Before 5 miutes the situation

" Alex we have arrived" Said Carlos

" Ange do you want to see magic "

" What magic ? "

" Nothing just see "

Alex scanned the building with telepathy and saw the locations of doilders and stopped their movements with telekinesis due to the previous usage of Telepathy the brain adapted and this time didn't cause any strain

" Let's go all guys are dealt by me "

As always this guy is a cheat all thought in their mind and

soon all the group came to the near helicopter and saw kane standing there and at a distance a man in wheel chair seeing him

" Daddy" shouted Angella and ran towards him

" How are you sweetheart ?"

" Daddy i missed you "

" I also Missed you"

" I know dad you won't leave without me "

" How can i leave without my daughter "

" Thank you for bringing my daughter safely " said Dr.Ashford facing the group

" Hello it is nice to meet you doctor " said Alex

shaking hands with doctor

" And It is nice to finally meet the creator of T virus "

" Who are you ?" asked Dr.Ashford

" I forgot to introduce myself i am Alex walker these are my group mates she is Alice , She is Jill valentine , She is terri morias , And the rest they can introduce themselves "

Hearing that all guys thought

This guy how can he treat us like that ?

He is clearly biased towards females

when the guys were about to introduce themselves Alex cutt off them

" Now is not time for introductions "

Then what about you fucker ?

All guys thought

" you all go and board the helicopter i wll come after asking few questions " said Alex walking towards kane

" Kane a scientist of Umbrella "

" Alex an unknown person with no background " said kane

" If seems like you investigated me but seeing your face i take it you didn't find anything about me "

" How about you cooperate with umbrella we can give you anything " said Kane with sweet words

" Nope not interested in being your lab rat "

" Now i am going to ask some questions and you have to answer them "

" Do you think i am fool i know you will kill me at end so i will not answer anything "

" Well i expected this answer "

After Alex saying that Alex invaded the kane mind and saw all umbrella operations and also saw many T virus experiments and strangely there are no other memories except that there are no childhood memories he has only memories of three years

" Hey can you tell me about your childhood ?"

" Why do you want to know about it "

" Nothing just out of curiosity "

" I don't remember i only remember working for Umbrella "

" Okay i excepted that now goodbye enjoy your time with zombies "

" No you can't leave me here "

"Yes i will " saying Alex turned and walked towards the helicopter and boarded it

" Take off now " said Carlos seeing Alex arrival

soon the helicopter propeller started rotating and the helicopter began to lift from the ground

and began to fly to the ouside of the city

" Guys see the that " Said payton who was seeing the city

under the watching eyes of all the missile detonated at city hall and the vibration vaused by it destroyed all city and soon the city became ruins and big mushroom cloud formed

" Fuck Umbrella they left no evidence " said Jill

" Like i said they will do anything to coverup their mistake "

"If you want to fight them you have to prepare for either you die or escaping from them "

Hearing that all became silent and thought what to do in future

" You said you can cure my father " Asked Ange

" Yes i can cure him but first i have a question for him " saying that Alex turned toward the doctor

" Dr.Ashford do you have a way to deal with new evolving T virus "

" No i also didn't except T virus evolution this much nothing can stop and we only have liquid state anti virus whereas T virus has evolved into gas state and is changing constantly "

" Thought so " said Alex

" System buy a intermediate healing potion "

[ 50 points deducted ]

And a test tube with red liquid appeared in Alex hands and handed it over to Ange and said

" Give this to your Dad it will cure him "

Ange took the test tube and gave it to Dr.Ashford seeing the liquid in the test tube

" What is this ?"

"A magic potion which heals the injuries and diseases "

" Do you except me to believe that "

"can anyone also believe in the zombies and dead bodies moving with virus "

" You have to believe there are somethings that are beyond human understanding and one of them is me "

Hearing that Ashford also thought of Alex mysterious power and decided to trust him

" Can it really cure my legs ?"

" Yes you can able to walk "

Ashford opened the bottle and drank the potion and a warm current passed through his legs and he felt he can able to walk and standed up from his chair and seeing this all were slightly shocked they adapted to Alex mysterious and thought it one of them

" Daddy you are able to walk " said Ange and hugged him

" Yes ange thank you Mr.Alex for this "

"There is no need of that i promised Ange "

soon the ground landed 50 miles outside the city

" Alex why are we stopping here " asked Alex and all of them nodded

" The helicopter may contain tracker we cannot travel in it anymore "

" From here we will go to nearest city and decide what to do " hearing that all thought and nodded

" Let's go " said Alex