106. Crazy date...

"Who said anything about finding clues?" he says, and before she could say Zeno, he picked her up and set her on his waist, much to her amusement.

"DK, there are cameras here" she throws playful punches at his chest, "it makes it more exciting, my love." He eyes her seductively, besides, he was big enough to cover her, and she was small enough to hide inside him. And she buried her face into his shoulder as his hand crawled inside her shirt, and she heard her bra unclasp. "Zeno! Clues…" she says, but she was loving it, every bit of it.

"I have all the clues I need right here on my palm." He nuzzles her as his palm covers her left breast, playing with her nipple, and he kisses her, taking in her savory goodness, and her hand held onto his neck even firmer, their heads turning in all directions.

Meanwhile, "Can they do that there?" one of the workers who was in charge of watching the cameras asks. "I don't think so." Another person says. "They could get a room." another person irritated and jealous hissed. Then he turns on the mic…

"Excuse me, you cannot do that in there. Your ten minutes are up, you can leave now."

"Should we go?" Zeno asks, "a little later." Luna mutters into his lips, and he smiles, and kisses her some more, and she raises both middle fingers at the cameras as she kissed him.

Hahaha haha… "I can't believe we did that." Luna chortles as they walk out of the escape room building. She hadn't had so much fun with him in a long time. And today's kind of fun was way different than the past years.

Feeling hungry again, after their madness round the whole park, they stopped at a place to eat, but ended up getting ice-creams instead. It was the perfect date, and they both enjoyed it. By the time their little tryst was coming to an end, the day already went dark.

"Come with me!" He says, and even though she asks and asks, begging him to tell her where he was taking her to, he refused. Telling her that they'd get there eventually.

"Tattoo shop?" She reads out loud as they get to the place. "You already have a map on your back, chest and arms. What more do you want?" she asked, wondering why he would want more tattoos. But he just smiles, and tells her she'll see.

And to her surprise, he wanted to tattoo her name. There was no space on his chest anymore, so he does it on both his arms instead, and asks the artist to draw a kind of door over Dan-a's name, he asked it to be drawn in a way that her name was still visible, but closed. He knew he could never erase his past with her, but he was ready to put that past behind a closed door, never to be opened again.

And Luna couldn't help loving him even more, she was grateful that he was finally pulling out of his misery, and happy that she could be a source of strength for him.

"I want one too." she had complained, and even though he had tried to explain that it would be rather painful, and that he loved her spotless skin, she was as stubborn as a stone, hellbent on getting a tattoo, and refusing to tell him what kind she wanted, only that she wanted it on the side of her thigh close to her hip.

And at first, he had complained that he didn't want anybody seeing her perfect body just because she wanted to get a tattoo, but then there was also a female artist in the shop, so he had no other reason to be against it. And even if he did, she wasn't going to hear it. "You're wearing tight jeans, it'll be uncomfortable and painful after you get the tattoo" He told her, and they decided to come back another day when she wasn't wearing jeans. He'd called Edoardo to inform him that she wasn't going home tonight either.

And when Edoardo had asked what they were both doing together, alone in that big mansion, he had answered and said, "Papa, it's none of your business." He then ended the call.

"Let's go." He held onto her hand as they walked towards his car, and suddenly out of nowhere, "Ahh_hhhhh" someone came running towards them with a knife in her hand, and Zeno was quick enough to dodge out of the way with Luna, causing the woman to fall to the ground.

"You bastards!" Joanna screamed, drawing more attention to herself and them…

"OH, my gosh, she has a knife."... "Get away from that side, I don't think she's normal,"... "wait a minute, isn't that the lady who came out and claimed she was raped?"... "it's Joanna the golddigger"... "oh dear, did she just try to stab that couple?"... "I think somebody should call the police" As they gathered around, different conversations were starting to form.

She'd been following them since they left the party last night. She couldn't get into the mansion because the fence around the land was high, and she'd been waiting that she could ambush them in a quiet place, but there was no such place at all. So she decided to just attack them in public, she was already destroyed, so it wouldn't hurt to worsen her situation.

"You ruined my life. You ruined everything!!" She screams, still pointing the knife at them. "Because of the both of you, I've become a laughing stock, I'm in every meme on the internet. I can't walk around freely anymore, you took everything from me. I don't even have a house anymore!! I lost my job because of you!!!" She charged towards them again, and when Zeno wanted to dodge her again, Luna stepped forward, and as Joanna reached where they stood, she landed a heavy kick on her stomach, sending the lady tumbling over the floor.