Soon the group came outside the schooland a camera turned and saw the group

At the same time in umbrella camp at city hall Ashford saw his daughter with and called the phone near them

At raccoon junior high school

A phone began to ring with no caller id

" It seems like her dad is calling " Said Alex

Alice lifted the phone and a voice came out of it

" May i speak to my daughter "

" First tell us how to get out of here ?" ssid Alice

" A helicopter will arrive here in some te that is the last helicopter before that the city will be wiped out "

" So i take it that the helicopter is not for us "

" No it has other purpose but it is lightly guarded you can escape with it "

" Where is the evac site ?" asked Alice

" May i speak to my daughter now ?"

Alice gave the phone to Angella

" Daddy"

" Hi sweetheart how are you ?"

" When can i see you "

" Soon this people are gonna bring you to me "

" Put the lady back on the phone "

" Where do we have to go ? "

" The helicopter would be at city hall come fast "

At the same time in the umbrella camp at city hall

Dr.Ashford was seeing the footage of Cctv suddenly the computer showed network failure and a voice came from behind

" Computer's are so unreliable like humans "

hearing that Dr.Ashford turned and saw kane

" Doctor do you think i don't know what you are doing behind my back "

And saw Alex face on the screen of last CCTV footage seeing him kane said

" Doctor you did a big help to me "

" I wanted to catch him but did not able to locate him but now he is coming here "

After saying that kane left the tent and came ouside and said

" Increase the security and order guards to carry sedative bullets at large amount and shoot this man as soon as they see him "

" I want him alive " said to the cheif security officer

" Yes sir "

" Alex you are a like mystery no record's of your life time and unknown powers and it makes me want to study it "

" Soon you will be in my hands" seeing the Alex photo in the screen of laptop

" Send this information to HQ "

" Send the nuclear warhead in l hour "

" Yes Sir "

" Now we have only 1 hour before this city was destroyed " said kane with smile

At the Raccoon junior high school

" Our destination is city hall " said Alice

" Let's go "

Soon all members boarded the bus

" who will drive this ? " asked carlos as all began to sit on the back side of bus

" No one it will move on it's own " Said Jill as she remembered how Alex driven the bus

What the bus move on it's own ?

Does this bus have some AI ?

As carlos was about to ask another question the bus started moving without the engine


" What how does this bus move ? "

All pointed towards Alex seeing that Alex thought he not the person to hide his power and act low key like some dumb protagonists and said

" Hey can you guys say it for me i am getting tired of my introduction to every single one of you "

" Okay i will explain " said terri

" Alex is now moving the bus with his power which is invisible force anf driving the bus with it "

What he has powers ?

What a cool power

" So Alex why are your eyes changed when curing me?"

" I was observing the atomic structure of your body at sub atomic level to find the virus as soon i found the virus i destroyed it "

" What sub atomic level ?"

" Okay i will tell you in a simple way all of you listen i will not explain again "

" Take the buiding as example what will happen if we remove pillars "

" The building collapses " Said Ange

" Nice answer Ange "

" That is also happens to atoms and all living organisms i can remove their principles which support their existence "

Seeing confusion on all people faces

" Okay take this seat as example and now observe "

As alex eyes began to glow and a pentagram symbol on his eyes and soon the chair turned to dust

seeing this all had cold sweat and thought

what will happen if Alex used it on them ?

what a scary power ?

Good thing Alex is on their side ?

I feel pity for his enemies

" Can you also use this on humans ? "

" Yes i can use it on anything as long as there are atoms i can kill virus and can even destroy a city with a glance "

" But don't think this has no disadvantages "

" Everyime you use it you will loose some of your eye site at normal conditions"

" But in my case i only get headache because of my immortality "

hearing that all was shocked

what he is immortal?

What the hell is he ?

Is he even considered human ?

what a scary guy ?

" Don't look at me like that i am good person as long no one disturbs me "

Hearing that all had a single thought and that is Never provoke this guy

" Can you also cure diseases ?" asked Angeas she came infront of Alex thinking about her dad

" Yes i can "

" Then can you cure my dad "

" I will try to cure your father don't worry " Rubbing Angella head with a smile

In the previous life Alex liked children very much for their innocent behavior and in this life also it didn't change he likes children very much