Chapter 46 : Meeting

After one year

Now Alex was flying towards the Arcadia above the sea and soon saw a group of people on the deck roaming and landed in the middle of the deck

Seeing Alex landing

" Who is that ? "

" Did he just fly ? "

" Someone Go and call the leaders "

While the people were talking and maintaining a distance from Alex

The ship door which leads opened and Alice ran towards and hugged Alex

" Did you miss me ? " asked Alice

" Yes i missed you very much "

They both separated from each other as other people was staring at them

" Alex it seems you have finished your work " said Carlos who came after Alice

" Alex long time no see " Said Jill life changed from the plot because of Alex intervention

" You too Jill it is good to know you are safe"

Luna also came after Carlos and Jill seeing her Alex came towards her

"Luna i missed you " said Alex rubbing her hair

"Me too brother "

" I have something important to tell all of you call Claire "

In a meeting room

Alice , Alex , Carlos, Jill, Claire, Luna were sitting around a round table

" Alex what do you want to tell us ? "

"All of you how do you think the T virus spread ? " asked Alex

"Isn't because of accident in hive " said Alice

" No Luna what do you think about it "

" It is as Alice said my data also said that Virus leaked by accident "

" It seems you also don't know the true cause behind the virus incident "

" What do you want to say Alex ? "

"What if this Apocalypse was planned by Umbrella from the start and they have no intention to stop until humanity is wiped out "

"What are you saying Alex ? "

"I attacked Umbrella HQ and obtained information that is pretty much shocking to know "

" The umbrella planned this 17 months before the Raccoon city incident "

"They released the T virus "

"They want humanity to die so that they can start a new life over the dead bodies of humanity "

"They thought they can lead Earth to a new era "

" All of this planned by them "

"All the Umbrella employees we dealt with are clones the real people are hiding "

"They are in deep sleep at a safe place "

" You mean to say the T virus was released by them "

" They planned all this Apocalypse "

" Yes "

After one minute

" Those bitches caused all of this fuck umbrella " Said Claire

"What can you except from Umbrella "

"They only think about themselves and they think they are always right " Said Carlos

"Yes what can we except from a selfish organization "

" Why did they do this ? " Asked Luna

" They thought the world was about to be destroyed by human wars and over population "

"As the world was about be destroyed "

"They thought they will destroy it and build a new one "

"They choose a few people and went into deep sleep and will rebuild the world with them "

" They are bunch of hypocrites "

"They have no right to decide other people future " Said Claire

"Yes who are they to decide that the world is about to be destroyed "

"What can you except from Umbrella "

"So how do they plan to take back Earth from undead "

" They have an Airborne Anti virus which they developed along with T virus "

"They will release it after the humanity was wiped out "

"This anti virus will kill any creature that is infected is with T virus "

"Does this mean Alice will also die "

"There is also T virus in her body " Said Jill

"No the Anti virus will only Kill T virus and does not harm any living cells "

"So Alice will not die "

"So where is the the location of Anti virus "

"The place where all of this started "

"Hive " Said Alice

"Yes we are going to attack Hive and deal with umbrella "

"When are we going to attack ?"

"Before attacking we have to contact red queen "

"Isn't she dead ?" Asked Alice

"No she is functioning and all Hive operations are controlled by her "

"Luna try to contact her "

"Okay "

"I think she may be able to help "

"Why ? isn't she created by umbrella "

"Yes but not all people agreed to this plan "

"Some people opposed this plan "

"Who are they ?"

"Alicia marcus she owns half of the Umbrella and she opposed the idea but the company didn't listen "

"I think she has some relationship with Alice "

"Alice do you know her ?" asked Jill

"No i don't know anyone by that name and i also don't have my memories of childhood "

"Why do you think she is related to Alice ?"

"They have the same appearance but she looks older than our Alice "

After finishing the meeting Alex said

"All of you prepare to go to hive "

"We are putting a stop to this never ending undead "

"Yes "