113. Bad for each other...

"DK!" She yelled as she barged into his mansion on that very cold December Christmas eve. On seeing her, he instantly jumped from where he sat, taking cautious steps backwards as he looked at the hammer in her hand and wondered what in the world she planned to do with that.

Some moments earlier…

"Marco, help me inform Mea that our dresses have arrived, so she should come pick out the one she wants." Luna tells him as she was about to go see Zeno, they had to go take their pre-wedding photos that day.

"Okay, I'll do just that." He says as he dropped off some documents for Edoardo.

"And also, tell her that we'll be going shopping for some extra things."

"Okay, just don't do anything more than shopping. The last time you both went shopping, it magnified to drinking after shopping, and I had to go through so much stress to find and carry you two because Zeno was busy." He reminds her.

"You had stress because you don't have that telepathic connection like me and Zeno. He always finds me without stress."

Marco scoffs… "That's because he has a tracker on you all the…" He slaps his hands over his lips with realization, Zeno was going to kill him. He'd chew him up and spit him out.

"What did you say? Tracker?" her eyes went even darker than usual. "What trackers??"

Back to the present…

"W_What kind of Photo concept do you want to do that you are holding a hammer?" Gosh, the more he loved her, the scarier she seemed.

"It's a simple and very detailed concept, called smash every gift my fiancé ever gave me… starting with our engagement ring." His eyes flew wide open as she placed the ring on the table, and lifted the hammer high up…

"Wait… wait… wait." He quickly says, still standing as far away as possible from her. "Just calm down, calm down first. Let's talk. We are civilized human beings Luna, so let's calm down, and tell me why you want to start smashing like a she-hulk?"

"Because my crazy, stalking, psychopath of a boyfriend has been giving me tracking devices as birthday presents!!" OH he was so gonna kill Marco.

"LUNA!" He screamed as she lifted the hammer up again. "Listen, calm down, I can explain. I swear, I don't use it all the time. Only in emergency situations. I swear it." He says, using his hands to signal that she put the thing down. "and I swear, there's no tracking device in the engagement ring, I promise you."

"We can smash it and see."

"Piccola, you can't just smash your engagement ring." He says with wide eyes.

"Of course I can, it's mine."

"Yeah, but I gave it to you."

"That's even more reason to smash it, because it might not be a token of your love for me, but a token of your obsession."

"Piccola there is no tracking device in that ring… You can't destroy your engagement ring over something like this" He says frustratedly, dramatically lifting his hand up in the air.

"Yes I can, besides, you can get me another one."

"It doesn't work that way… you don't just smash and make a new engagement ring." how in the world could he make this woman understand.

"Yes I Can," she deadpans, and lifts the hammer up again, and… "WAIT!!" He Yells, and takes in deep breath, Damn! Is she intimidating.

He took some long heavy strides, and he was soon standing in front of her, still cautious of the hammer in her hand.

"Luna, Piccola…, my love, the one and only moon that brightens up my dark sky," This was it, the way to pacify her, the way to melt that heart of hers, "The only reason why I love the air I breath, my twinkling star, my pretty little devil." He could see it. It was working.

"Trust me when I say, yes, I did put tracking devices in your birthday presents which… which I agree was a bit out of line, and over, but I swear it was just for your protection." She was getting calm, it was working… "And trust and believe me when I say, this ring…" He carefully picks it up from the table, hoping and praying the hammer didn't land on his hand suddenly.

"This ring has no tracking device in it. The only thing it stands for is my love for you. Nothing more. If you want, we can go get it scanned and tested. But no smashing. Alright, love?" He takes her hand with a silent permission from her, and slips the ring back onto her finger, placing a kiss on it.

"I'm sorry, if you want… you can throw out all those gifts."

"No, need." She says, and he couldn't help but wonder why she was suddenly being nonchalant about it, walking over to a chair and sitting herself down there. "Really?" he asks.

"Yeah, it's fine. Besides, I don't think it would be fair that I have a tracker on you, and you don't have anything on me." she suddenly says, and he couldn't help but wonder what in the world she was talking about having a tracker on him.

"You're not the only psycho… you planted a tracker on my gifts, I also gave you trackers as gifts too… there's probably a tracker in every wristwatch I ever gave you since I was five, and more importantly, I planted a tracker… in you" OH she was mad.

Now he was looking all around him, touching every part of his body, wondering where in the world she could have put it. And wristwatch… since she was five?? How? Where did she get them from, at age five??

"I know what you're thinking, where would a five year old get a tracking device from." and he nods a yes. "OH come on, being five does not mean I was stupid, and I watched movies like spy kids, and we can say our family is just like spy kids, so one time, I heard papa saying something about something that can find people, and it was in a wristwatch, and you can see where the person is through the computer. So as smart as I was, I searched through the house like a spy kid, until I found them. The tracking watches."

It was official, they were both psychos.

