head bent to her level so she wouldn't have to look up too much and strain her neck. *Bang*Bang* he shoots down two men, his eyes still locked on hers.

"Luna, I try to close my eyes, and it's crazy, but I just can't get you out, your annoying face keeps on popping in my head. And when I manage to fall asleep, you're the ghost that haunts my dreams too." While Mea stood there smiling like she was the one receiving a proposal, Marco still couldn't understand what this creepy show was…

"My reality is a mess already, and now my dreams are even worse because of you. What else was I supposed to do but come in search of the cause of my sleepless nights? You're loud, and annoying and so tiny, and never listen to anything I say, and the only living being who makes me say sorry like a hundred times in one day, but I can't stop myself from thinking of you. I just can't help it Luna, and I'm not denying it any longer. I want you... Always... by my side. I like me better when you're there."

They were in the middle of guns and machetes, and he was doing… only God knows what exactly he was doing, but now all of them silently awaited something, anything, after those types of words, something naturally follows… right?... Right??

"Are you done?" her voice was cold and dry, you could here the scorn in her voice. Not giving out any sort of emotion whatsoever.

And with a hard push, she pulls away from his hold, and smashes her rifle stock into his abs, making them all go... *oooh*.

"Be grateful I didn't just kick your special place." she hisses, and Marco's hand unconsciously trailed down and covered his special place with his rifle, as a memory flashed through his eyes.

"little devil." He mutters...