112. Grand babies...

That night, she rode him till they both hit that climax, and then he had taken over, sexing her from the side, fondling her breasts all the way.

All the while, both of them tried their best not to moan too loud, finding each other's lips each time a loud moan was about to tear out of their mouths. It was a rather excitingly exhausting night, they were at it till the early hours of the morning when they took a slightly cold shower to ease themselves but even the bathroom became a Hotspot, as he placed her on the bathroom slab, and she held on to his neck as they went another round there.

After which he held her to sleep, deep inside his arms as she had wished for. "Zee, why do you love me?" She suddenly asks. and he stares at her in his arms, and then he kissed her, " You make me a better person." He says. "You bring out the best in me, Piccola. I like me better when I'm with you" He answered, and she loved his reply.

"DK, how much do you love me?" She asks again, and he laughs and kisses her forehead again.

"I can't tell you how much Piccola, because even i can't measure it... All I can say is, as much as I loved you yesterday, I love you more today, and as much as I love you today, I'll love you even more tomorrow." And Lords! he had a way with words, and she loved every word that he spoke. Snuggling up in his arms, they both slept better, together, completing each other.


"Here, take this drink to your mistress's room." Maria hands over a tray of assorted fruits, and freshly squeezed juice to the maid, and sends her up. "And you, take this up to master Zeno's room. Be careful not to wake him up if he's still asleep." He warns her, and hands her an almost identical tray with the first one, the only difference was that this one had freshly brewed coffee in a bottle in case he didn't want juice.

The first maid reaches Luna's room first, and Luna wasn't there, so she places it on the table and walks out. "Nanny Maria, she's not in her room," the lady calls out as she climbs down the stairs. And just as she climbed down the last step, the other lady opened the door to Zeno's room, and… *Clank*Clank*Clank. The rather beautiful but shocking view of the naked couple caused the tray in her hand to crash loudly to the ground, as she stood there with her eyes open wide.

Now both Luna and Zeno were on their knees in front of Edoardo, Nanny Maria stood at one corner with a sly smile on her face, happy for the couple, Mea stood there next to Marco with a big smile on her face, and Marco just tsked and tsked nonstop, wondering why control was hard for this couple.

"So, what did you say you were doing in Zeno's room?" Edoardo asks, and Luna looks over to where the annoying maid too knelt down, eyeing her devilishly. "Stop looking at the maid and answer me." Edoardo hissed.

"He just got out of the hospital, so I thought he'd be cold, so I was warming him up." A chuckle tore out of Zeno's lips, but he quickly muffled it. Well she wasn't lying, she did warm him up.

Edoardo closes his eyes and holds onto his head in frustration. "He needed a human heater?" he asks, and she nods a big yes, Zeno almost laughed out loud again, but holds it in. "So, was it warm?" He turns to Zeno now.

"It was at first, but then it became really hot, so we took a shower." He says, and Edoardo takes off his shoe and spins it at Zeno, but he was quick enough to catch it. "Did you just catch it?" Edoardo asks with his eyes wide open. And he takes off the other one, and spins that one at him too, but he catches it again. And the man could no longer take it, he stood up from where he sat, and Zeno too bolted up like lightning, running for his life.

"You foolish boy, you just got out of the hospital, shouldn't you be resting? Why didn't you kick her out when she entered your room? You could have done it when you were much better," And everyone paused, confused. Even Zeno stopped running.

"Wait, you're angry that I didn't rest, not because we… tangled" Zeno asks with an eyebrow raised.

"What do you take me for? An old fashioned father? Of course not, I blend with the trend. And besides, you think I'm stupid, I know you both already did it. A fully grown man and a fully grown woman were all alone in one big house, at night, and they are in love with each other… if nothing happened, I'd have taken you for a checkup." Edoardo deadpans.

"Wait, papa, so you're not angry that me and Zeno are… you know…" Luna too stood up from where she knelt down.

"Of course not, how will you make me grandbabies if you don't. I'm a very cool father, I know." Grandbabies, the thought alone made Luna blush, looking at Zeno with her eyes twinkling foolishly.

"Papa, I love you so much. Of course you deserve some Grandbabies" Zeno says, now moving closer to Edoardo. And a smirk crawls up the old man's lips as he drags Zeno down by the neck, punishing him for not controlling his monstrous desires and taking good care of his body instead. Dragging him round the house by his collar, making Zeno scream and beg, and Luna chasing after them, telling her father to take it easy because Zeno just got out of the hospital, and the rest of them just watched the lovely show unfold.



Pls and pls, this is a friendly reminder to y'all. Don't forget to check out my novel. "Cloaked in an Enigma" it's new, so you might have to type it in the search bar.

Pls check it out. It has zero collections for now, so help an author gain some ground by checking it out and if you like it, add it to your collection. Thank you.