87. My business...

"I think that's the last of them…" Marco announced.

"Frankie!! Lorenzo!!" Marco yells as he sights them on the ground floor, trying to escape. "Those bastards!" He seethed.

"Don't worry, no one's getting away from me." Zeno hisses, "Not this time." and pulls out the sniper he carried on his back, sets it up, steadily shadowing them through the optic.

*Bang*Bang* Both men fell down to the ground. But it wasn't from his bullet. Hell he didn't even fire yet. All eyes turn to Luna… "I'm saved myself." she deadpans, as she sets the rifle down, turns around dramatically and walks away.

Marco, Mea and Zeno look from her tiny figure, and then at the men who were dragging their bodies on the ground as she had just shot both their legs to stop them from running. They both deserved a more interesting death than a simple gunshot.

"No, no, no, no, no, no f*cking no!! We won't f*cking fit!!" Frankie curses as he is shoved into the back of the jeep with Lorenzo, squeezing them both in like sardines in a can.

"Marco, you take them and lock them up, you can deal with Lorenzo as you please, but leave Frankie for me. I'll take Luna to the hospital."

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" She bluntly states. "Don't be ridiculous Piccola, you can barely walk. You need to be in a hospital." He almost yells, trying his best to keep calm.

"its none of your business."... "You ARE my business!" He Yells, instantly hating himself for doing so. He was trying to make amends, not make the situation worse. "I'm going home." she simply says and walks into one of the vehicles she had seen outside the fence. Thankfully the key was there, she turns on the engine and zooms off. Leaving Zeno frustrated and angry with himself.

"After all those hurtful things he said, he comes now…" she cries as she drove home… It was almost as if now she could no longer hold back the pain, both physical and emotional. Her body that hurt made her cry, and her heart that hurt made her cry even more.

"he really thinks I'm cheap and easy, doesn't he!" She cries even more. The fact that he was able to tell her those words, and then just come back into her life and suddenly tell her he was sorry only meant that he saw her as an easy woman.

As someone he could just hurt and please anytime he wished to… at least this was how she wanted to interpret his intentions. She didn't want to think highly of it.

"Yes papa, get the doctor ready. I tried taking her to the hospital, but she insists on going home. She's on her way back…"

"You let her go alone??" Edoardo asks, disappointed at this fact. "What could I have done papa? she refuses to even talk to me. She wouldn't even listen to a single thing I have to say." He hissed in annoyance. "But don't worry, I'm driving right behind her in another car." He states, and Edoardo breathes a sigh of relief.

"OH, and Mea? How is she?"... "She's fine, she and Marco are coming in another car too. I'll see you in about twenty minutes, papa."

"They are on their way back…" Edoardo announced, and Nanny Maria finally breathes with relief, taking a seat and resting there. The old lady had been pacing up and down the place since Zeno left. She could finally put her mind to rest.

"Call the doctor, Zeno says she refuses to go to the hospital,"

Nervously, they all waited, biting nails, fingers running through hair, they all anxiously stood there in expectation. And when they all saw the car pulling into the compound, they ran forward, she had barely parked the car when she bolted out.

Eyes on her father, now she was out of the lions den, out of trouble, now she was away from Zeno, she could let down her guard, she could let the pain reach her head, and let it take over her every muscle, could let it weigh her down.

Now she was in safe hands, and as she raised her feet to take another step forward, the weight of her leg seemed to have disappeared, she couldn't feel the ground under her feet. Her entire body became light as a feather, her eyes seemed to be closing, and it was like she was spinning in slow-mo.

The only and last things she heard were cries and screams that sounded muffled and faint to her, and she could see her father and Nanny Maria, and the other maids and servants running towards her, and it was like she was watching them upside down, like she was falling… ``am I falling down" she wondered in her head. Wondering if she was about to hit the ground, and her eyes shut close.

But she didn't hit the ground. He didn't let her. He caught her in his arms just before she hit the ground. "I got you" she heard him say, and she wished to shove him away and stand on her own two feet, but she cuddled closer to him instead, sinking into his warmth. "Bad... DK." She mutters, and her brain went on lock down mode. She was completely passed out.