He didn't even know what to say about that, he was tracking her, she was tracking him. They were both out of their minds.

"So tell me, Spy girl… apart from the wristwatches you've given me up until this moment, where in my body did you hide your tracking device?" He says, moving closer to where she sat.

"mmm… Come here and I'll tell you," she says seductively, and like a puppy drawn to its master, he wiggles his tail to her, claiming her lips as soon as he nears them.

"You and me, we are a very, very, very wrong combo." He croons into her lips. "I know," she says, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. "We are bad for each other." He nibbles her lips. "Toxic, poisonous, dangerous, so wrong, and so bad for each other" she agrees.

"Marco says I'm obsessed with you, I think he's right. But I think you are too." He kisses her neck, sucking her there.

"You're obsessed, I love it, but you're right, I know my obsession with you is worse." She pulled his shirt off his back, and his hand slipped under her shirt, and as he cupped her breasts with his palm, she moaned into his lips, but then her eyes flew open.

"Photoshoot!" She yells. Instantly pushing him to the side. "Get up. We are so late." she was already on her feet, straightening up her shirt, while he sat there swallowing his own saliva, disappointed.

"We could shift the time." He says, holding on to a little hope that something was going down. But false hope is not something one should hold on to. "Get up and get ready," she says. And he just rolls his eyes in frustration.

"So we can get there on time, and wrap things up early. Then we can have some fun before the meeting with The Hoard." OH he really loved her. He loved her a million. In a minute, he was up and ready.

"Shall we?" He stretches out his hand to her, and she gladly slips her palm in his own, lacing her fingers through his, and he squeezes her palm tightly in his own.

"ooh" she gasps as he twirls her into his arms, slamming her upon his chest, making her cheeks flush a bright pink because of the way he stared at her.

"She's cunning as a fox… clever as a crow," oh he knew how to get her every time, just looking at him as he said the lines from a song, brought tears to her eyes. "Solid as a rock, She is stubborn as a stone, she's a hardheaded woman, and the best one that I know… and I love her." He says, causing her to laugh and let the tears fall, and he wipes them away.

"Come on, say it, I know you know this one." He says, and she sniffles and smiles. "Passenger__ And I love her" she says the name of the song and singer, and he leans in and kisses her forehead. "I really do love her__ I love you"

Life had thrown high and hard hurdles their way, but they made it. She, who loved him and him alone all her life, she had lost him at one point, but she kept on loving him. And he who had not seen her love for him on time, he who had learned to love and cherish her later. She had become his dream at night, and he had almost lost her, but was lucky enough to catch her before she was completely gone out of his grip.

He could no longer imagine this life without her in it, she was the light in his life, the reason why he could stand strong, but most of all, she was his savior.

Now he understood that saying, ``behind every successful man, was a strong woman.' She was his strong woman, she had always been there backing him up, even when she was little, she was always there to cheer him up, there to make sure he was not alone. She was his pillar. Without her he'd have probably crumbled to the ground a long time ago.

As petite as she was, her heart was big enough to hold someone like him in it, she was kind enough to love him, and fight for him, and live for him. And he loved her, and was forever grateful to God for giving him the grace to love someone like her in this life.

*End of Volume 1*

Hey y'all, this brings us to the end of the first part of this novel. Thanks for your constant comments and supports. I couldn't have done it without y'all. Volume 2 will kick off on the 25th of June 2023. I know, it's a long time, but bare with me till then. For now, Dream of her at Night will be on pause.

So to keep yourself busy, you can jump into my other works. The latest one, "Cloaked in an Enigma" it's a story that starts of like a normal simple love story, but it gets darker as it goes on. It becomes a dark romance. Y'all gonna love it I promise, so just click on my profile, and add it to your libraries.

And just to keep you hooked and anticipating for Dream of her at Night Volume two, here's a little Excerpt of what you'll be getting...


"Has anyone seen Zeno?" Marco asked as the wedding was about to start, and he was suddenly no where to be found.


"Ah thank God Mea, I was just about to call you. Is Zeno over there?"

"What? No!!! I'm calling you to ask you if Luna is over there? I can't find her anywhere. I just stepped out for a minute, and I... Ahh!!!."


"Marco!!! Oh my gosh!! There are some people shooting here, I don't know what's going on, Marco..."




"Nanny Marie!! Watch out!!" the lady screamed, but it was too late, the bullet already hit the old woman.


"Edoardo DeFalco, you are under arrest!!!"


"Who are you?" Zeno asks, the rage burning through his entire being.

"Ah, I was hoping you would see the resemblance, but well, I'll spell it out for you..." The man in a dark suit says.

"I am, my grandfather's one and only grandson... Lorenzo DeLuca Jnr."

See y'all in some months time (^_-) <3<3

Or better still, see y'all in "Cloaked in an Enigma" <3<3<3



Edit: This novel could no longer continue on the 25th of June as scheduled. It will be on pause till further notice.