97. Stealing the Dance...

This was crazy, for both Zeno, and Anna Marie as they both stood feets apart, but the same ounce of frustration and jealousy was running through their veins. Zeno's hands were clenched in a tight fist, he had loosened his tie even more, and opened another button.

She was vicious and daring this little moon of his, twirling and dancing with another man, swinging and swaying and laughing like she was enjoying the stupid dance. He hated it, hated that someone else was causing her laughter, that someone else was making her happy.

But what he hated the most, and just couldn't standby and watch was her being in the arms of another man. It brought out the worst and darkest side in him, the side that craved for nothing else but killing. He would kill the man, he knew he would…

With no thoughts in his head, slowly, slowly he advances toward the dancefloor, all eyes starting to shift to his direction, as he walked up and stood right in front of her and her partner, causing everyone to slowly stop dancing, the music too stopped playing and everyone just stared at them on the dance floor.

"He's finally lost it," Edoardo just sat there chewing on the grapes in front of him as he watched the drama. "I think this is where the frustrated male lead can't take it anymore, and drags her and forces some sense into her, using very, very, very sexy means." Mea whispers to Marco, and he holds in a chuckle and hushes her, he'd given her too many Heather Graham books… way too many, now she was bound to see a novel unraveling in everything she did.

"What are you doing?" she asks. Her partner who couldn't stand the glare from Zeno had quickly disappeared from her side. "Dance with me," he states. And her heart skipped, he looked desperate, like he was almost going to explode if she refused… but she couldn't help it.

"Why should I? I remember asking you to do the same thing, but you bluntly refused."

"That's why. Let's do it now__ The dance… Dance with me, Piccola!" Her heart wanted to let go and say yes, and just embrace him and sway in his arms to the rhythm of the music, but… "No!" Her lips and body just wouldn't give in, as she turned and walked off the dance floor.

"Fine!!!" Zeno hisses, and suddenly, she could feel herself being lifted off the ground, and viciously thrown over his shoulder. The picture was very familiar…

"YOU!!,..." She shrieked and turned and twisted. "Put me down this instant!" She screamed, the place was silent, only her screams and his foot stomping off, sounded in the place.

"I told you," Mea whispers gleefully to Marco, who could now see that his boss had lost it. He had finally gone insane. And Edoardo just sat there smiling and thinking ``now that's how you take charge.

"Put me down this instant." she kicks and knees him, pounding on his back with her elbows and hands. *PAW* A loud smack on her butt caused the whole place to go OOOH!!!

"DK!!!" She finally cried, she hadn't called him in a long, long time, and he now realized he really missed it, he loved how she called him, he loved it. So he smacks her again… "DK! That really hurts, I'm not wrapped in a blanket this time" she complains.

"I did it so it would hurt you. So stay still" He commands as he walks out of the hall, leaving everyone flustered and amused, the press most definitely had a story to tell first thing tomorrow morning.

"What are you waiting for?" Anna walks up to Enzo and asks. "What?" he asks confused as to what she was talking about.

"Do you want me to carry you out on my shoulder too?" the place was still silent, so her voice was audible for everyone to hear. It was supposed to be a commemoration for late Mr. Marie, but the night had somehow switched to a lovers day.

"Because I can do it too." she adds, and he tried to hold it back, tried to hide his joy, but his lips were gonna expand with the smiled that crawled up his face. He instantly shoves the lady away from his arms and takes a step close to Anna.

"Can I have this dance?" he offers his hand, and she smiles, and then straightens up her face again and says "Well, since you're begging so desperately," he laughs at her words, causing her to let out a muffled chuckle before placing her palm in his own, and he brought it to his lips, and while looking into her brilliant eyes, he kissed her knuckles. And the music started all over again.

Luna was fuming, at least on the outside she was, on the inside she felt an undeniable tingle, he was still her Dark Knight. Carrying the lady out on his shoulder, and as he smacked her butt, she didn't jolt because it actually hurt,, but because it fired up some kind of weird excitement inside her.

"Stop the car!" She orders. "I will, when we get home." He says. He was fuming, and she was fuming, they were both on fire. One with love and jealousy, and the other with nothing but stubbornness.

"Hello sir?"... "Johnny, get everyone out of the house now. I'll be there in twenty minutes, and I don't want to see a single soul there. Every maid every servant, every guard. Tell all of them to take the night off."

"There isn't much of us left anyway…" Johnny mumbles, but then remembered who he was on the phone with. "Yes boss, I'll evacuate the mansion this instant." He says and ends the call.

"Why are you calling your house?" she asks, but he wasn't in the mood to answer her questions, nor did he plan on giving her any answer.