95. Restraining Order...

Like she had said, she went on more dates, some nice, until he showed up and ruined everything, and others well, she was rather grateful that he came to rescue her from ear-torture, even though she never showed it.

He thought that one date, two date, three dates, she'd give up. But she was on date number eight… He knew… he was counting.

So, date eight, and she was still going. He wasn't going to give up and neither was she. Sometimes he'd just sit across another table, causing her date to be intimidated and nervous till he left, and other times, just a little touch from her date, and he'd have his boys beat him till his face structure changed.

He was beating up men like a thug, all because Luna refused to talk to him. And the unfortunate people kept on coming, clueless of the kind of torment that awaited them if they even touched her by mistake.

But then she'd had it… she'd told him she was going to do it, and she did it…

"Zeno, I need you to sign some documents." Marco says as he laid out some documents on the desk for Zeno to sign. Slowly and diligently, Zeno goes through every document one by one, signing the ones that needed signatures until…

His brows narrowed as he held the paper in his hand, it was a court order "What is this?" he asks clearly seeing what was written there, but still wanting confirmation.

"My thoughts exactly." Marco says, scratching his forehead tiredly. "I mean, what in the world have you been doing to her that would make her file for a restraining order. What have you been doing? I thought you were trying to make amends? But a restraining order?" Marco asks frustrated. He just didn't understand what was going on between them anymore.

"That wicked witch.!" He hissed.

Bolting up from where he sat and matching up the stairs like a Machoman. "Luna! Luna! Luna!!!" He banged on her door like it belonged to him. "Luna open this…" the door flies open, and she steps out in just her big polo top that stopped just about five inches below her butt, her hair packed in a rough ponytail.

She was wicked, yes she was… he coughs and clears his throat to make sure he hadn't lost his voice on seeing her like this, then he pulls the paper out in front of her.

"Ehn… so?" she says nonchalantly.

"What is this?"

"I know you can read, it's clearly a restraining order." she bluntly says, arms crossed over her chest like a spoilt child.

"I know it's a restraining order Luna, I mean why? What the hell is it for?" he almost yelled, but did a good job in keeping his emotions in check.

Nanny Maria had gone to the market, and Edoardo had gone to work, it was just the two of them, Marco, and the workers in the house, and they gladly watched the show from downstairs.

"Well if you'd taken your time to review it, you'd realize that you're already breaking the rules stated there. It says you're not to talk to me, Look at me, or touch me. You are to stay at least ten feet away from me."

Ahh! Lords! He wanted to__to just__to just__ just grab her and squeeze her into his pocket. With that proud look on her face, and that victorious smile on her lips, coupled with her voice that sounded annoying and sexy at the same time. He wanted to kiss those words out of her mouth.

"I told you to stop bothering me, but you keep on pestering me, and ruining my dates with perfectly perfect young men. I warned you I'd __ I'd __ What are you doing?" she falters as he was suddenly moving closer to her, causing her to shift back into her room, his eyes had gotten darker as he stalked her. Her heart played a weird rhythm with every step he took.

" Th__There's a fine for you breaking the rules." she stuttered, her body was starting to tremble as she backed away and he moved even closer. "If you break the rules for a certain amount of time, you might even go to jail." She tries threatening him with that.

"Just… Ahh!" She yelps as her leg hits the wood of her bed, causing her to fall back flat on it, and he was right in her face, on her bed, looking down at her. She could feel his breath fanning the upper part of her lips, his lips were just some meters away from hers, and her heartbeat throbbed even faster, and she swallowed as she looked at him, thinking of what to say to him.

"I'll break the rules__ And I'll pay the fine." He says, desperately eyeing her lips. "And I'll break it over and over and over again, and then I'll go to jail, not because I can't stop it, but because I want you to feel bad and sorry." He inches his lips closer to hers, he wanted to kiss her, and kiss her, and kiss her, until both their lips were red and almost sore.

Oh Lords! She was driving him mad, with desire, and want, and love, and lust. This little Luna of his was too hot to handle. She wasn't even touching him, and he was burning for her, burning from the inside… When and how did he ever start having all these emotions towards her, emotions that brought desires he could barely control.

He rises up from her side and walks towards the door. "I'm sorry." He says, before he walks out, leaving her there with her eyes closed, wondering whether it was time she gave in. Playing hard to get was getting hard. Maybe it was time she let go… But somewhere, somehow, deep down inside her, she didn't feel satisfied with his unending sorrys. She didn't know why, but she felt like she wanted something else, to make his sorry real.