107. All of me..

"Have you finally developed some additional mental issues?" Luna hissed. "Or do you want me to beat some more sense into you?" She raises her feet as if to strike her again, then sets it down. "We ruined you? You are really senseless., Your life was already ruined the moment you dreamt of sleeping with him, you piece of trash. You had sex with a guy, and then you posted thee video with you in it, and then lie that it was rape, how was that our fault?!!" Luna yells at her, now seething with anger, Zeno just stood there, now feeling really apologetic that she had to handle this kind of stuff.

"Listen to me, nobody ruined you. You ruined yourself. You used your own mouth and hands to ruin you. You boldly made those actions, now boldly face the consequences,"

"Shut up!! Don't act all high and mighty, you ruined my life." she picks up the knife again, but before she could even stand on her feet, Luna kicks the knife out of her hand, and throws a spinning kick at the girl's face.

"I guess I didn't beat you up enough before. You want to relive that moment?" Luna threatens, but then the sirens of the police could be heard, and soon officers were standing there asking questions about what happened.

"Are you alright?" he asked her, as she stood in front of him beside their car, "I'm fine, stop looking at me with those apologetic eyes." she chuckles. "I'm sorry… I don't even have a word to say to you but sorry." He says, his lashes going lower with shame.

"Did you watch the video?" she suddenly asks. All around them were buzzing and talking, as the police did their job, but it was like it was just the two of them in the whole place. "I'm sorry you saw that," he says, feeling more ashamed of himself now.

"Don't be, through the video I got to know how much you want me." she says, a weird smile slowly crawling up her lips. "What do you mean?"

"You should have watched the video, others would think it's just a pet name for the woman with you, but I heard it… Piccola" she chortles, and his eyes and mouth slowly fell open. "You kept on calling for me, even as you were doing that with her… Piccola… Piccola… Piccola, do you really want me that bad?" She just couldn't help wanting to tease him, she knew he really loved her, she could tell. She'd seen how he looked at Dan-a back then, she'd seen the sparkle in his eyes, and now, she could see that twinkle there again, but not for anyone else, it was for her. The spark in his eyes was for her.

"Yes, I want you that bad." He declares, much to her surprise, she thought he was going to dodge the question. "Is that bad? I want…"

"You bastards!!!" Joanna screamed as she was being dragged into the police vehicle, and with a quick motion, she pulls out the pistol from the police officer, and *BANG*BANG* She fired two bullets at Luna. The officers quickly hold her down, and take the gun out of her hand, forcing her into the back of the car screaming and yelling.

Luna on the other hand, had her eyes closed tight, she breathed heavily, waiting for the impact of the bullet, waiting for that excruciating pain, but it never came. Neither the bullet, nor the pain… nothing. And then she realized it…, she was enveloped in huge arms, they wrapped around her like the wing of an eagle around its babies.

And slowly, her eyes fluttered open, she was in his arms, and she looked up at him, and he smiled down at her. "I got you," He says, and her chest was going stiff, like her lungs were being blocked, she could not breath, "DK," she choked on his name, "That's right, I'm your Dark Knight, ugh" He groaned in pain. "I will protect you," he says.

"Why__why_why_why… DK'' She could only say in silent gasps, tears trailing down her face. Her trembling fingers holding on to his face, "You__ you can't__you can't do this__ you can't do this to me." she cried even harder, her heart was tearing, and it was hurting way more than the bullet would have hurt.

He takes his hand to her eyes, and places his thumbs on both of them. "how many times do I have to tell you, don't cry because of me" He presses his thumb gently on her eyes, but his words only made her cry even more, shaking her head wearily, and he pulls her in a hug, trying to swallow the pain, but she punches him wearily with her fist, refusing to hold onto him, but he held her close, and warm, hushing her as she cried, till she could no longer throw any punches, and just held on to his shirt.

"W_why? Why did you get in the way? Why?" she holds onto him, crying into his chest.

"Because, you're crazy and I'm out of my mind… and you're my end and my beginning, even when I lose, I'm winning. Because I can't help but give you all of me."... "Zeno…" She called him wearily, like she was losing all her strength.

"Come on, say it." He urges her, as he buried his nose in the scent of her hair. She shakes her head in a no. "I want to hear you say it." The pitch of his voice was going lower, and it made her cry even more. "Please…" He begs.

She sniffles, and gurgles, trying to stop crying… "J_John Legend," she could feel his hold on her getting looser, the wind getting colder, the voices of people screaming and muttering was getting lower, the sound of the police sirens, everything was slowly blurring out, "All of me" she says it.

And it was like it was just the two of them in the entire world, no machines, no other people, no animals, not even the tiniest of insects, nothing at all, just the two of them, holding on to each other, in that wide and silent place.

And in that scary silence, she heard him say… "I love you." and his arms around her slowly fall to her side, his head resting on her shoulder. He had gone numb.

"D__DK…" she whispers. "Zee," she calls in a lower whisper. "Zeno…" but he still didn't respond. Her eyeballs rolled around frightened and confused, her arms around him held on even more tightly, rubbing his back, tugging at his shirt, tapping his shoulder, telling him to wake up… "Please… please don't do this to me…" his weight pressed her down, and slowly she bent to the ground with him in her arms. "Zeno… please… somebody, anybody… please" she cried, "Help me, please help me, Zeno… wake up, someone please… DK, help me, please… somebody"

Chapter Epilogue.

#Happy birthday to you… Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Luna… Happy birthday to you.#

"Quickly, make a wish and blow out the candles." Edoardo told her, and she put her hands together, her eyes closed tight, and after making her wish, she opened her eyes and blew it off in one go.

Later that night, she went out on the terrace with Zeno, and he asked her… "Hey, Piccola, what did you wish for?"

"It's supposed to be a secret." she had said. "Okay, I wasn't that curious anyway" He shrugs, knowing now, she'd be dying to tell him. "Okay, fine.. I'll tell you." and he smirks.

"I wished that you, Zeno, will never leave me." she says shyly. But then he turns and looks at her surprised. "What? That's what you wished for?" he asks, and she nods a big yes. He asked the question again, and her answer was still the same.

"Why would you waste your wish over something like that?" it was her wish, and yet he was scolding her. "You didn't have to waste your wish like that, it's not like I will ever leave you." He says, and she turns to face him, a girly smile playing on her face. "Really? Never?" She asks, and he tells her… "Piccola, where would I ever go and leave you behind? You should not waste your wish on something that is definite. I'm always here for you."