109. Passed away...

As the days went by, she literally moved into the VIP ward where he was, saying she was going to watch after him closely and personally. So until Zeno woke up, she was going to make the hospital her home.

His bed was big enough, so she shared it with him, holding on to him as she slept. She didn't want to miss him opening his eyes, so she rarely ever left the ward. She made sure to take care of herself well, eating all three meals so she wouldn't lose weight, he'd scold her when he wakes up and realizes that she skipped meals, and lost weight because of him, so she ate her food well. Nanny Maria always delivered home cooked meals for her

She took care of him too, cleaning him up when she needed to. A nurse had been assigned to do that, but she had refused, saying she was going to do it herself. They tried convincing her that it would be hard, but she didn't care. She was going to do it herself… So she cleaned him every morning, she knew how much he hated beards, so she helped him shave once every week. She was doing her very best.

Yes, it was tough, yes it wasn't easy, but what was even more hard to bear was that he still wasn't waking up. He'd been in that state for three months straight, and he still wasn't waking up. More tests and scans had been carried out, and there was nothing found to be wrong with him, all vitals showed perfect. The tests carried out proved that he was just asleep, nothing more. But how could someone sleep for thirty days straight?

"I just wonder what you're dreaming of, when you sleep and smile so comfortable." She says a line of a song as she lays next to him on the bed. "Do you know that one?" she asks as she fondled his fingers. "that one is called Heatwaves. You don't know it." she scoffs.

Then she looked up at his face, and she kissed his cheek that had sunken a little bit. "I really wonder what you're dreaming of that you refuse to wake up from." She hissed.

It was a beautiful dream, a very beautiful dream. She was in it too. In fact, she was the center of it. Papa was there too. Marco too. The dream was so beautiful that he didn't think of waking up. They had a family together, him and her. Two annoyingly gorgeous children ran around, calling him papa and calling her mama. A girl and a boy.

It was the perfect dream, he got to hold her in his arms every night, he didn't have to go to work, he just went from one vacation to another, just the two of them. The children were left in the care of Nanny Maria, who complained that the kids were a mixture of both their personalities. Sometimes they could have this deadly silence like their father, and other half the times, their mouths would run on and on like their mother. And they caused trouble like her too.

The dream was too good to wake up from, but he could not live inside his own head forever, not when the living and breathing human being patiently waited for him.

"Luna, you should go out for some time." Mea said. Over the months, they had gotten even closer. Since both of them didn't have friends, and they had previously faced a death situation together, they had bonded really nicely.

Edoardo had sent her today to try to convince Luna to get some fresh air. She rarely left that room, they were all sincerely concerned about her.

"It's alright, I'm fine in here. What if I go out and he wakes up? I don't want to miss that." She says the same old story she'd been reciting.

"that's what you said last time. Take a breather, he's not going anywhere. Just go out for some time and then come back." Convincing Luna was close to impossible, but Mea did, and she took her out.

"So how do you feel?" Mea asks, as they both sat down on a street bench , eating ice-cream. "To be honest, it's quite refreshing. So refreshing that it makes me feel guilty." She confesses.

"He's going to wake up soon Luna, don't worry too much." Mea tried giving her some encouragement, and she just smiled. As the day was coming to an end, they both went back to the hospital.

On getting to the hospital, something felt off, nurses seemed to be whispering about something, and then she heard it… "I really feel bad for him." one said… "I know right, we all hoped he would make it. His wife has been taking care of him through the past months." The other nurse says. "She doesn't even know he passed away yet, I heard she went out this afternoon, and she hasn't been informed of his death yet."