98. Asking for forgiveness...

"Get down!" He orders as he steps out of the car. "You said we were going home, so why did you bring me to your mansion?"

"Because it's home too." He simply says. "Now get down" He orders. "Bite me!" She retorts, and he reaches into the car, and there's a back and forth slapping of hands, screaming, and shrieking, and kicking like she was about to be raped, but he still manged to grab onto her legs, and pulled her out then he lifts her up into his arms again bridal style, not caring about closing the car door.

He walks up the stairs of the mansion, and towards the door. "Put me down! Zeno… DK… Zee… put me down!!" She yelled, banging on his chest, calling all his names but he just wasn't going to let go… not tonight.

He unlocks the door, and once they are inside the house and he securely locks the door, he puts her down. And throws the key to only Zeno knows where.

Swelling and rising like a dough for bread, she turns around and "What the hell do you… mmph" He slams his lips on hers, pulling her body closer to his, one hand firmly holding her waist and the other holding her head steady as he hungrily forces her lips open, intruding her mouth like he owned her.

And she struggled and fought to break loose, to get away from his clutches, from his deadly kiss that was igniting her own desires, she tried kicking but her legs were losing their strength, she pushed and banged on his chest, until she felt her arms going weak, and her body and heart giving in, and she had no idea when the arms that pushed began to pull, and fists that banged on his chest to set her free, now held on to him so he'll never let her go.

He turns her around, pinning her to the door, absorbing as much of her mouth as he could, and she kissed him back, letting his savory goodness wash over her, as she explored familiar territories. And he kissed her, harsh and rough, for he was hungry for her lips and thirsty for her love, so he kissed her and he loved it, for she was sweet, he loved the sweetness she gave. His tongue curled around hers, his lips smacking her own, her body pressed into his own… Lords! He missed her. He missed her way more than he realized.

"Why do you torture me, my love? You're killing me." he breaths, nibbling on her lips. "DK," She breathed as he broke the kiss, giving her the seconds to take in air.

"I've wanted to do this for months... Kiss your lips" He confesses, his voice had quickly gone hoarse.


"I love how you call me," he says and dives into her mouth once more, this time lifting her off the ground and wrapping her legs around him, kissing her hungrily, but slower and softer this time.

Feverishly, she trembled on his body, her small arms wrapping around his neck as he moved on into the house and sits her down on a desk, kissing her, loving her, his fingers tracing every inch of her open back, driving a quivering sensation down her spine as he did so.

"I craved for this…" He professes. "every single day." He kissed her more, his hands tenderly stroking her leg that straddled him, feeling the softness of her thighs, the lush of her skin as he kissed her more. "every night," he nibbled on her lips some more. "I missed you." Lords! He really did, seeing that he didn't want to tear away from her lips even for a second.

"Piccola," he almost moaned her name, "forgive me… please." He begs, kissing the side of her lips, and her head. "I can't take it anymore. I beg you, my love… Forgive me." He really couldn't do it any longer. The farther she pushed him, the more he became desperate. He needed her, he always did, but he needed her now more than ever.

"You said I was not a woman, only a child." she reminds him, tears slowly welling up in her eyes. "I lied. To you, and to myself." He confesses. She wasn't a child. Far from it.

"You called me cheap"

"I can never put a price tag on you my love… never. You are worth more than numbers can measure." He wipes a tear that ran down her cheek. "You called me a pr__ prostitute…" she choked on the word.

He leans in to her face and kisses her forehead. "I didn't mean that. I swear it to you. I was just a coward who didn't want to admit that my heart and body was being stirred by you." He had nothing to tell her now but the truth, he wanted her, needed her, it took him a while to realize and accept it but, without her, he was incomplete.

" You__You said you were disgusted by me, and that I made you sick."

"You want to know the truth Luna, the truth is, I was disgusted yes, but not by you, but by me. The thing is, rather than being disgusted by you, I was actually… turned on." He whispers, and amidst the tears, he could see her blush at his words.

"I wanted to tell myself that you were nothing more than a little sister to me, but that night proved I was just a big liar, because my whole body craved for you, so I was disgusted at myself for being sexually turned on by someone I told myself was my sister. That's it. You don't make me sick, you make me crave for more." And that was the truth.

"Should I tell you something extra, that night, after I walked out, I headed straight for a swim because, because of you, my entire body was on fire, I stayed in the water for hours so I could cool down, because I was scared that if I stayed inside with you for much longer, then… I probably would have done something crazy to you that night!" It was a night of confession, and he was not going to hide the fact that he wished to do so many_many_ many pleasurable things to her.