108. I won't cry...

Zeno was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance, and Marco and Mea who were out on a date too at that time came running first to the hospital, Edoardo and Nanny Maria had gotten the message too, and they were all gathered there, outside the operation room.

Praying and hoping, telling themselves that this wasn't the first time he would get hurt, wasn't the first time he got shot, this wasn't the first time, so everything was going to be fine.

Luna just sat there shivering, they'd tried to make her go into one of the wards and lay down for some time, but she didn't move a single step from where she sat. Her hands were bloody from holding him, her lips had stopped crying, but her eyes didn't stop, the tears just flowed continuously.

"He loves me, he'll not leave me__ he loves me, he won't leave me" Her lips continually repeated these words over and over again like a mantra. She had to believe in something so as not to crumble and fall. She had to hold on to something so as not to lose her mind. So she held on to the last words he told her. ``I love you. He had told her, and she replayed the words in her head. Telling herself that he loved her so he was not leave her.

They sat there, holding onto each other, waiting for hours, hoping that when the doors open, he'd be laughing and smiling with them once again. It was funny how one moment, a person was standing next to you perfectly fine and healthy, and then the next second, he was being operated on.

Edoardo bolted up from where he sat as soon as he saw Alfonso through the transparent doors, Marco and the rest of them gathered closer to the door as the man walked out alone… but Luna still sat there in a daze.

"How is he doctor?"... "He is okay now, right?"... "The operation was successful, right?"... "he's going to be alright," They all bombarded the man with questions as soon as he was out the door.

The Alfonso looks at them, then at Luna, then he looks back at Edoardo… "The operation…" their hearts were on standstill, waiting for the news, sweat running down their bodies. "was successful. Zeno is out of danger now, thankfully the bullets didn't hit any useful organs, he'll be brought out soon, and…" the rest things he said went into the air, as they all fell back with relief, Nanny Maria taking a sit next to Luna, Edoardo just rested his head on a wall thankful and grateful that he was okay.

Seeing that Luna was still shocked and out of her senses, Alfonso walks over to her, bending down in front of her. He was just clocking off that night when he was brought in, so he had seen how she cried and screamed, he knew she was traumatized. "Hey," he snaps his fingers in front of her simultaneously, pulling her out of her head.

Slowly, her eyes that gazed out, turned to look at the man in front of her… "You can relax now, your DK is out of danger." Her eyes fluttered as she heard those words, "uhh?" she gasps, the tears trailing down even further.

"Zeno is fine now, so don't worry anymore." And the instant he repeated those words, her head went blank, her eyes became blur, like the shut down button of her body had been pressed, and she fell back on the chair unconscious, causing another uproar, as they all rushed to her side, screaming and panicking all over again.

Luna opened her eyes slowly , she couldn't explain it, but her body felt weak. "OH, Luna…" Edoardo came running into the room as soon as he heard she was awake. "How are you feeling Luna, are you okay? Can you see me?" he asks, holding on to her hand as he speaks.

"Papa," Her voice was low and almost lifeless. "Where is Zeno?"

After a failed attempt at persuasion and talking, trying to tell her she had been out for two whole days, so she should not be walking about just yet, she refused, and insisted on seeing him first thing, she was taken to his room, where he laid on the bed, eyes closed, but he was breathing.

"The operation was successful, so why is he still not awake?" she had asked, she did not understand why he would still be laid down there motionless, when they say the operation was successful. Successful means he should open his eyes, right?

Alfonso had explained to her that the operation was indeed successful, and none of his organs were affected in any way, so he was going to wake up eventually, stating that he was just in a deep sleep, and that he could wake up anytime.

Sitting next to his bed side, she wipes the tears that fall from her eyes. He had told her not to cry because of him, so from now on, she wasn't going to do things he didn't want her to.

"See, I won't cry because you told me not to. So wake up on time and pat me in the head, and…" she sniffles, looking up to the ceiling so the tears wouldn't drop, trying to hold it all in. "and tell me I did a good thing. And give me a present for being a good girl. Okay?" she wipes her eyes again, closing it tight so the water would come out. She was going to patiently wait for him to wake up.