" Okay guys if you have any questions you can ask me ?" said Alex

" So Alex how are we going to deal with the security at city hall "

" What is there to deal with i will kill them as soon as we arrive "

Hearing that all remembered how powerful Alex is and thanked god for Apex being on their side

" I want to tell all of you one thing after leaving this city try not to directly fight against Umbrella "

" Why Alex ? " Aked Alice not understanding Alex

" Because they will do anything to cover up their mistakes and they make us culprits "

" Not only we also have to deal with virus "

"What do you mean to deal with virus ?" asked Jill

" Because the virus has already started spreading outside and soon the continent will become like this city "

What do you mean the whole country will become like this ?

Isn't that the end of our country?

And why are you saying it calmy ?

" What you mean this is not the end of this virus " asked Jill

" No the virus evolved from liquid state to gas stage and people will start to get infected as the time pases dlowly all cities will become like this "

" If we are targeted by Umbrella during this period we may face some difficulties "

" It won't be long before the world will become like this " said Alex remembering the plot

hearing that the whole bus became silent

" Why can't you stop it Alex " Asked Jill

" Do you want me to stop virus in air which is spreading throughout the continent "

" I am not that powerfull to stop the virus in air "

" Can Dr.Ashford stop this virus ? " Asked Alice remembering that he is the inventor of virus

" No the virus has mutated doctor cannot be able to stop but we have ask him "

Hearing that Ange became sad and seeing this Alex

" Don't be sad Ange It is no your father fault"

"He invented T virus as a cure but because of Umbrella it has become weapon "

" Your daddy invention is great but it has fallen into the hands of Umbrella so it's their fault "

" So Alex what are you going to do after this ?" asked Carlos

" I will follow Alice and pursue her until she fall in love "

Hearing this All thought

Is this guy dumb ?

Alice clearly love him ?

Anyone can tell that from seeing her face ?

This guy is seriously dense ?

Alice was also thinking how to tell this dense guy

You can't blame Alex as he is new to love this is his first time loving someone

" So Alice what are you going to do ?" asked Jill

" Since we have evidence we will try to fight Umbrella we can't let them get away with it "

" So Alex are you allowing her to do that "

" I always support her decisions "

" Didn't you say it was dangerous " asked Carlos

" I will be there it won't be dangerous until they decides to drop nuclear warhead on us even it eont work "

Seriously how strong is this guy ?

Even nuclear warheads don't harm him?

Hearing that Alice became happy feeling that Alex cared about her and hugged his hand said

" Thank you Alex "

While talking all arrived at the City hall and got out of the bus and started walking towards the building

Inside Umbrella camp

" Sir they have arrived " Said security seeing the group in the computer screen

" Order the snipers to take position "

" Did you send the hair sample we found in hive to HQ "

" Yes sir "

That is right they found Alex hair sample while they revisited the hive and tested it and saw different genetic structure compared to humans so they send it to HQ for further research

" Order them all of them focus on the man with red eyes "

" And capture him you can disregard others i want him alive "

" Alex i can't wait to know your secrets "

Because of Alex intervention this time matt didn't get caught and there is no nemesis program and also Alex caught the whole attention of Umbrella as they were curious about his powers

" You can't harm my daughter " Said Dr .Ashford

" Don't worry doctor our objective this time this man "

"Your daughter will not be harmed "

" Sir the target came into our range "

" Order the snipers to shoot on my command "

" Take positions "

"Shoot "

But none of them responsed and all soilders froze in the place seeing this

" What happened "

" Report it " shouted kane

And he had a bad feeling remembering how Alex dealt with them hive and he began to ran towards the helicopter to escape but he was stopped by invisible walls around him

" Where are you going ?" a sound came from behind him amd kane slowly turned his head and saw Alex was staring at him