94. Date...


"You see, I once had a goat. It was a black goat. She was a good girl."

"Your goat was a girl?"

"Yes, Daniela was her name."

"You named her?"... "Yes"... "you named a goat?" Luna asks again. "Yes. You know, my goat, she could dance. Daniela was the most remarkable dancer I have ever seen." The man says. And heaven knows, Luna was not only bored, but also drowning in frustration. Was this how all blind dates were? They've been talking about one animal to another. She'd never been on a blind date before, so she wanted to see this one through, but…

"You know, you remind me of her."

"The goat?? I remind you of the goat?" Luna asks confused, wondering how on earth she looks like a goat.

"Yes, she had black skin, and you're dressed in black. She had big black eyes, and so do you. The only thing different is your hair… and you don't have horns." And Luna just sat there wondering ``it won't be bad if I beat this guy up right?

"You know, maybe when I get a new goat, I'll dye her hair blue, and name her after you. We could raise her together…"

"The__The goat?... To__Together?" she stutters, confused of whether she was to be amused or annoyed.

"Yes, you know, I have never met anyone who clicks with me as much as you do. All my previous dates ended in less than five minutes. Some didn't even show up."

"Wow… I wonder why." Luna exclaims dryly.

"You really understand me, and I'd love to meet you again. And I can tell that you like me too. So let's do…" He suddenly paused, his face was suddenly turning pale, like his blood was being sucked from his body right where he sat. Luna, whose head was faced down with frustration, raised her head up to look at him as he stopped talking, and she saw him looking straight ahead, like he was seeing something behind her.

And she too could suddenly feel a cold wind enveloping her, running through her hair, and she turns to see the source of the strange and yet familiar aura, and it was him. He was standing right behind her like an evil spirit.

"Get up."

He didn't yell, but his voice wasn't low either. It was still and clear, and his eyes blazed with controlled rage. It was clear that he was resisting the urge to turn around the table in the place, he was barely holding himself together.

"You followed me?" Luna asks, not so surprised that he actually found her, but that he actually came. "How did you even know I was here? Did you maybe track my phone?" She asks, without any idea that what was being tracked were the accessories that she never left home without. Today she wore a necklace and a bracelet, both with trackers in them.

"Get up." He says again.

"I'm not going anywhere, can't you see I'm with someone?"

"I wasn't talking to you." He seethes, now glaring at the man in front of her with burning eyes. Now people were starting to stare, as he was like a boyfriend who had caught his girlfriend cheating.

His low calm voice made the man shiver with fear, of course he knew who stood before him. Zeno Silvestri. Everyone knew him, but seeing him face to face was different from seeing him on television.

"Y__Yes sir…" He stammer s, and rises to his feet.

"Sit down Collins!" Luna orders… "It's Connor." He corrects her. "Whatever, sit down! You're here on a date with me, not with him. So sit down!" She orders, and now the man named Connor was in a somewhat squat position, as he was afraid to sit, or stand.

Both Zeno and Luna had this authoritative aura, and they both seemed deadly, but the man looked up at Zeno again, and he most definitely did not want to get on his bad side.

"Sorry, we'll talk some other time." He says and picks up his phone, and runs past Zeno, but he pulls him back.

"Don't… Ever… Don't even think about it." Zeno simply says.

"What the hell is your problem? That was my first date ever, and you just ruined it!!! Why are you even here?" She yells, as he takes over the seat of Connor.

"Date… You want to go on a date right? Then do it… with me!" Her heart skipped, and then she felt it dance in her chest, felt its thumping increase speed. She was going to give in, going to smile like a fool in front of him, going to tell him that he was the only one she ever wished to go on a date with… She just loves it when he says such sweet things… But then she remembers, he had also said those harsh things to her, and the thumping in her heart was stabled.

"I'd rather go on more dates with men like Connor, and discuss goats, sheep, and even worms, than to go anywhere or do anything with you!, and guess what, I still have four more dates this week " she simply says.

"I'll kill them. You think they'll be fine after touching what's mine? Don't push me Luna, cause I will just stick closer to you!" He was seething with anger and jealousy, but mostly jealousy.

"Try that, and I'll put a restraining order on you!" She slams her hand on the table and stands up. "And since you ruined my date today, pay the bills." She turned and didn't look back even once, just swaying away from him.


Truth be told, the first date for Luna wasn't really the best, talking about goats and weird stuff. She didn't plan on going anymore, but the man named Zeno was just too daring to not do something in return.