Naruto: Rebirth in the Ninja World

Naruto: Rebirth in the Ninja World

Anime & Comics95 Chapters1.7M Views
Author: Mathematical_Pi
Table of Contents

This is the story about a person who used to live in modern world rebirthed in the ninja world.

Having watched a lot of anime in his previous life on earth, he knew a lot about the ninja world but, what if everything he knew wasn't correct?

What if there were entirely different outcomes for a small change he made?


This is a rewrite of my previous work, "Swordsman System in Naruto". I have this time tried to correct all my previous wrongs and make the story a lot better.

Try reading it once before you make a review or something. Also, just ask me if there is something you don't understand, just ask me.

Hit me up on Discord for anything related to the story or me :


23 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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This is, what you may think, the famous, Author Review. Here, in short I would like to answer some questions people may have before reading. 1. No, I did not put the tags wrong, there is NOT going to be any harem. 2. Romance is not the main focus of this story. 3. Everything in here has a reason for it to happen, nothing is happening without any connection in future. So if you can, trust me through some absurd things in between. 4. I have considered about the emotional approach of the MC a lot more. I have tried to portray him as a normal human who isn't perfect and may need help from his friends. 5. He is no goody-two shoes or the Hokage's dog. MC could give lesser f's about Konoha. He only stays here and defends it since his mother lives there and he loves her a lot. (A normal mother-son love. Don't ask that question) 6. As for the relations, those who have already read it in the previous work, please do not spoil it for the new ones (If there are any). 7. Lastly, Yup, Naruto will indeed take birth but not as the MC's son. 8. Ask me any other questions you have in the comment section in chaps, here or on my discord. Username is given in the story description.

2 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

2 years ago

Oh my God, there is no harem. I love you because there is no harem I will begin with the readers now, but 5 stars for you because there is no harem

2 years ago

What's the point of timeskip when you make 5,6 chapter's explaining the skip😐 Gfdudhgfgyggyhgggghyyghhgghhgghhgggghhhhggghhhhgghhhffhh

2 years ago

Writing quality is decent but template system power scaling is always a little flawed and limits character development. But if you like template system fics, then give this a read, as it is better than most.

2 years ago

Second review to counter act the first guy's three star lol

2 years ago

Just gotta say. It is too forced. Mc's Mother dies because he is too stupid. There was a lot of way to save her but mc needed his character development...

2 years ago

The third review, copying the 2nd to counter 1st review.

2 years ago

Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash 🤢🤮

a year ago

using this review to counter the fake reviews cause this book is not bad..................................................................................

2 years ago

i find this boring . i couldn't attach to the MC . i dropped this twice and in two days . now i don't remember anything about the story

a year ago

I really didn't like this book. It was just barely good enough to keep reading until the end and nothing really changes from the original story. The templates were not explored well and neither was his mother's clan. I think you should stop writing this and just start something new.

a year ago

Ima be honest here and say this. I may seem like I'm putting a review in here really early, afterall, I'm only 2 chapters in, but, there is just one thing I had to put in here that the author keeps doing. Please...PLEASE stop repeating your words so much. This is just advice from a fellow writer(although I don't really publish) and put some more personality into your characters. From what I can see, they're just generic with a basic face. What I mean by that is, for example, Yukan, the MC, is a bit flat and for the beginning of your story, that ain't a good sign. He has the all round, cliché sad backstory and even though he has a system, I feel that he's not really utilizing and exploring much of it...first of all, how did he get the template?(Probably explained later, right?) Second, another useful tip I learned, stop extending your paragraphs and sentences. There are way to many unnecessary words put into it, and rather than interesting, it makes it tedious to read. If you put into your sentence "Konoha was at peace once the battle was over" you don't need to continue adding afterwards 'The children were running around in happiness after the war ended.' It's repetitive and both still give off the same message, just in different words.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Я просто не могу читать дальше... 78 глав, я читал с большим трудом. Герой очень... пассивный? В общем не пытается. Он мог бы стать медиком... что за ерунда с талантом? Просто трудись и все... нет он полагается на систему. Вообще система это самый большой минус этого фанфика. был бы странный геном они было бы лучше, как и мечник, нет ничего что нельзя было сделать в рамках силы мира Наруто. Но самое плохое было в непонятном ориентировании на героя злодеев. Данзо психопат, а этого НЕ БЫЛО в каноне. Он был лживым но не убийцей своих без КРАЙНЕЙ необходимости. Учихи готовили переворот в деревне... конечно он решит их уничтожить, это логично. Но это не было поступком психопата, он был высокомерным идиотом с жаждой власти но не психом!

8 months ago