96. Dance with me...

Now, Anna Marie was throwing a party to commemorate her father's fifth death anniversary. Political figures, business partners, all were invited. Newspapers and magazines, TV stations and some other media outlets, all there taking notes and clicking pictures nonstop as the party unfolded.

Anna gracefully stood by the entrance to the hall, in a long white gown that had a choking neck and nice open back that reached her waist. Her hair packed in a nice simple bun, she was beautiful, and she stood there, courteously welcoming the guests.

"As beautiful as always, my dear Anna." Edoardo greets as he walks in with Luna next to him, dressed in her normal black outfit, and it was almost like both she and Anna had the same stylist, for except for the different colors, they were wearing the same dresses. But neither of them seemed to care at all, rather, an admiring smile curled up both their lips at the pleasant sight.

"Thank you for coming, Edoardo, It's good to have people like you around." She leans in for a courteous hug, and kisses both sides of his cheek. "Luna," she gives a simple bow. "Anna," Luna returned the gesture as she walked in with Edoardo.

More guests trooped into the place, and the hall was growing fuller and fuller by the minute, but for some reason, she kept on expecting someone, but he wasn't there yet.

"Marchetti…" She shakes Marco as he walks in with Mea by his side, and he takes her hand to his lips and places an elegant kiss on her knuckles. Mea stood next to him, trying not to be intimidated by Anna's beautiful and luxurious look.

They'd been working on her social skills over the past month. He wanted her by his side at every event, wanted to show the whole world that she was his, but she was just too timid when it came to things like this, so he'd been teaching and training her, and helping her build her confidence. And the dance classes have been helpful too.

Anna, not knowing the name of the lady beside him, just gives a courteous bow and Mea was more than grateful for that, as she felt relieved that she didn't have to open her mouth and speak. "Stop fidgeting, you're doing great." Marco tells her as they advance into the hall.

Soon, Zeno Silvestri walked in too, and as the others, she had greeted him respectfully, and he had walked into the hall, almost like he didn't even wish to be there at that time. But as she stood there, she was still yet to see the man she was expecting, wondering if he had entered without her noticing. He never missed any of her functions. He never missed any functions he knew she'd be at, so why wasn't…

Oh! There he is. Unconsciously, a smile curled up her lips at the sight of Enzo Barone walking towards her. Not taking note of her own actions, she straightened her dress, unconsciously touching her hair to make sure it was still nicely packed. She was waiting for him, and she didn't even realize it…

No, she didn't… Not until he walked up to her, and walked right past her without stopping for a single greeting. She felt something move in her chest, like some kind of dragging feeling, the smile on her face had quickly dropped. She didn't like it.

The way his eyes seemed cold, the way he walked past her, he did not try to hold her hand like he used to, or kiss her knuckles like he used to, he wasn't trying to stick with her like a helpless puppy, hell he didn't even acknowledge her presence there… She didn't like it at all.

But what she didn't see was the smug that was pasted on his face as he walked past her. If clinging to her won't do the trick, then he has decided to do the good old ``ignoring your crush thing. And from where he stood looking at her now, it seemed to be working.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you all for honoring my invitation, and also honoring the memory of my late father, Luca Marie. My father was…"

As she gave her speech, Zeno who sat on the same table with Edoardo, and Marco and Mea, could not listen to a single thing that Anna said on that stage as his attentions were on Luna who was supposed to be on this table with them, but instead she seemed to be having fun flirting with some guy.

His collar and necktie were suddenly very tight, and he loosened the necktie and opened up the first button. This was why he didn't want to come to the party. He hated watching her flirt with people. It was an eyesore, and it only enraged him to see her laughing and giggling at whatever stupid things they were telling her.

He had tried to honor her stupid restraining order, but who was he kidding, he'd broken every one of her rules, over and over again, and he'd paid the fine multiple times for similar reasons, and right now, he was sure he was going to be paying another fine soon. Or wait… was it jail for him this time?

"You're dancing?" Edoardo asks, pulling his attention from Luna. "What?" he asked as he was now focused.

"Anna just announced that the dance floor is open, so are you gonna dance? Marco and Mea already have a head start." Edoardo says, and at his words, only one thing came to Zeno's head…

"F*ck that restraining order!" He mutters and lifts himself up from his seat. "Here we go again." Edoardo says as Zeno walks over to where Luna stood with some guy.

"Dance with me." It wasn't a request, it wasn't a question. With his arm stretched out, it was an order, an order that clearly meant that he would do something crazy if she didn't. But Luna didn't read the warning behind his words, or she just chose to ignore it.

"I know you can see, but I have a partner already… shall we." she says, practically dragging the young man along with her as he refused to go with her. And Zeno stood there seething with jealousy. Somebody was going to die.

At the same time, "come, dance with me." Anna says in a very low voice, her chin still raised up high, this was the first time she would ask anyone for a dance, and Enzo wasn't planning on making her first time easy. "I'm sorry, but my feet hurt." He lies.

"Mr. Barone… I'm Violet. Would you like to dance with me?"

"No, his feet…"

"The pleasure will be all mine." He gladly interrupts Anna, causing her eyes to open wide with disbelief as he walks past her with the other lady next to him.