93. Imaginations...

As quick as the night came, so did another morning, and the sun shined over the DeFalco house, insects buzzing and crackling, birds singing, and Luna soon woke up, stretching all fours like a cat.

She snakes down from the bed, and walks out of her door, for a moment, for a little split moment, she had forgotten that he had moved back into the house.

But then looking out her door, and staring right at him were he stood resting on the side of his own door, like he was waiting for her to wake up. Her heart fluttered at the sight. She used to love this, seeing him first thing in the morning when she woke up. She loved it, and she was realizing that she still loves it.

The view never got old, topless Zeno in the morning. His chest was tattooed to perfection, he was and is still so sexy. Those abs that looked like rocks, she wanted to touch, and feel, and even kiss… NO! She hears her own voice in her head. This was a trick, it was clearly a trick.

He clearly wasn't planning on playing fair, but she wasn't going to let stuff like this break her.

She looked at his face, and she could see a victorious smile slowly forming there, and she wished to just slap it off his face. But instead, she just rolls her eyes, making sure she didn't give away the fact that she was super attracted to his body, hoping and praying to God that she wasn't blushing. She rolls her eyes nonchalantly and walks down the stairs, and the smile on his face wiped off instantly.

"Stupid websites!" He hissed and walked into his room, angry that she wasn't affected at all. She didn't even blush like she used to. "If the first doesn't work, I'll try another one." He tells himself. He wasn't going to give up. Never.

And so it started, the operation to win her back, and the counter operation to not fall for any of his tricks.

And she was winning, she was definitely winning. At least in Zeno's eyes, there was no progress. He always made sure that everyday he told her how sorry he was, and that he didn't mean a word he said, but she never gave a comment on that matter. She was barely out of her room, and whenever she was, she was either going to some meeting, or going shopping, or going somewhere with no name. And he was always ready to follow her.

Even when she'd tell him not to, he wouldn't listen. He'd still go with her. She'd asked him once if he had forfeited his position in his business because he neither went to work, nor did he hold meetings for The Hoard. It was like he had gotten a new job as Luna's escort. An escort that she didn't want.

Meanwhile, Marco was busy everyday and night in the office, covering up for all the things Zeno was supposed to do. He barely had time for his own love life. Running a business without its owner was a very hard job. Especially when you are doing job for two.

Tired of him always following her around like her extra shadow, he'd been doing it since he moved back in, and it's been weeks, and he was still following her like a stalker. So she decides to do something crazy.

She downloaded a dating app, and it was weird to her, but there were people lined up, who were willing and ready to date her… "This will be fun." she tells herself.

"Ahh! Nanny Maria, I didn't even sleep a wink last night, leave the curtain closed." He grumbled into his pillow, pulling the sheets over his head.

"OH, well I was thinking you'd be curious as to were Luna has gone off to this morning, but since you're not interested…"

"Nanny Maria!" He bolts up from the bed, holding onto the woman's hand and smiling like a puppy, showing her that he was ready to listen.

"Well, the thing is… Luna said that she…"

Maybe it was because he didn't get to sleep last night, or just because he was boiling with rage, but his eyes were red, they were bloodshot red. "I'll kill the bastard… I'll rip him in pieces." He hissed as he drove to her location in a fit of rage.

He had drawn up a picture in his head, he could see her, with some weird guy, probably named John. And the stupid guy named John was telling her he loved her eyes, and her lips, and her hair, and she was smiling, and telling him thank you. She was enjoying the attention. And then she was telling the guy named John that he had nice lips. And the guy named John was leaning in close to her so she could see his lips more, but they are about to do more than just survey his lips. They were about to… about to…

"No!!! I'll kill you John!" Zeno yelled at the imaginary John. He was going insane. And she was the one driving him to that point of insanity.